Stats Revamp 1.3 (Continued!)

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Feb 2, 2017.

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  1. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    One less stat to worry about. And it should be for trolls only as that's their stat to worry about. My only concern is the dom for trolls. I go dom/vit for my troll and now they be saying I'll have to scrap all my bloody green bytes for all yellows. Can we get a exobyte converter please!
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  2. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Even with his book on my tv, I still have to scroll down! You sir made my day!
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  3. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I'm confused, he didn't say any of that in the post you're quoting?

    Anyways, Dominance does effect healing at the same ratio as Restoration on Live and has done so for a very long time. It appears to be the same on Test.
  4. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I'd gladly take a signed copy tbh
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    If I'm understanding this right, this essentially means hybrid and PFtT builds will get a damage reduction?
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Does this imply a nerf to in combat power regen that will actually hurt pftt? Or is it just overall damage reduction that essentially nerfs pftt?
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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    That is good to hear. Right now those videos with Handblaster Solar Flare Spamming falls down to the fact that its one of the shortest combos with AoE damage on hit. The shorter a weapon combo the less of a risk getting interrupted and having to start all over again that is why players fall back to shorter combos. Even if they will do less damage, it comes down of how much less.

    Crowd Control from NPC side in this game became more and more and some of these are even against how the game teached us how to deal with specific CC effects in the Brainiac Ship tutorial (e.g Anniversary Event or other scenarios being completely unable to break out of a CC or even those from the Gorgons knocking you out of combo but so fast that catching a breakout for a shorter amount of blue is more luck than anything else and then right after another tail swipe knocks you out of a retry attempt - Combo Powerset players know how annoying that is and how much frustration it builds towards the own powerset being unable to counter those things proper).

    The more CC gets thrown into the mix the less-likely you gonna see players even considering longer combo options cause they prefer to do low damage but at least doing damage than doing no damage at all. The pay off is missing here imo :)
    • Like x 5
  8. krytine Loyal Player

    I would like to know a better clarification on all stats how each work and what all they do.
    Example: on live and yes i already know resto has nooooothing to do with recieving heals from a healer. But fire tank i have noticed when they are in a group and i am healing them i always see a bigger heal on them then i do on any other type?
    So again some kind of clarification would be nice
  9. DistantWalker Well-Known Player

    PftT is not a play style imo its no form of strategy and is a cheap low risk high reward way of playing the game. You guys were doing a GREAT job by focusing on hybrid play. This is how the game should be. a balance between both. Hybrid should be stronger then PftT, Using just your abilitys makes no sense. Hybrid gives both the weapon and power relevance. Aloooooot of people love what the devs are doing. Dont mess it up because some players are getting a little cranky because you guys are making them think about strategy in the game (again).

    Hybrid play is what made pvp fun. The goal was to get rid of powers like HL and celestial literary overpowering people who actually want to use strategy in pvp. And yes WM should be in the game and it should hit for high numbers. It will force players to stop spamming and pick up there weapon.
  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Quick Question:

    If I were to use the Hybrid playstyle with a weapon like Rifle, How would I go about doing that? Rifle is one of the weapons that has loads of Castbars whenever you use it; so I'd imagine it be very clunky.
  11. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    At last,increased tank effectiveness!
    Whats that?
    Not any actual advantage,against other tanks,as Rage or Earth.

  12. tioalbert Well-Known Player

    hola a todos

    he estado en servidor de prueba martes y hoy miercoles probando electrico(dps), brujo(dps) y hielo(tank)
    en misiones diarias tifon moustruos.

    1.- en el caso de los tres cr166 equipados mods sinteticos nivel 6 sin mods tacticos de basehogar, ni mods de generador de basehogar.
    si es posible que un cr166 vs enemigos y jefes cr186 pueda enfrentarlos y terminar misiones.
    Pero si usan mods tacticos( las ranuras blancas de equipo) y usan los que otorgan -33%defensas de enemigos, 60% de incremento ofensivo y 10% en no recuerdo que, mas bloqueo letal mas escudo o sanacion o regeneracion de poder o daño en arma.
    va mas fluido el ritmo dejuego hasta el punto de no usar tan seguido sodas, soporte tacticos, gota orbital o mascotas.

