We Need A Kick Option For Duos

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I never bailed in duos before cross play. since the cross play, i've bailed on duos often.
  2. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Actually there's an extremely obvious solution and reason why that wouldnt happen. Normally I'd be happy to detail it but considering your attempting (and failing) to be smart with your comment, why dont we see how smart you really are and let you do it? You seem to be a fan of entering different threads and picking holes in ideas instead of actually having one of your own, lets see you attempt to flesh one out for once :)

    Whenever you're ready?
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The moment you allow kicking in duos is the moment you set the world on fire. People dont kick often but if I was to waste my 3 hour kick. It would probably be in a duo, and some people would do it as their daily troll to kick someone at the last boss of a duo.
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  4. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    There was no attempt at being smart. I simply saw a flaw in your proposal - and commented on it. I'm not entirely sure why I'd want to "flesh" it out, as I have never come across a duo partner not rallying, I don't see why there needs to be any changes.

    If this issue is really that big a deal, surely there would be more frequent requests for a kick type function in duos. At the moment the existing option (leave, re-queue) seems appropriate.
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  5. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    I'll take that as an "I dont know" then.

    On topic, this isnt the first time this problem has come up, nor the first time a threads been started about it seeking solutions. The reason you havent seen this "kick option" before is because as I said, it isnt one. 2 people cant Vote, they either agree or disagree. A Vote requires the ability to have a majority share of people on one side. And asking for the ability to Vote people out if they stop moving or wait around or go (Away) is pointless as most of these idiots wrap something around the camera stick of their controller to keep themselves from DCing.

    The ignore list has a limit which im quickly filling up with these robots advertising cr#p on chat after crossplay, you cant rely on being able to kick a toon in a certain "state" as that can be manipulated, so it needs to be looked at from another angle. If you havent run into these guys you're lucky, but you will. And its only gonba get worse because they're getting away with it.
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    So what is your proposed solution that also takes into account the overgeared player who essentially prevents the at tier player from doing enough damage? Have a check for whether the at tier player has moved? Also have a check to see if one of the players is overgeared?

    You say it's obvious, but I'm missing it. What's obvious to you has left me adding two extra letters to get oblivious.
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  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    very bad idea that would only make things worse not better,you can kick in a duo if they dc and if they're just being a dick you can ignore them and leave. with an alert or raid the kick works because theres a vote but you can't have a vote in a duo and if you could kick in a duo people would just abuse it
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  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Kicking will not stop trolls and connection problems will always be a problem to some degree, whether due to the game itself, the servers, or the individual players. I'm a bit afraid to do group content at the moment since the past few weeks I've had intermittent connection problems.
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  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    What about a "Vote to split" function... (Which basically splits the duo into two instances of the current duo with one player in one waiting for a new partner, and another player in another waiting for a new partner, which from the players perspective has the same result as the other player walking out on them... )
  10. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    No, but if the player is counted for damage within 5 mins that player will be automatically booted like the bstcave.
  11. bareheiny 10000 Post Club


    Which brings a whole other set of problems. Like what about the high CR player helping a lower CR player gear up...by speeding through duos and other content.

    the more I think about it, the more I think there's a much easier solution: DBG actively and quickly responses to griefing reports.
  12. majosea Dedicated Player

    just walk out , you dont need a kicking option in every piece of content , its kicking system is all already bad as it is you all ready have players kick others players when a raid starts because they dc when the q ing system took over a min to load form the loading screen , point of the matter in a duo if a person dc , they should not kicked in a duo compared to a raid . due to severs as its is right now I have seen more dc last night then any other time since the cross play , I love all players of dcuo I have a feeling if the severs are not improved , we might end up crashed them due to sever load ,

    I have to spend replay badges ? no , thats A want not a have to
    you want to spend replay badges,
  13. Vyltran Loyal Player

  14. Saami Loyal Player

    30 seconds without doing any damage, healing, giving power or taking damage would be automated kick.
    Cutscenes doesnt add up timer. Simple solution and it will make griefers life atleast bit harder.
  15. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Well well, you surprised me. Nice to see you contributing. Although your problem with the solution is the definition of non-existent for 2 specific reasons:

    1) I recently geared up a brand new toon to cr92 in 3 days solo. Wasnt on holidays, wasnt playing 12hrs a day, and wasnt carried through any of it, it was thanks to experience. Which obviously covers any problems with "current players making new toons".

    2) More importantly, who gears up through Duos? This game has Always run on a scaling gear system, Raid gear is getter than Alert gear is better than duo gear is better than solo gear. Trying to say that this would slow someone down from gearing up is going on the basis that they want to gear up in the slowest manner possible, which ofc already counters your point.

    If you have any other points from this "set" of problems, feel free to ask.
  16. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Assuming you meant "slowest manner possible" literally, there are slower ways to gear up.

    As for "who gears up through Duos"...those of us who choose not to run raids or alerts very often. Duo gear can quite often be enough to jump a tier. Especially if one knows what they are doing. But the higher up the tiers you get, the harder the content is to complete at entry CR.

    Asking for a % damage (or healing / power out / damage in) threshold to counter the "issue" of duo partners not rallying, and adding clamping in would cause far more problems than it would address.

    But as they say, opinions are like arseholes....everybody has them, and they're mostly full of ****.
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  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    No, run with leaguemates/friends till u get the necessary CR to be able to solo it - problem solved.

    for me it was cr 162- fire dps.
  18. megamanzero Loyal Player

    no you wouldn't.
  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

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  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    For the love of Grood and Adam, no way....I can't even imagine what would start happening if that were to be implemented.,
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