Valentines Day Event Wishlist

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jaelia, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. Jaelia Committed Player

    I know it’s a bit early but I wanted to make a wishlist for Valentine’s Day event 2021 wish list

    •Nora’s Frozen Hair
    •Dr. Freeze Ice Accessory
    • Henchmen Uplink : Dr.Freeze Goonz
    • Henchmen Uplink: Star Sapphire Guards
    • Impassioned Material ( like the sinister , Glowing and furious one)
    • Carol’s Mask
    • Impassioned Uplink Device (like the lantern emblem ones )
    • Nora’s Supply Drop
    •Aphrodite Feathered Top
    • Aphrodite Feathered Skirt

    I was trying to think about more this is what I for so far and would really like to see in this upcoming event :D
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Great ideas +1
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  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Added to the list for consideration. Good ideas. Thanks.
    • Like x 13
  4. Starblast Well-Known Player

    Love these ideas! I have some too! A wedding dress and suit as a style. Cupid minions or sidekick.I still think we need more impassioned Harley, Catwoman, and Star Sapphire Wonder Woman, whether they be legends, etc. I'm sure I could think of hundreds more!
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh a wedding dress and suit would be awesome!
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Here's an odd one but something I've always wanted. Hand Blasters weapon styles are in fact just special hand styles. What if we actually had different animated effects when we use them. For instance

    Valentine - red elongated pointed hearts.
    Halloween - fury of bats
    Christmas - icicles.

    Also, what about having a special Accessory like section called Break Outs. Imagine breaking out with a burst of hearts and rose pedals around you.

    Oh, also Wings of translucent ice would be nice. Pastel color changeable of course.
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  8. Jaelia Committed Player

    Good idea ! :p
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  9. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I'd definitely love to see some Mr Freeze themed uplink and henchmen devices.
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  10. zNot Loyal Player

    And a whole DLC with raids and so on with mr freeze
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  11. Kuno Loyal Player

    I want Star Saphire Wonder Woman complete style. Also Carol Ferris and Fatality's hair, been asked for too many times.
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  12. ACLife Active Player

    i love this! Especially Aphrodite's Top and skirt. Aphrodite was done so beautifully this episode. I love the Star Sapphire Guards too.
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  13. Jaelia Committed Player

  14. Jaelia Committed Player

    Aww thanks, it’s so convenient especially since wonderverse brought her back :)
  15. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I'd also like to see Star Sapphire styles. Specifically...

    Sapphire slimline suits (please boob socks - no separate boob sculpts) here:

    And Fatality's costume too. The whole thing but definitely the bodysuit.
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  16. Jaelia Committed Player

    Oh yeah especially the bodysuits +1 :)
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  17. Jaelia Committed Player

  18. Wildcat Committed Player

    "love" suit please? :D


    animated heart emblem ;)

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  19. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    1. Would like to see some sort of Cherubim trinket combat pet, or a whirl of rose petals.
    2. Various roaming base pets, such as the Furled Heart & Cherubim.
    3. More cherry/sakura tree based items, or perhaps rose petals falling from a canopy?
    4. Various uplink devices like a heart blast/beam that explodes outwards or sucks inwards, or sakura leaves, rose petals or Cherubim that dive bomb the target or the unicorn trinket unicorn in a herd impaling the target.
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  20. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    1. Valentine'sSeasonal Supplydrop trinket
    2. Valentine'sseasonal orbitalstrike trinket
    3. Baseitem pet , that's roaming around base.