    2.- tipo electrico me parece mas fuerte que brujo al menos usando poderes electricos sin interaccion de poderes y aun mas con interaccion de poderes, aun si lo comparan vs mascota de brujo.
    tecnicamente el brujo sin mascota en daños se queda muy abajo del daño electrico, aun si el brujo usara interaccion de poderes.

    3.- lo que si note es que los poderes polarizacion de electricos aun con interaccion de poderes se siente muy flojo algo asi como un brujo sin mascota furia.

    4.- take hielo genial me quitaron uno de mis escudos favoritos, pero no importa sigo teniendo 2 escudos contra efectos, quitaron mascota pero megusto como dejaron su uso.

    5.- mi forma de jugar actual es para soportes 2 ranuras de soporte grupal, 1 ranura daño y 1 ranura aturdimiento o derribo, 1 ranura supercarga y la ultima mascota o mascota de poderes iconicos.

    6.- en los dps primero me fui con maestrias secundarias arco 2 cliks y artes marciales 5 cliks y principal mandoble, 20 crit daños mas 40 magnitudes de daños y el sobrante de 90 o 100 no recuerdo exacto a fuerza.
    crei marchaba bien, pero algo no me gusto, luego cambie lo que tenia en fuerza a poder, pero = algo no me gusto y por ultimo cambie todo lo que tenia en poder a presicion y quite maestrias secundarias y por fin me gusto el tipo de juego.

    7.- tambien hice pruebas de PFT y WME, los cuales no van con mi manera de jugar y devo decir que ambos serian viables = tal y como lo es mi manera de jugar. en ambos hice cambios pertinentes a sus tipos( 70 u 80 poder mas 30 o 20 fuerza para PFT, y los 90 o 100 de presicion para WME.)

    8.-en PFT sin interaccion de poderes y que sean poderes de daño instantaneo, es mas lento y conservas poder como para 3 ciclos.
    mientras que con poderes instantaneos sin interaccion de poderes de 1 a casi 2 ciclos, con interaccion de poderes estos ciclos casi duplican antes de tener una cuarta parte de barra de poder o barra vacia.

    9.-los WME no estan restringidos por ningun congelamiento de reutilisacion o falta de energia de poder, pero si de incrementos como la interaccion de poderes en PFT o cualquier otro tipo.
    por ende WME mientras no pierde nada de energia de poder o no hace uso de esta permanece estable en un uso constante de daño de arma.

    10.- vi que volvieron a cambiar atributos de estadisticas de armaduras y mods sinteticos a como estaba cuando inicio el 1.3, me agrado cambio.

    11.- solo tuve oportunidad de jugar solitario ya que no ha habido suficientes jugadores para alertas o raids, los cuales rara vez juego.
    y duos solo el martes lo pude jugar.

    12.- equipo de mi tank 4 piezas mayores a dps y el resto de piezas tank, por que? simple asi lo tengo en vivo por que en vivo si me obligo tenerlo sistema diferencial de cr, lo mismo con mi sanador naturaleza( 4 mayores sanador, 4 debiles dps y el resto sanador)
    control mental( 2 piezas mayores dps y las otras 2 mayores control( 1% daño crit y 1%magnitud de daño, 1%regen poder y 1% magnitud regen poder), 2 piezas debiles dps y demas control).

    13.- espero que tras todos los cambios necesarios que hagan, a la salida de estadisticas, pueda nuevamente llevar por completo mis armaduras de soporte, sin nesecidad de cambiar de mi habitual sanador, control o tank a dps solo para poder terminar misiones o cualquier instancia, de momento veo esto posible con tank gracias.


    A) en PFT podrian que por medio de interaccion de poderes ( y me refiero exclusivamente a los poderes que interactuan entre si , ejemplo, la espada que le electrifica y bola tesla) por cada una bien ejecutada, se regenere energia un 20% del costo poder de cada poder usado.

    1.- el PFT podrian darle una supercarga nueva similar a la de rabia esa que sana X% por 7.5 segundos hasta vaciarse si no la paran, pero solo que en ves de regenerar salud seria poder y de uso exclusivo para PFT.

