This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Clean up how exactly? By forcing players who already beat the content to play it again and teach the new players?

    That’s not my problem, until now. They just made it my problem and I’m not ok with it.
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  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    They don’t even have to do that. They should just clump them together with other new players, throws them in the blender and let them figure out themselves, JUST LIKE WE HAD TO DO WHEN IT WAS BRAND NEW.
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  3. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    No, they are showing why it was far more important to take your time and build up your first character rather than succumb to the gravitational pull towards end game CR… and how you cannot always rely on some fully geared players (many of whom got that way through cheese, carries, or riding along with speed hackers) to do the hard work for you. It’s fully restoring the need for teamwork… the one concept that seems to get lost when running older content. It’s also shattering these solo support role metas… meaning you need smarter burn, not more of it.
  4. BaccSeat New Player

    Check this out… I have been playing this game for years already. NEVER SAT IN THE WATCHTOWER A DAY IN MY DCUO LIFE and faithfully grinded this game everyday. Alot of people for this clamping keeps saying that well now we have to communicate or people just wanted to always feel more powerful. Turns out that should’ve been the point for this game. This game was never just relied on gear in this game. Have you played this game everyday? Have you seen waht could happen to a person with just gear and no arts in a current episode. This game all fell back to skill points and grinding skill points. You are knocking that from every individual who grinded this game everyday just to help new comers. Guess what!!!? Im in a league that has been excepting new comers or returning people who have had 200sp and we helped them reach 300 to 320sp in a month. New skill points are still coming by the episodes and events which cause more time to grind. Now your going to knock that from people who wants to go and get there old feats for people who want to reach 400sp.

    You have people who spent there hard earned money on this game for artifacts as well. You mean to tell me that my league members are now going into raids with 410sp and maxed artifacts and getting out dps’d. Here comes the people who are saying that now your just relying on dps. Well that’s not the point because me and the league also had struggles before the clamping due to MECHANICS ALREADY. Now people are beginning to think do these artifacts matter as much anymore. Mainly what about my SKILL POINTS. This game was never unbalanced when it came to levels because it showed who was grinding for the skill points to get strong and who “sat in the watchtowers to just duel all day.” New comers do matter but there’s a time and place for that and if they really wanted to play the game thats what leagues were made for and they do exist still. No matter how strong we were, we could help them all day but it had to take time like it did for us when we was low to become better. There’s literally no point at all for stat clamping. Higher level people as well as high skill point people are still trying to grind every single day in the 3 newest episodes. Trying to get feats for skill points and even reach elite gear. We still struggle to level up. This update is good for show but the stat clamping is horrible and wont help in the long run. People are thinking that most people are leveling to fast that is because these are people who are willing to spend time and grind. Now you have people spending almost an hour every raid. When it comes to these new allies they are basically artifacts 2.0 but arts don’t matter as much right now during stat clamping so whats gonna happen now.
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  5. Civil Well-Known Player

    This is true, but clammping gear is 50/50, you can always make it a turn on/off feature. But you've said it yourself. alot of people are new, but their are people in high teirs, that don't understand what their doing, and not everyone wants to teach every single person every time you're in an instance on how to do a boss that came out 3 years ago. You can always make a premade you probs are saying, but its hard when you aren't from the US and by the time you get on half of dcuo is already offline.
  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    well. its not a single player game, people should in theory be able to carry others, that is one problem with having Que only content, i mean, we can take a group and walk into story missions, but that isn't very rewarding,

    i did my 1 of 5 solo and got the science spire , where you follow lois and fight the kryptonians, and i had to try, it wasn't quite as hard as it was when it launched, but the way we are clamped to a level around the instance ,and not able to be over it, is not really that cool. i mean what is the point of the grind if we can never be over qualified to an extent over older content,

    its mixing a newer mmo style with a older more player driven mmo style when people today aren't use to grouping up for long periods of time, leagues are almost a joke, i mean what do you get out of them besides a chat and a league hall, not much really noticeable,

    i do agree with both parties in this instance ,i understand why they did what they did, but, i do think, being able to choose , like a medium, hard, or easy level of difficulty might as well. this game is about automatic results, and queing up, its not about , finding and making friends, "in a gameplay sense its not really needed" they doubled down with a new q, with a even more automatic approach, like i dont get to just que for any solo challenge i want, they pick it, which is fine but, takes away from the player choice experience.
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  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    It’s hilarious that you say that, because I did take my time and build up my characters. I didn’t rely on fully geared players, when new raids came out we had to figure out how to beat them, there were no fully geared all knowing end content players to walk us through it, that’s the kind of experience that builds a proper character and I hope the devs know that nothing they did in this update will ever make their new players as good as players in my generation in dcuo.
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  8. Civil Well-Known Player

    They've done this clamp **** before no? I swear they have, they must really want it in the game, and ye we had to do that true, so why do we have to relive what we've already done. If you want people to relive something, make it a turn off or on feature, not force us to get a premade for content that came out years ago.
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  9. Civil Well-Known Player

