Cursed Time Capsules

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by chrisnoly, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Guilty as charged. I really just wanted to work the fact that DCUO Beta started over 8 years ago into a conversation. :D

    And just to make sure I do have an on-topic comment in this thread: The current Time Capsule system doesn't bother me much because I'm used to the 'buy blind package, hope you get something good' thing. From an early age, I remember putting a quarter into those devices next to the gumball machine, hoping to get a particular shiny trinket. I bought baseball cards. I've wheeled and dealed with Magic: The Gathering cards and Heroclix figures for twenty-five and fifteen years, respectively. I'm used to the system.

    As the man says, you pays your money, you takes your chances. The fact that our paying money keeps this game running makes even the most frustrating parts of the Time Capsules tolerable. For me at least. Your milage may vary.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    My only issue with time capsules are the feats. Other then this I have no problem opening them even if It's RNG,
    They got great styles in them. DCUO isn't dead nor dying. This is just an overused term.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    FWIW, this is not intended and is fixed in our next hotfix.
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  4. tinoman Dedicated Player

    How about members get a stabilzer everyday? And keep the system in place for prem's and free's.
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  5. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

  6. Awsome Well-Known Player

    That would be awesome. I would hope they consider that. But I think at the very least, give members a chance at bonus stabilizer fragments. Like a 30% chance to get double fragments or something.
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  7. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I'd be happy if they rolled the fragment duo into the vault... or made a new solo instance that provided you with what both would drop... Nth metal, stabilizer fragments, unattuned gear box, etc.
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  8. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    It really is not the ONLY reason but it is one of the great responsible for this exodus.
    Of those that have been released have suffered criticism and if these critics have diminished is because the critics are gone, just log in the middle of the week and you will see how empty has become the game, this has many reasons yes, but despise the fact that Time Capsules were decisive for the exit of many I think unreal, they have their share of fault, and it is not a small installment.

    I see that this topic speaks more than just in Time Capsules, understand: the alts are completely ignored, the current system does not allow us to play with them, everything, even free bonuses for any special occasion are only for 1 char ... But we can have 16 just for signing ... This is strange, I like my alts because I can not play with them with good efficiency? Why I have to have only 1 good char and the others should be "weak" this system clearly says that you can not have 3 chars in the maximum cr, that you can not have several good items at all, this does not have to be with TC but with the current form of gameplay.
    The Seals of Completion, which are now fundamental for the improvement of the characters, not only the main (that will use many) but also the secondary ones were removed from the broker and I do not talk about it, I saw the cursed live ... No word on this , and this is essential for the current mechanics.
    No use coming here Mepps or any developer or staff member and saying that you are not required to buy them, you are!
    I tried to pass an artifact to level 80 (only 80!) I used seals of preservation, I lost 9, so I tried the tenth time without them and lost all the catalysts, and the artifact of my villain stays in the 79 ... Go to levels 120 or greater without the completion is literally throwing away what you have thrown to achieve.
    There are many factors that generate anger, TC are just the tip of the iceberg
  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I don't see that at all. I log in most days, at all hours, and always see lots of people in the WT, on the Titan's island, in Doomed Metropolis, outside the Little Bohemia PD, and so on.

    That's PvE phase, hero side, on the U.S. servers for PC and PS. I don't look much in PvP phase or the villain side.
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  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I think another factor he/she missed is that there are "phases" in the game so while you are standing in the Watchtower/HoD there are multiple other ones others could be standing in. And like Fate said, people are in the HQs, Titans Island and other places in the game because there is more to the game than reviewing the population by who stands in the HQs lol
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  11. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    This is why they should just add all the items in the tc's, lb's, & sm's items in 1 ventor or ventors.
    For quark's & Put quark's on the market place.
    That would be a win win.
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  12. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    You need to count every map in game, every mission, and every location pve & pvp phases, also alternative phases. Dont count alternative characters.
    How many people play this game in general?
    Say if you had 1 character per account 1 user per system. How many people play this game in general?
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    So you mean when I logged in last night and was alone, the game isn't dead? :eek:

    Oh no, nevermind, I just remembered I was in my lair.
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  14. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    ...forced...Uh huh. If we don't do it, then what? We get a slap to the head by a brick? Our hearts are stopped?