    B) en WME podrian por medio de ranuras mods de quipo otorguen x% de probabilidad derribo, mas crit de arma o presicion.
    algun movimiento capaz de neutralisar solo 1 poder de muerte subita de jefes por x cantidad de tiempo o movimiento que refleje el daño de un poder maximo daño de enemigos o jefes hacia ellos sin recibirlo uno por x cantidad de tiempo y bien ejecutado dicho movimiento ( al decir movimiento me refiero golpe o impacto por arma).
    donde estos movimientos solo serian viables al cumplirse ciertas circunstancis por x tiempo, ejemplo

    1.- estoy contra jefe yo con 70% de salud me lanza poder que normalmente me bajaria a 25% de salud si no me alejo o bloqueo o uso escudo. solo bajo esta circunstancia se cumplen 2 requisitos, entonces digamos que justo en ese instante logro bloquear o usar escudo y atacar de nuevo entonces en lugar de recibir o absorber el 100% del daño de poder del jefe o grupos de enemigos solo recibo el 20% de daños y le o les regreso el 80% de daño al atacante o atacantes sin posibilidad de absorber o bloquear daños.

    algo asi como que arma sigue con su habitual daño, pero solo que cuando sea arma WME vs poder PFT, el WME sea capaz de regresarles X% al o los atacantes que usen poder PFT como daño, mientras que un WME vs WME dicho efecto de arma quede sin efecto si ninguno usa poder de daño prolongado o instantaneo de PFT.

    2.- en maestrias secundarias de 4 o mas cliks bien ejecutados ocacionar un -45% de defensa del o los enemigos algo parecido a golpes penetrantes de mods tacticos de base hogar.(solo para los de distancia cuerpo a cuerpo o media).

    3.- maestria secundaria de 2 o 3 clicks x% de regeneracion salud.

    4,- poner en algun golpe o impacto arma la misma capacidad que el villano silencio ( quitarle al o los atacantes el uso de poder o barra poder en 0 por x cantidad de tiempo) ahi esta la muestra en duos t3 pinguino primer subjefe villano silencio.

    C) del HIBRIDO no digo nada por que me parece bien asi como lo van presentando con cada cambio.

    en si no es hacer a los 3 en igualdad de atributos o daños o hacer 1 superior a los otros 2, seria similar al juego de piedra papel o tijera entre dps.
    algo asi como.
    HIBRIDO; tiene el 80% capacidad daños de PFT y WME, pero no puede rendir los mismos ciclos continuos de PFT ni obtiene las bonificaciones de arma de WME, por ejemplo en daños HIBRIDO es = desventajas movimiento acrobatico vs vuelo vs velocidad.

    PFT; tendra la capacidad de 3 a 6 ciclos continuos con capacidad de regeneracion de poder(en esta pausa de ciclos es cuando requieren respaldo de WME y HIBRIDO) para reinicio de ciclos de daños ejemplo desventajas movimiento velocidad vs acrobata vs vuelo.

    WME; tendra la capacidad de no estar restringido por reutilisacion de tiempo, ni falta de energia poder (caso deficiente en PFT e HIBRIDOS a largo tiempo) ejemplo desventajas vuelo vs acrobata vs velocidad.

    a pocas palabra aunque cada una de las 3 tengan sus diferencias en daños numericos,con sus exclusivos bonus hacen el mismo daño pero diferente ritmo tiempo = que acrobata vs vuelo vs velocidad.
  13. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    Inglés por favor.
    • Like x 1
  14. tioalbert Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone
    I have been on test server Tuesday and today Wednesday testing electrical (dps), witch (dps) and ice (tank) In daily missions typhoon moustruos.
    1.- in the case of the three cr166 equipped with synthetic mods level 6 without base modifying tactics, nor mods of basement generator. If it is possible that a cr166 vs enemies and bosses cr186 can face them and finish missions. But if they use tactical mods (white team slots) and use those that grant -33% enemy defenses, 60% offensive increase and 10% in I do not remember that, more lethal block more shield or healing or regeneration of power or damage In weapon It goes more smoothly the pace I play to the point of not using as often sodas, tactical support, orbital drop or pets.
    2.- electrical type seems stronger than a witch at least using electric powers without interaction of powers and even more with interaction of powers, even if they compare vs witch's pet. Technically the pet witch-doctor in damage falls far short of the electrical damage, even if the witch uses powers of interaction.
    3.- What if you notice is that the powers polarization of electricos even with interaction of powers feels very loose something like a sorcerer without mascot fury.
    4.- Ice take great I removed one of my favorite shields, but it does not matter I still have 2 shields against effects, removed pet but I like the way they left their use.
    5.- My current way of playing is for supports 2 group support slots, 1 damage slot and 1 stun or knockout slot, 1 supercharger slot and the last mascot or mascot of iconic powers.
    6.- In the first dps I went with secondary masters bow 2 cliks and martial arts 5 cliks and main controllable, 20 crit damages plus 40 magnitudes of damage and the surplus of 90 or 100 do not remember exact to force.
    I thought it was going well, but something I did not like, then I changed what I had in strength to power, but something I did not like and finally I changed everything I had in power to remove secondary masters and finally I liked the type of game.