    Exactly, we did all that hard work, to get to the end game gear, to have it not matter anymore, and to have to get premaids, which is hard for people who aren't from the US to get good players who know what to do, to old **** they struggled to do before, to know how to struggle through it again, what is the point of getting to 330+ when I get clammped through every instance and need a premaid for anything thats need more then 1 player to do, if you want a challenge, make it a turn off and on feature, the high end content Is the next new challenge in itself, if you want to relive the old times, don't force it on everyone. Not everyone wants to wait an hour to make premaids for old content. Then theirs the otherside, searching for a queue, getting in a team, and then having to explain every mechanic every time you search for anything. It's time consuming and is a pain in the ***, not even FFXIV is like that, and you're clammped in everything, but its actually fun, and challenging, they did it right.
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  10. Civil Well-Known Player

    That wouldn't waste anyones time? make clammping queues and normal queus seperate if you want clammping in the game so badly, they will do it properly.
  11. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i agree with that, but the game is over 10 years old. if they wanted to make a statement with that, then they re develop everything when it comes to the entire on duty tab, and CR in general, take it all back to the black board and just create a totally new stacking stat system, with a more open for players to make a build, cause its still got the old cr chasing milestone , and that is most peoples beef, they changed things , some good ideas, but the way our characters are stated out is the same.

    making a change on what u can do, and how hard levels are doesn't really do much but irritate most , cause , i pay 15 dollars a month, and still have to buy things, that's a given and most of us don't think about it, but,

    a mmo use to be not f2p, a trial maybe, but paying 15 dollars should get you EVERYTHING , and then we buy new dlcs, that changed 2011, after swtor took over swgs star wars mmo spot, world of Warcraft changed, ever quest has a f2p system,

    from a business standpoint, f2p is ideal to get new people. and stylized items in a market place is a capitalism ists dream, but its bad for the players at the end of the day, cause we pay extra money for things they we use to get for free. ergo that 15 dollars a month, should cover,
    I'm kind of torn on what to think.
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  12. Civil Well-Known Player

    I agree to have clammping in the game aswell, but ONLY as a turn off/on feature, not forced upon.
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  13. Civil Well-Known Player

    at this point, their new and have people to carry them, bots, or trolls, if you are somehow new in 300 range, that is an absolute joke. They've already made sp not as important as how it use to be, and now clammping the sp down lol
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I honestly think this is the best thing for the game in the long term. I was in FOS 2 with a bunch of 300+ CR who had completely forgotten the mechanics (including myself, do I stand on the clear parts, on the rock? What's with the tentacles? Why can't I shoot the boss?!) And you know what, it brought me back to why I played this game obsessively 10 years ago. The group would wax and wane, with a small core of people toughing it out. Oh my God, the whining was hilarious. Suddenly not being able to burn things down became breaking the game.

    The next two weeks are going to be drama central, then it will settle down. I'm pleased as punch about this update, the glitches notwithstanding, but they'll get fixed. The core and spirit of the game changed yesterday, and I think that's a good thing.
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  15. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    You have to see this defeats the purpose. Why it could drive new customers and return old customers..right? My experience with trying to play the old instances is that well over half of the people are end game content players who abandon the newer users to die in the first room. So, if its optional, those same players are going to choose to do the same thing. Thus, making the que non existent for individual things. There is no reason for it to be an option, if its optional and the player base doesn't explode immediately you may as well not do it at all.

    I do see this as an all or nothing thing. Optional is not an option.
  16. Civil Well-Known Player

    That is true, I made a fresh account from my ps4 to pc, cause transfering will never be a thing, and its very hard to find a low tier instance, with further pushes my point. Why do I have to waste so much time teaching and depending on players from content from years ago that almost everyone has done, do I want to leave new players in the dust, no. but it should be a option, or its completely removed. dcuo is a team game, but 80% of the players still playing are end game players, knowledgeable or not, I'm not going to depend on people every single instance or to teach every single mechanic, if I want to do that, ill do the newest content, thats why their is new content. New content is meant to be the newest challange, to make your character even stronger. new content needs teamwork, and so it should, or do a seperate tab for instances that are clammped, one for not clamped, one for clamped.
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  17. Civil Well-Known Player

    This isn't ffxiv, this is dcuo, you are meant to becoming strong. that is the point. its not for your time to be wasted on sp, to then be clammped, or your artifacts you grinded hours and hours for to be weakened hard, if you want the game to be good for the long term, they should have done this when the game was released. Not years later. And if that, make it a turn on/off thing, or make it a whole new tab in the queue.
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  18. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    It's not going to happen. Either they will keep it this way or they will remove it. Optional isn't an option. I know the mechanics in the earlier raids, it didn't matter. People who used those raids in the past ruined the experience for me. So, optional means nobody using them. Which means I can't progress at all with my alts. Or, removing it, which gets it back to how it was, in which case I leave again. Zero hesitation to either scenario. I am not sticking around with the status quo that made me leave. Even with league members with the end I wasn't doing anything but progressing. I wasn't even playing the game. I was just there and they played OP to pave the way for me. It wasn't fun, it wasn't fulfilling, and its the worst MMO experience I've had since I've started playing.
  19. Civil Well-Known Player

    remove it then, if you think it can be optional remove it. don't end a game changing feature that changes the foundamentals of the game, trying to be ffxiv when it never will be.
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  20. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Then tank instead of just being another dps like the rest of the population
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