VALENTINE'S EVENT - what were in the heck were you thinking devs?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kawe, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I wouldn't. I can go dig up the old open-world Operations threads where I saw it as good-natured ribbing between the two factions. Same thing with healing other open world objectives. This is what having opposing factions is supposed to be. We already have to run the same hero-centric content, put up with heroes zerg-rushing open world holiday nodes and Ring War...we got a bone thrown to us. It'll be hotfixed soon, all will be right with the world. The histrionics about reporting and tattling is really over the top. Let me find my tiny violin...
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  2. smoove76 Committed Player

    Sorry not understanding yur meaning.o_O
  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    I said don't tell me. ;)
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  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I mean the people raising the stink and think this is "griefing" won't give it a few seconds to think of how they can get around it and get things done. They'd rather spend their time being hall monitors by going and tattling to the principal.
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  5. smoove76 Committed Player

    ok got it lol:D
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Man, most of the players can't even bring themselves to spend 4 minutes in the event. They aren't going to want to work around griefers.
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    QFT, man. QFT.
  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    You're wrong. I have no problems working around griefers and then reporting them anyway.
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  9. Kalancarra Level 30

    Just sayin', complaining about "tattle tales" doesn't make you look any more mature. ;)

    That being said, I have no idea what the uproar is about the race, since there is no feat or marks for it, just a crappy emblem. Not even worth the wait for the countdown to start, imo. I did lol and facepalm when I saw where they put the start point though. Epic fail...
  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    ...There's a feat for it, and I got a Heart (seasonal currency) for it, so you're wrong twice.
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  11. Kalancarra Level 30

    Ah well, may be worth it for a feat, but you could still always just wait it out, since you can only get that once, and the race will be around for awhile (if SOE just doesn't yank it entirely due to the griefing)
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  12. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Remeber it WAS on test server & no one said anything about the race to the dev team BAD tester bad.
  13. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    People can be so petty... I always wandered what happens in the mind of a griefer, when he does what he does. One thing is pranking a few friends of yours that you know are playing the event, or a guy you dislike, but doing that to a complete stranger... I will never be able to understand those people. Griefing is just another form of bullyism, made for those that are even more coward than a real bully who preys on the weaker. You do it giggling of your own pettiness, enjoying the irritation of a person you don't know and will never know... as I said, I will never understand those people.

    Please devs, fix this.
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  14. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

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  15. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    I would normally say the griefers just need to let this go and let people finish the race. There is a GM standing by the thing now telling people to not hit the terminal.

    But I just spent 15 minutes doing the outside world stuff because a hero league thought it was fun to follow me and heal the adds as I was trying to destroy crystals. So, sorry don't really feel sorry for you heroes anymore.
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  16. docjest New Player

    But that's the point, in your scenario, both sides can mess with each other, like the Lanterns in Metro. the problem with this is that is completely one sided.
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  17. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I admit I pressed the button on my villain. It was pretty funny watching 30 heroes fly away. BUT I only did it once then left. But man that was funny....
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  18. Lacedog Loyal Player

    It is incredibly funny. I'm gonna try one more time then I'll wait for a fix. Good job testers.
  19. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    I pressed the button too after the griefing issue. I immediately got a message from a GM warning me that I could be suspended for doing it.
  20. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Yeah, a healer I know did that to some villains, just stood there and healed Sapphires. We all thought it was pretty damn funny. So I guess if I get knocked away from the race, it'll just be karma.

    Then again, I got the feat for completing it, so I doubt I'll even do it again. Unless I decide to do what I usually do and spend hours doing the seasonal on multiple characters. Oh, wait, DLC drops Tuesday. Nah, I'm going have enough on my plate. 3 toons doing seasonal at the most, and they've all done the race. Grief away, villains! o_O
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