    7.- I also tested PFT and WME, which do not go with my way of playing and I must say that both would be viable = as is my way of playing. In both I made changes pertinent to their types (70 or 80 power plus 30 or 20 force for PFT, and 90 or 100 for WME.)

    8.-In PFT without interaction of powers and that are powers of instantaneous damage, is slower and you retain power for 3 cycles.
    While with instant powers without interaction of powers from 1 to almost 2 cycles, with interaction of powers these cycles almost double before having a quarter of power bar or bar empty.

    9.-WME are not restricted by any freezing of reutilisation or lack of power of power, but of increases such as the interaction of powers in PFT or any other type.
    Therefore WME while not losing any power energy or does not make use of it remains stable in a constant use of weapon damage.

    10.- I saw that they changed attributes of armor statistics and synthetic mods again as I was when I started 1.3, I like change.

    11.- I only had opportunity to play solitaire since there have not been enough players for alerts or raids, which I rarely play.
    And duos only on Tuesday I could play.

    12.- team of my tank 4 pieces greater than dps and the rest of pieces tank, why? Simple so I have it live that live if I forced myself to have differential cr system, same with my natural healer (4 major healer, 4 weak dps and the rest healer)
    Mental control (2 pieces major dps and the other 2 major control (1% damage crit and 1% magnitude of damage, 1% regen power and 1% magnitude regen power), 2 pieces weak dps and other control).

    13.- I hope that after all the necessary changes that they make, at the exit of statistics, I can take back completely my armors of support, without nesecidad to change of my habitual healer, control or tank to dps only to be able to finish missions or any Instance, for now I see this possible with tank thanks.

    SUGGESTIONS A) in PFT could by means of interaction of powers (and I refer exclusively to the powers that interact with each other, example, the sword that electrifies and ball tesla) for each well executed, energy regeneration 20% of the cost Power of each power used.
    1.- PFT could give a new supercharge similar to rabies that heats X% for 7.5 seconds until empty if not stopped, but only that instead of regenerating health would be power and exclusive use for PFT.
    B) in WME could by means of slots mods of equipment give x% probability of demolition, but crit of weapon or presicion.
    Some movement capable of neutralizing only 1 subtle death power of bosses for x amount of time or movement that reflects the damage of a maximum power damage of enemies or bosses towards them without receiving one for x amount of time and well executed said movement Say movement I mean blow or impact per weapon).
    Where these movements would only be viable to fulfill certain circumstances for x time, example

    1.- I am against boss I with 70% health throws me power that normally would lower me to 25% health if I do not move away or block or use shield. Only under this circumstance 2 requirements are fulfilled, so let's say that right at that moment I succeeded in blocking or using shield and attacking again, instead of receiving or absorbing 100% of the boss's power damage or groups of enemies I only receive 20% Of damage and return 80% of damage to the attacker or attackers without possibility to absorb or block damage.

    Something like that weapon continues with its usual damage, but only that when it is WME weapon vs PFT power, the WME is able to return X% to the attackers who use PFT power as damage, while a WME vs WME said effect of Weapon is no effect if none uses prolonged or instantaneous PFT damage power.

    2 .- in secondary masters of 4 or more cliks well executed to take a -45% defense of the enemy or something similar to penetrating blows of tactical mods home base (only for those of melee or average distance).

    3.- secondary mastery of 2 or 3 clicks x% of health regeneration.

