Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. BadRandom New Player

    i started dcuo the first hour it has been released, and my whole league gonna farm those old elite raids.

    Now what? Stop defending the fact that players in this game reach endgame too fast and have no idea of what they are doing. Now they are gonna learn thegame like in any single other MMO in the market before they can go to endgame or elite raids, weird isn't it? No just a good move from the devs.

    This is just gonna make the game better and and ton of vontent to play.
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Um this has been a suggestion for years on the forum .. I don’t know where you’ve been but it’s come up many times

    And to respond to your post … plenty of people will be playing this content again … because this is how you will farm your source marks unless you wanna struggle getting them through duos and solos only you’ll want to run the raids and alerts to get the most you can…. I mean that's what it seems like anyway

    And if the devs were smart they’d make older content reward you more artifact materials then end game would, chances of catalysts dropping, seals of preservation, maybe seals of completion, there are lots of ways they can entice end game players to want/need to run older content Which only benefits the entire community

    Who is to say you will struggle just cause you are clamped … do people struggle to complete the seasonals ?imma go a head and answer that for you … they don’t and yes you are clamped there. The devs are adjusting numbers so you don’t feel weak. They’ve plainly said you won’t feel weak you just won’t be able to one shot everything you will have to follow raids and alerts as they were intended to be completed.

    Tell me tho what is the enjoyment of one shotting everything in sight? No one has answered that question … does it really few like an accomplishment?

    Most mmos do this to their older content so it is still relevant dcuo needed to do this. it’s not like you’re not getting anything out of it … the rewards will be useful to you and needed.

    Dcuo needs to do lots of revamping but this is a step in the right direction I think… then again I’m not emotionally invested as some here seem to be
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  3. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I don't understand the fascination of things turning out bad for others because it did not go your way. All I see is imaturity here.
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  4. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

  5. Incindius Level 30

    It took me like two weeks to get to 322. Also comments on a youtube video isn't really indicative of how actual players feel about it. I mean I can make a few dozen youtube accounts right now with minimal effort in order to make it sound like 36 people don't like something instead of just one.
  6. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    I agree with this one and wana hear arguments againts ....
    Some people says feats are easy to get when you wait long enough but in same time hacker / glitchers geting this feats and nothing happend to them so it must be other arguments .
    People dont wana run old content over and over again all they want is new challenges / dlc /survivalmode and fixing PVP but instead of that we geting some BS and then we gona hear that devs listen what comunity have to say .
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  7. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I remember a similar situation with PVP where players with level 10 could kill a lvl 30 fully geared pvp player or even one shot him.

    They tinker with PVP and they completely broke it and now they don't even want to fix it. Now they do the same with PVE.
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  8. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Dirty lie. Up character from lvl 1 to 330+cr take a month on f2p account. Members can do it faster. And I played not more than 4-5 hours per day so it's not hard at all.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Partially Correct. We'll play old content because it's fun to play, not for feats or style or to help newcomers. However, many of us have no problem helping newcomers at the same time, but it's not the primary reason for running the content the way it was created to be run. We do it for fun, because this game is fun.

    Nobody needs any content or to even play this game. Hopefully everyone is playing because it's fun and enjoyable. That's why video games should be played.

    It HAS been a problem. Ten years worth of content, 50+ raids and only 1-3 at any given time being difficult enough to require more effort than braindead button mashing? We're forced to run the same 1-3 raids over and over and over and over again if we want to play this game and experience anything remotely resembling a challenge. That's dumb AF. Plenty of loyal players feel exactly the same way.

    It wouldn't matter if you literally went to hell and back three times over if the end result is reducing others' playing experience to "you might as well go AFK and go make a sandwich, your contribution and the end result will still be roughly the same". Who in their right mind would be grateful for a gaming experience like that????

    I'm looking forward to enjoying old content the way it was meant to be played. Lots of people in my league and other in-game friends have expressed similar thoughts.
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  10. JSnaples Committed Player

    Tell that to new players, leveling up is a pain now a days because like I said 341cr is a long way, sure us older players know some tricks like buying gear from the broker and we know you can just use flashpoint currency to buy some pieces you cant get but not everyone knows that. Especially when a lot of zones can be dead or instances you need arent popping up
  11. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Stronger...yes. Omnipotent? Not so much.

    There is a balance to be had here.
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  12. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    An easier fix would be to teach newbies how to LFG & make their own groups if they didn’t want strong pugs.. was that really not thought of? Its a crazy mindset to think we are going to run w/out loot locks in anything but the fastest content. Days where i could carry ppl w/ me thru gates, not anymore, & why q it as a high level when you could run something faster like fos3 for the exact same marks.
  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    I mean players do get a special currency from running omnibus that lets you get cool stuff. That’s a pretty big incentive to run old content for a while.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's what the Quick Play feature is for. Players opt in for that, and the system will pair them up with people for Duos, Alerts and Raids that are within their entire CR range.