    News- no one is "forcing" you to play, unless somehow your playing is stopping some real world harm.
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  15. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    It is precisely on the side of the heroes in the PS and PC servers in the US that the population fell a lot but a lot, several leagues have ended up or merged with others, few players in each league, several minutes to close a raid group even on Thursday, LOL
    I play 7 years and never saw what I see now, LFG calling for DPS and it is difficult to find the times, it is not because I see few in the "phase" is because there was a huge desband.
    And this is visible, I do not know how long you are here, but before the Time, before grab money ring, OP collections that never drop, before Daybreak's unbridled monetization policy the number of players was different.
    Leaving: is there still someone on Villain's server?
    And another: does anyone log in to play the server pvp? Ghost town!
  16. Dene Devoted Player

    I worded my original line wrong.. I should have said

    "It is my opinion that TCs are not the only thing responsible for the downsize in population - I believe there are a LOT of reasons.. I think if TCs impacted things it was a lot less than ppl thought

    Thank yo for not taking me too literally :)

    I understand that some do not like them - but I am looking at some of these threads and just bewildered that ppl think TCs are mandatory

    People should have simply enjoyed the game the way they wanted... kinda like buying a bag of Jelly beans - to enjoy them you do NOT have to eat every colour.. leave the colours you don't like, in the bag... you do not complain & demand that particular get removed forever from the everyone's bags

    To address what you said re : alts.. that is your opinion and i appreciate it.. on the other hand, I think that Alts have been treated well.. SP sharing, style unlocking - advancing CR etc are all there.. i chose not to have alts, they always seem behind the main, which is the point, i guess.. (oh - i have 1 villain i created 48 hours ago to try and get styles for my main lol)

    the seals is a weird one.. there are reasons and they seem "mysterious" - but, i think, the devs had to look at it and say "if we keep things the way they are, will it be more negatively impactful" and they decided it would be.. trade-able seals may be back.. we do not know

    the things you have stated in the game that are mandatory, are not really, you just feel that they are and it impacts your game.. i get that.. but they are not mandatory.. plus they are definitely obtainable, just not super quickly, like so many want
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  17. Dene Devoted Player

    lol - exactly

    The old "but WT is quiet" etc is kinda useless, in my opinion. from the week HT came out the WT/HoD have reduced dramatically

    (before i get quoted.. I agree population has gone down.. i just mean this line - "but WT is quiet" - is kinda a misnomer )
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  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    If the game were "empty," I wouldn't get a stabilizer run partner within two seconds about 19 out of 20 times, and I wouldn't find Midnight Masquerade currently popping within ten to twenty seconds.

    I've been here since Battle For Earth came out and Prime was the new hotness. FWIW.

    How the population has fluctuated over the years, or compares now to some ideal point in the past, I have no idea and wouldn't presume to guess.
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Setting aside that I have four lairs for every alt, my lair has permanent guests these days: Ambush Bug came for a party and wouldn't leave. Mr. Mxyzptlk keeps littering all over my lair. And I've got dozens of stray cats and penguins (two sizes) running around, along with Krypto and Isis.

    Ambush Bug is quite chatty. I'm especially pleased to learn that he has a toilet.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    It's an ingrained mentality that players need to break and it takes some effort.

    It stems from a players desire to have all feats.

    Once just go you know what I don't need all feats then you'll be more content.

    By all means don't ignore capsules completely but also treat the items as optional cosmetics in your mind, you don't need them nor do you need the feat.

    Feats are still important but sometimes you just have to let them slide if you don't want to waste money whether that be in game or real money.

    I've missed 2 sp from capsules now myself because quite frankly the styles were ugly, I'll never wear them so subjectively they're a waste of money and a 50pt feat is not worth 100mil period, it's not even worth 50mil.

    Theres also the second chance vendor now so you can save and get things later.
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