    4, - put in some blow or impact weapon the same capacity as the villain silence (remove the attacker or the use of power or bar power in 0 for x amount of time) there is the sample in pairs t3 pinguino first deputy villain silence .

    C) of the HYBRID I do not say anything because it seems good to me as they present it with every change.

    If it is not to make the 3 equal attributes or damage or make 1 superior to the other 2, it would be similar to the game of stone paper or scissors between dps.
    something like.
    HYBRID; Has 80% damage ability of PFT and WME, but can not render the same PFT continuous cycles or get WME weapon bonuses, for example in damage HYBRID is = disadvantages acrobatic movement vs flying vs speed.

    PFT; Will have the capacity of 3 to 6 continuous cycles with power regeneration capacity (in this cycle pause is when they require WME and HYBRID support) to restart cycles of damages example disadvantages movement speed vs acrobat vs flight.

    WME; Will have the ability not to be restricted by reutilisacion of time, nor lack of power power (case deficient in PFT and HIBRIDOS long time) example disadvantages flight vs. acrobat vs speed.

    A few words although each of the 3 have their differences in numerical damage, with their exclusive bonuses do the same damage but different time rhythm = acrobat vs flight vs speed.
  15. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    It's not because "you" likes it that way, and "you" think it's the right thing, that everyone who plays must find and like it!
    What many have asked for and the "freedom" to choose the way you want to play!
    Something that was promised to us and has not yet been delivered in the right way ...
    • Like x 3
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree so much. After 6 years the power themselves were never balanced and neither were the wpns. And somehow now they all will be? Or by the final build they will be? I hope they prove me wrong. But if they do pull it off then i would immediately question what was going on all the time leading up to this? Meaning the last 6 years. Like i said i hope they prove me wrong but i just dont see it happening.
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Your opinion. Some of us want to use our powers only or mainly because ya know, its a super hero game where we have powers like manipulating fire and ice or bending space and time or lifting bad guys in the air with our minds. Using just your abilities makes no sense is 1 of the strangest comments ive seen on here in 4 years. Ask yourself this. If u actually had the power to manipulate fire or ice and u were in a fight u are telling me u would whip out a sword to swing at people? That makes no sense.

    And i personally was saying all along there should be pftt, wpns only, and a hybrid of both. Because i realize people like different things. U want everyone to play the way u like. Btw if u havent noticed pvp isnt a priority in this game. And the 1st 2 builds that were put on test there was a ton of negative feedback because pftt wasnt possible and it focused way too much on wpns and cooldowns were way too long. Alooooooot of people huh? Did u read those threads? I did. Who are the lots of people? Your friends/league? The small group of people actually testing?

    Sorry if this comes across as rude but so sick of people saying "it should be this way" cause that is the way they enjoy playing. And for some very strange reason many people cant understand that not everyone plays the game the way u do or wants things to be the way u do. Options are what it should be. Give people real choice to use powers, wpns, or both. And they should all be viable and as close to optimal as possible.
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  18. stärnbock Devoted Player

    could you give us more freedom with weapons in general? maybe by giving us more combo attacks (so a hold after every attack (after lunge for example) would be possible for every weapon)? maybe by making it possible to wear two weapons, one for melee, one for ranged combos (first hit decides wich combo from wich weapon you would be starting)? maybe by giving us more WM to choose from? maybe by costom combos and/or costomizable WMs (i always hated that after i shoot laser beams out of my bare hands, the weapon mastery for handblasts forces you to either attack with a bow or your bare fists for increased dammage...)?
    i think that this would improove the game a lot and NOW would be the time to do so, if there are any plans for it anyways...!
  19. L T Devoted Player

    Fortified blocking no longer seems to increase the mitigation cap, which would make it useless for Ice and Atomic Tanks. Still looking at it. 10% is hard to see with the damage spread some times.
  20. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Where in comics or animated series have you seen any superhero to just spam powers ?
    Have you seen Superman spamming his Heat Vision all the time or is he using mostly his fists and keeping stronger abilities as a last resort ?
    Have you seen Batman throwing only Batarangs or is he using his martial arts skills most of the time?
    Have you ever seen Wonder Woman fighting without shield, sword or fists ?
    Does Flash not punch and kick his enemies ?
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