Might DPS Master Thread - Rotations for Every Power and How to Build/Test Them

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by AV, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. NotStanLee Well-Known Player

    never said it was good and never mentioned prec. Again appreciate the time and effort to examine the multitude of powers.
    Obviously you're not a purist and play each power as that power. So why bother with 15 different powers with two or 3 raid situations? By definition there can be only one best
  2. AV Loyal Player

    There is little to no competitive purist approach to powers; that's essentially just cosplay right now. We can do "okay" with fun/derpy flavour builds but as with any game, min:max means balancing around performance not flavour. The game is balanced around all of the tools at our disposal. There also isn't really a "best" in DCUO aside from the best min:max approach for a given power, whether for Might or Prec, of which there are a few varieties. The powers are fairly well balanced right now, especially once combat factors come into play that aren't observable vs Sparring Target. Similarly, a rotation that works well for one situation doesn't always work as well as alternatives for another situation. Knowing our power and understanding that matter most.
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  3. NotStanLee Well-Known Player

    well in reality the only thing that really matters is how many seals of completion one has bought to maximize their artifacts. Actually this whole thread looks like scoreboard chasing to me, so many chasers refuse to do the mechanics of the raids to put a useless number up on a board at the end. Zoom out in front to kill meaningless trash mobs and hope the tank gets aggro and healer heals you before you die. But I dont have to tell you about competitive purists....
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  4. AV Loyal Player

    Artifacts don't matter half as much as a proper rotation. They're important in the same way using the best cards possible is important in any TCG but it doesn't matter how high a player's stats are if they aren't already being effective & efficient. Having maxed artifacts alone doesn't ensure performance by a long shot.

    This guide is literally the exact opposite of "scoreboard chasing," as we continually and repeatedly advise against wasteful tactics like what you're describing. This guide is for people who want to perform well in elite content with Might on any given power. Getting an extremely trolly and non-constructive vibe here.
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  5. Skille Well-Known Player

    I still reference this thread to many. GGs
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  6. AV Loyal Player

    - Added a note on Support DPS to Advanced Techniques section
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    There is a huge difference between scoreboard chasing and min maxing damage. I’m top dps 99% of the time. I still do mechanics. I still do pick up. Just because you want to increase your potential damage doesn’t make you a scoreboard chaser. I’ve seen plenty of terrible dps scoreboard chase. These are people who don’t do mechanics to either try to catch up or try to stay ahead. Or people who only do mechanics because there is a way to fluff your numbers (FB).
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  8. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Ya, this guide isn't at all about chasing the top spot. AV made this thread, to my knowledge, to give people rotations and artifact setups, to be competent with damage, not competitive chasing the scoreboard.
    I pitched in a little info to him months ago on some rotations and numbers, and even to this day I spend hours a week just toying around with rotations and artifacts to see what goes "smoothly" while still getting competent numbers.

    Jumping ahead of the tank in any raid, is simply idiotically insane: as a "good" dps will know their place in the raid even before the first set of adds are attacked. And by "know their place" I'm not talking about the scoreboard.
  9. AV Loyal Player

    Yeh and these are still generally the best output each power can achieve, it's just the difference between being competent and scoreboard chasing is really just attitude and ig behaviour. Really unless someone is doing something like dropping supply drop/orbital/SC/pets on trash immediately before a boss when it obviously won't remotely be ready again in time, or ignoring mechanics at times when the dmg doesn't matter, eg ignoring cogs in FBe to farm DPS on Jimmy and stuff like that, it's not really "chasing" it's just doing the role.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    People have this misconception that a DPS’s job is to always attack. It’s the trolls job to do pick ups or cogs. It’s the healers job to keep them alive no matter what. It’s the tanks job to keep them safe. That is simply not true at all. A DPS job is to help the raid finish as fast as possible. If someone dies and you are close than it falls under your job as a dps to pick up that person so that someone across the map doesn’t have to stop attacking to pick someone up next to you. If a cog is up, it’s your job to get the cog next to you so that someone across the map doesn’t have to do it. I’d a troll across the room has to stop giving the healer power to rush next to you to do something than you are a terrible dps. If a dps across the map has to stop attacking to do a pick up across the map for something that you’re closer to than you are a terrible dps.
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Partially agree. If the situation specifically requires it to prevent failing, then yeah, every player should know what to do to prevent that and should act accordingly. However, if all players do their job right, there is no need to. When I trol, I expect to do pickups and I want the dps to continue dps'ing instead of stopping and doing rallies if I deem it unneccessary. Then again, I shift entire playstyles when I run with LFG or with the league. My assumption in LFG is "someone will fudge up, so I do it instead". In league it's "the others too know what to do, so I don't do pickups if we have someone assigned to do the job. I do only pickups if it's clear that the designated player can't do it in time. And usually, both are communicated so that not six other players run towards a downed teammate.

