Happy Halloween! Free Treat or Treat Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Savynaa Well-Known Player

    I still didn't receive the feat when the hotfix will come ?
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  2. Confederation New Player

    Mepps idk if this is a problem or not for any others. But i purchased a membership the 4th because it ran out tht same day it was ok for awhile then now today i log on an im premium. I don't know why but it kinda upsets me that i wasted 15$ on a membership im not even getting.so please find out whts going on. Don't cause another to quit dc cause of purchase failure even the psn service list looka weird
  3. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    I needed all those goodies. Thanks!
  4. Gonadicles New Player

    I'm one of those people that opened the box early and didn't get the feat. So the solution was simple; resend me the box, or send me another 50 spooky bites to purchase it. I'm a high-volume player that spends a lot of money on the game, so why not go out of your way to fix the glitch immediately?

    But, once again, nope. There's never any compensation for glitches, even when the compensation is something that costs Daybreak nothing. Everything is always, "oh, we'll eventually get around to that", sometimes never actually getting around to it (e.g., "Right Tool for the Job" feat, that 6 months later, is still broken). I can't stress enough that the simple solution would have been to resend the box to your players, at least to those that bothered to contact you all about it. Fast, simple, and most certainly appropriate. It's really the only way you should have addressed the problem once you realized you all messed up.

    Nevertheless, this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Once my membership lapses, I'm done with this game.
  5. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Why wait? Sounds like you barely play anyway, so why bother waiting when you aren't even playing?
  6. Perdition Committed Player

    And then there is you, not even at endgame, just a forum ''warrior'' and yet u are criticizing people...
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  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    May not be at MEG, but still play, and not complaining about a free gift (well, other than it only being one per account, again)
  8. Gonadicles New Player

    When they don't immediately remedy a glitch the easiest way possible (resend the item back out), give no ETA on the more cumbersome and far less certain hotfix, do that same kind of thing constantly, and as a result, make paying members constantly feel disadvantaged, everyone, including you, should be complaining.

    Also, before you decide to attack a post, look up who you're talking to. I'm a daily player, 212 CR, 325 SP, which puts me as ranked 15th highest on the heroes side of the Xbox server. So my previous post and eventual ending of renewing any memberships is far from trivial.
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  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    They acknowledged there was a fault, but that it would require a Patch to remedy
    Resending the item back is the stupidest idea: how would they know who was and wasn't affected, because if they send it to everyone then some would end up with two, and then there would be even more complaining, not everyone who plays even knows there is a Forum to come to let the DEVs know they were affected
  10. Gonadicles New Player

    Yeah, you're clearly not really reading what I wrote. But, given that you (a) first complained, and now (b) are complaining about a complaint, and that's just in this thread, I'm not too surprised.

    I'd strongly suggest you spend less time complaining, then complaining about other people's complaints, and more time actually playing the game. You haven't even gotten one of your toons past double digits in either CR or SP. As another poster noted, you're not at endgame content. Heck, you're not even in the ballpark. No one's really going to take anything you say seriously if you've barely made it past the vault. So good luck with all that.
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  11. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I still haven't gotten this feat :(
  12. Perdition Committed Player

    Where is this fix at? Still broken for people who redeemed the stuff before you guys actually made it work...
  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You have already decided to quit, so who cares? Not like you will be staying anyway
  14. Gonadicles New Player

    ...and yet, you haven't even really decided to start playing yet, have you? All the while, you STILL have insights about how to feel about a game you don't really play. Brilliant.
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  15. Dionysus New Player

    I guess I hit the Treat thing a bit too early, and never received my "bat got your tongue" feat. Will I get it? And if so, does anyone know how or when?
  16. NotNew New Player

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  17. Dionysus New Player

  18. SneakyRe3orn New Player

    No free feat for me, yet. I bought it. Free gift never got fixed for me. Oh yes, one more thing. Eu server goes down for 3 hours. Nothing about it why anywere. Us server goes down, they know it before it happens. I see who the favorites are. And this is not something that have just happened now. "Thanks for the massive respect devs"
  19. NotNew New Player

    So you bought the box instead of waiting for the fix? And US server goes down plenty of times without foreknowledge.
  20. SneakyRe3orn New Player

    I bought base items, yes. Because I dont trust devs anymore. No respect
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