Movement mode/iconic 2500sc (increase to 5000)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Badname392023, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Sounds like it would be easier if you round up a like minded posse and run elite content rather than devs wasting time and resources to cater to a small? group of players.
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  2. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix



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  3. Mr.W Committed Player

    This doesn't always apply though. There's no standing together for it during the trigon fight, zues last dlc, lex, brimestone, or oracle bot. even ultraman discouraged this b/c the mines would one shot lol. These are just a few fights in a long list. Sure bloom can give sc, but is that healer able to keep their group up long enough to charge the dpses when then could put something on that directly sustains their group? I've seen many who couldn't. These can be great utility if a player is skilled enough, but it by no means guarantees a victory.

    Also, not being rude, but if you dislike the play-style that much, you could just LFG for non-gemini users.....
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  4. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    Why do you care so much on what other players achieve any way? Are you asking for these changes because you can’t finish elite content and want to cause that for other players out of jealousy? or is it that you’re looking for a real challenge. If so, i could suggest you going into elite content without a tank, voila hardcore mode. or what some others suggest, get a group that is like minded and agree on not using supercharges. What will have to change after these changes? Removing superpowers and weapons in elite content because bosses die to quick in some groups? Or a 5th ultra hardcore content? Stop trying to change the game, because it will never be good enough for some.
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  5. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    Bad idea
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  6. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Everything should stay as is not every healer or tank uses EOG. But the devs have important Thing's to do plus there is a update coming for SCs anyway.
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  7. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    i will say the same thing i said on a post similar to this sounds like the same person on 2 diffrent accounts... but whatever.

    ARTIFACTS were introduced to allow us to have DIFFRENT PLAY STYLES.. such as:
    Battle tanks
    Buff trolls
    Buff Healers
    Buff tanks
    Battle Healers
    Battle Trollers
    Buff dps ( Using tetra)

    Which is why many spend $ on ARTIFACTS.

    SO changing iconics cause people spam them in pvp duels/ pve cause you cant do it or find it unfair when it is not.

    Thank you
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  8. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    What "else" is a buff troll actually doing rather than a power dump troll? Nothing. My rotation is basically the same. Its the artifact thats doing the work. When trolls said they wanted to do more it wasn't to buff the dps. We want things to do not spend more money on a different meta.
  9. Mr.W Committed Player

    They gave more freedom with the release of the bop artifact so we can completely change our troll l/o if we so desire & greatly alter our play-style.

    I agree it would be nice if all the abilities of every artifact was built into each powered itself but I don't see that much work being done in the near future.

    An alternative to make these artifacts less expensive is a free account bound 75k piece should drop as part of a weekly bounty since the game has moved so heavily towards them recently.

    The biggest issue I've seen is ppl see a single effective build that someone else created but can't open their minds to create something more effective that may cater to their own play-style preferences better.
  10. Mr.W Committed Player

    Also don't forget, the claw artifact doesn't strictly work on dpses. You are enabling the healers to give the a stronger life line with the 7% resto. Tanks are given greater survivability from the 7% dom & resto. You are even buffing yourself to grant more power (if your build is right) with the higher vit & passive power regen per player you buff.

    I personally I love the buff troll play-style more than the battle b/c its synergy in the game is the very definition of teamwork. Besides, one of a trolls goals is to (de)buff enemies, so its only fitting that a troll also has the power to buff their teammates if they desire, which is why I can say that this play-style was something that I asked for & wanted lol.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd guess when you are building a group, or looking for a group to join, you make sure that you don't have a Nature heal running EOG, or run in groups that are using 2 tanks, at least on 1st boss. Oh, no? you are not? Well then...start there. No one says you have to run in that kind of group makeup except you.

    I don't even run EOG on most of my toons and generally don't use supers that much and I still find the suggestion that the only fix is to nerf or remove these things mis-guided...and it wouldn't really affect me.
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  12. Mr.W Committed Player

    OK, im not going to explain everything in full detail again b/c im pretty sure this is the same guy everyone already explained why nothing should change (your "harder than elite" quote gave you away).

    The number one fix for your specific "issue" with the game is to use LFG to build a group that doesn't use EOG.

    Number 2 nerfs should ONLY be given to things that (GUARANTEE) victory & Eog is nowhere near that powerful. An example of something that guarantees victory is when mepps turn on God mod for live streams & activates his one shot trinket.....even on bosses. Everyone here knows Eog can't even dream of that level of sustainability nor damage output.....even with 5 said dpses.

    Number 3 most healers/player play-style isn't even Gemini spamming. Again if you don't believe me, don't group with your buddies, don't lfg anyone, queue every duo, alert, & raid (both elite & non elite) randomly & you'll see the majority of players don't even use eog let alone spamming it. Also a lot of healers that attempt to actually fail at their main job (that is actually healing which makes groups wipe)

    Number four you can't really change those super charges trying to destroy (a handful) of healers play-style b/c then you unnecessarily disturb other roles like tanks who use a movement shield to protect you in the raids or save themselves with bloom like ice (refer to number 3). Again not trying to step on anyone's toes or be rude....I'm just saying....
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  13. Mr.W Committed Player

    My apologies, im on mobile so this thread appeard in a different spot making me think it was new.
  14. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Other things have been nerfed before without them granting automatic victory.