    First league run I got asked why the fudge I would rally someone instead of focussing the boss. Then I remembered that I too asked new leaguemates in my old league the same thing when I was controller.

    The sentiment is true - everyone should do what's neccessary to not fail. It's no imperative to do other roles jobs though.
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes if the control can do it than it’s always preferable. But when a troll has to fly across the map to do a pick up than I feel the closest dps should do the pick up. I’d rather insure the healer and tank have power so that others don’t die from one reason or another. That’s why I say that if a dps can get it than do it. I’ve done multiple raids as a dps when I had to run across the map to do a pick up because the dps next to them refused to do them and the troll was also across the map on the other side. For example FBe or CTe. I don’t expect the troll to cross the map and risk getting white while crossing have the group. It’s so annoying wiping cause dps were scoreboard chasing. I’m top dps about 99% of the time (not trying to brag) and I do it while also doing mechanics. FBe (first boss) was one of the first times Ives seen dps rush to do the mechanics. Come to find out that it’s cause the turrets fluff numbers. Than when we get to the final boss those same dps can’t be bothered to hit cogs.

    Last month I was in such a terrible group that I actually had to do all the cogs by myself (flight) to activate the turrets. Very dps didn’t want to stop burning. Very dps just kept ignoring mechanics. And I barely got all councils myself because I got lucky with the councils popping up in a favorable order. And I still finished top dps. Needless to say I added every single one of those dps on ignore. Than there were other instances when I died next to someone else and they just kept dpsing forcing a healer to pick me up. Sad this is the group wiped cause a healer had to rush to do a pick up
  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That's why I only pug the easy (relatively) stuff via LFG. I simply don't have the time to run anything with multiple wipes anymore.
    My main point war to point out that I rather have good communications and people who understand mechanics rather than do their job. It's definitely wishful thinking though.

    As for the trol missing power out during pickups - that's what their supercharge is for. While trolling I never encountered healers or tanks running short of power. Even without my SC. You only can burn through your whole pool when you start needlessly spamming abilities when they are not needed. If those ppl are in the group, the group is probably bound to fail anyways ^^
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Apparently I need to be running with you more lol
  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Anytime if you're eupc/ps ^_^
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    US/PS lol
  17. Doomsday234 Well-Known Player

    Hi AV I couldn't get around to your threads but can you tell me a build for my character. His name is Lucifer Morningstar like the guy in the series and use celestial because it looks like a fallen angels power. Can you tell me one were if my teammates die and I'm the only one a live and I do a lot of damage and keep myself alive?? thanks if you can:)
  18. Doomsday234 Well-Known Player

    would be appreciated
  19. AD Leo Well-Known Player

    Appreciate the work you've put in. I do have a bone to pick tho about Electric. If you aren't building around the Strategist Card you are losing out on damage vs any other setup. The Transformation is great but not on par with Strategist unless it's ST. EoG spam/Might heavy will lose to a Strat based loadout with Electric. Higher floor and more consistent.
  20. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I've put in a lot of effort into tweeking electric, without the use of too many iconics. What I run with, I'm getting currently, 110k-dmg/s over the course of 30 seconds. For lesser adds, in alerts, I'll change 1 power:

    Raids: and in this rotation:
    Arc lighting, Tesla ball, electrocute, Arc lightning, heat vision, Arc lightning, Tesla ball, Voltaic blast, Arc lightning, heat vision - repeat.

    Artifacts: solar, trans, strat.

    Same artifacts for alerts, but I'll replace electrocute with Electrostatic bomb.
    Arc lightning, Tesla ball, Electrostatic, Voltaic, heat vision, repeat.