    As for Older players not wanting to run older content...they're placing iconic weapon styles into all of that older content (and possibly other surprises as time goes on), so for those who want that sort of thing there's that. Since the older content won't have loot locks and they will all be rewarding full Source Marks, those wanting to get as many marks for Catalysts or to convert into Quarks (to buy Time Capsule items from the Booster Vendors) will have a smorgasbord of content to choose from to get their marks all day every day (There won't be any Source Marks in the 3 latest Endgame Episodes). And who knows, maybe those players will wind up playing with newer lower level players as well as returning players.

    One thing is for sure, no amount of pleading will get them to reverse their plans. That's not how they operate. They will launch this and then take feedback based on actual participation on what's here and not how people feel about the idea. They will make adjustments. Only if it ultimately fails after they've made adjustments and all that will they even consider making drastic changes. But this thread and others like it...not enough to convince the company to reverse things as they stand.

    Sorry, I too hated the idea of Stat Clamping on principal...but after actually looking at what they are trying to accomplish and having done some limited testing, I can't blindly agree with the anti-clamp crowd. Again, this isn't something I wanted...but it's coming. People's efforts would be better served by testing as much as possible before it goes live so that they can adjust as much as possible before release (though I know there will still be a lot of adjustments coming regardless once it goes live).
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Their goal is to get everyone (or as many as possible) to play together. Giving players an out right now would completely defeat that goal.
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  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I thought the goal was to grow the population. Alienating a large segment of the population isn't going to help that goal.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    I have been following the End Game Testing thread and from what I have read on there, I’m not as pessimistic about the stat clamp as I was at first. I still don’t like the idea of it, but doesn’t seem to be as bad as I imagined. My only point of reference was the stats revamp, that made me want to quit, in fact I think I did for a few weeks.

    I would urge patients, let’s see what the end result of all of the Dev’s work will be and then we can make a more inform decision. I’m still bitter about the stats clamp, I have not yet been convince that something I worked hard for isn’t being taken away from me, but I’m willing to give Daybreak the benefit of a doubt that they are going to do right by us High CR players. The new member benefits seem meh to me but we shall all see soon enough.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Thank you for pointing this out, since they have several goals. That's a pretty bold claim, alienating a LARGE segment of the population? I've seen 7 maybe 8 names so far vocally dissenting this change. And all these people are dissenting this change based on the idea of the stat clamp...not the way it has been implemented or how severe it seems to them upon testing. Just the mere idea of it. Meanwhile you haven't given any thought to the fact that as things currently are, it is alienating former players and many potential new players who read about long queues that don't pop, and when they do, High CR players trivializing things to the point that there's nothing for them to do. Then when they make it to endgame they get kicked out of groups and met with toxic behaviour because they don't know what they're doing.

    What about the people who have been constantly complaining that all there ever is to do is top 2 or 3 episodes, and that older content offers no rewards? What about those who complained about CR relevancy? Were people really expecting to be fully rewarded while being able to trivialize content? Does that make any sense? At least this way there's a compromise.

    I'm not sure who mentioned their future strategy, but if you really don't want to run clamped instances for Source Marks, you can open world content including bounties and never step foot in an older instance. I know that's not what you're asking for either, but it keeps you out of those runs.
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  19. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Well, I really don't know if anyone will have a way to explain it that would be acceptable or meets whatever criteria to be even close to being a reasonable response.

    Maybe some other game could better explain it that does not clamp older instances, I should probably say some other MMO but I don't think it would help either.

    Maybe going back to the beginning would help.

    Not with all the knowledge that has been gained, but with no idea of anything to how the game works or even only with the knowledge that it's supposed to be a superhero game.

    With that lets examine why would my character go from level 0 to level 1 and when I go up the enemy goes up.

    In any other MMO, if I go up all other enemies go up as well, so I guess probably not a good reason to bring in other games, but still.

    The only explanation that I can give is this is only bringing DCuo up to be more of a MMO style game and away from arcade style, sure it still is casual.

    I understand the pain of change, mainly fear.

    Now all of a sudden, we have to pay attention to mechanics, we can be exposed, the cool group won't want to run with you, etc. etc...

    The word casual is not made up, you don't have to be hardcore to beat any of the content..

    You do have to play the game though, like actually run stuff, make friends or don't.

    However it make 1 feel, we can create a good experience or a bad experience...

    That mainly is up to you, because no matter how the responses go, it will never change the opinion of anyone with their mind set on negativity and hyperbole being what drives their ultimate decisions.

    Good luck though with the doomsday narrative, if by now the game has not shutdown, I seriously doubt this will change anything except for the small number of people who will probably leave just to come back asking whats new.
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  20. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Regardless of your position, it is way too late in the game to stop the stat clamping. The Devs have obviously spent plenty of time designing this system and will not just up and scrap it, the key now is adaptation. How will players adapt to the new system? How will the Devs adapt to players concerns regarding this new system? I doubt this update is the finished state of the new DCUO, it is the just the beginning. Perhaps in the future they may decide that the stat clamping was a bad idea, but not before us little hamsters go for a nice long run in the wheel.
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