    Either way you put it eog spam is the meta, and is used by most people who run elite. You can almost constantly spam supercharges as heals and tanks, especially when you’re using 25% supercharges. Imagine how strong this will be when coupled with the upcoming (/unneeded) supercharge rework that’s essentially buffing supercharges, from what I’ve read.
  15. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Is there a problem? yes there are, and even a few.

    But !!! this is not an artifact problem and 2500 supercharges.

    The first problem is the problem of improper use of instruments designed for a specific style of play by people who like a completely different style of play.

    Another problem is people who love one style of play, playing in a group that prefers a completely different style of play.

    And the third problem is the hypocrisy of people deliberately using the wrong tool, but at the same time screaming that something is wrong.

    Every game, if it wants to be successful, must offer a wide range of play styles. Cosplay, casual, challenge, comfort, strategy, solo, group are some of the main styles of play.
    If you use tools designed for a different style of play, you will always have trouble getting the most out of it. If you are using instruments designed for solo play, then playing in a group will be less effective than people using instruments for a group. If you love a challenge, but still use tools and strategies designed for comfort, then you can never enjoy the right level of challenge. You can't use min-max strategies and still expect full cosplay. You can't maximize Batman cosplay to be effective in content requiring min-max.
    If you want to get the most out of your playing style, you have to use the right tool for that. If you make it so that, regardless of the tools you use, you only get one "challenge" style of play, then you will fundamentally kill the fun of people who prefer the arc style of play. (like comfort or strategy ... or solo).

    I can understand that on some servers it is difficult to find a group that prefers your style of play, but again this is not an artifact problem and 2500 supercharges, this is a server population problem (if you cannot find such a group on the USPC / USPS heroic side, then this is a problem personally your character).

    If you and your group deliberately use the wrong tool and strategy and still complain, no offense, but you are a common hypocrite ...
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  16. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    It is an art and 25% super problem, because those paired together are op lol. And the reason why it’s being utilized by the majority is also because it’s op
  17. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    No, this is exactly 3 point: hypocrite. People position themselves as lovers of the "challenge" but do everything possible to avoid the "challenge" itself. You can maximize your character and group without using strategies, builds and artifacts designed for safety and comfort.
    The most efficient method does not equal the urge to challenge, sometimes there are 2 mutually exclusive things. The most effective method to kill a vampire is to come in a group armed to the teeth during the daytime, drag him out into the sun and burn him, but does that have anything to do with "challenge"?
  18. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    I’m a hypocrite? So you’re just hurling around insults without any basis, or received agitation? You forum dudes are something else.

    Anyways, this isn’t about other options, this is about a singular method, the one in question, which in fact is op. Therefore, your variables are unneeded, and so is your riddler cosplay, those analogies just sound like deflection
  19. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Well, first of all, I meant the general behavior of people and not specifically you (however, if you specifically, knowing that this is not the right method, use something for the wrong purpose and at the same time are outraged that the effect is not the one you wanted, then you too).
    Secondly, English is not my native language, so if I formulated something wrong, sorry.
    Thirdly, you cannot consider something that, by its design, implies extensive interconnection at many levels of the game, as an independent thing. Doing so creates an absolutely incorrect assessment of the situation, which has nothing to do with reality.
    The proposed change in this thread affects more than one style of play.
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  20. Elda Mad as a Hatter

    yea just make the game even harder for people like me who have hearing issues. doesnt help that a lot of tells have no subtitles, occasional subtitles (and even so, subtitles are white on whatever colors under them, and tiny letters), or animations for them just stop working, like the push in coue doesnt always show the visual tell so other tell methods are critical.

    If you nerf movement sc, all you'll do is make power sc spam more important, and people will change to powers with cheaper sc, or 50% sc that are still worth it. plus eog only helps if somebody bothered to rank it up, takes an art slot out for it, and if using soul, then 2 arts are off for eog spam, plus whatever power slots are taken off to eog spam. Bloom will heal *you* pretty decent, but only the caster gets that burst. the rest of the group gets a tiny % of max health heal, the art and power sacrifice is for the sc regen.
    Same line of thought that a buff troll would rank up and equip an art (or multiple) that help the dps do significantly more dmg.

    also try taking away the troll or healers 8 man shield, or atomics mass dens, and suddenly not only do they have to balance a raid for a whole new difficulty, they have to take in account that certain abilities are now gone, and make sure they arent making something impossible.

    Maybe instead of eog spam being op, coue is just way easier than other elite raids when current. sffe is easier because its the elite version..of an event only raid. just beating a raid isnt hard, no matter the raid. it's the feats are supposed to make you use teamwork and strategy.

    making a higher tier raid is a lot of work for something very few people will play, from a business point of view, its just a waste of time. Different versions of raids arent just make stuff hit harder, event loses a few mechanics, has some changed, elite gets new mechanics and has others changed too.