Why don't we move to a name@accountname system?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SavingPrincess, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Since PS already requires you to have your PSN ID exposed, why, instead of fighting over names, don't we move to a naming convention like some other online games have adopted.

    For instance:

    If your toon name was Super Bill, and your SOE account name was bill01024 the game system would recognize it as "Super Bill@bill01024." If someone wants to send you a tell in-game, they would send it to "Super Bill@bill01024" which would autopopulate as you started typing "Super Bill" with all the "Super Bill"s in the immediate area and on your friends/league lists. This way, everyone would get the name they wanted, and there would be no issues when the servers merged.

    Other MMO's do this and it works. I have heard concerns expressed over this system that are moot ("I am super popular, I don't want someone to spoof me, I like having things other people don't have because I'm a terrible human being"), because other games are already doing this and it works. Outside of any sort of patent-issues related to that system, there's no reason an MMO in 2015 shouldn't let you have the name you want.
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  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Pretty pointless at this time.... don't you think??

    Now there will be only 1 character with any given name. And the reset now made many names available.

    Sure if you want to be specifically named IR0NMAN.... too late the name is gone.

    But now enough names have been freed that you can fairly quickly find an alternative.
    Iron Armor. Iron Knight.... etc.
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  3. King Felsa New Player

    I find the "name@account" system to be convoluted and obstructive in a game environment.
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  4. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    It's not, works fine in other games right now.
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  5. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Only if you don't take into the account the myriad of forum posts complaining about naming due to the reclaim, cross-server merges, etc.
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  6. King Felsa New Player

    I never said that you needed to agree with me. It's simply that I, personally, see it as more of a distraction than an asset.
  7. UltraVillain Committed Player

    Some people like the privacy of retreating to an alt....I dunno the ins and outs but I suspect that the degree of coding required for such a change is simply unreasonable against the pretty minimal gains. The reclaim will have made some real progress and expanded freedom, lets see where that leaves us before we request too much more attention to this one aspect of the game.
  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    The Lion's share of the complaints are around the fact that we were NOT told ahead of time that PC and PS would share the same name from now on.

    People complain about the lack of information and how it mislead them into buying rename tokens they can't use now.
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  9. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Which a name@accountname system automatically solves... it solves all those problems.
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  10. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Sure, just pointing out that your disagreement doesn't make the idea bad or invalid. It's just something that you read, clicked on, and decided to say you didn't like... because internet.
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    The complaints are about being mislead by the Devs.
    It has nothing to do about the name being available or not at this point.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    But a lot of those games had that as their system from the start.

    You'd be looking at changing a core system of this game years into the game's lifespan, and from past experiences with other games that kind of change never goes as smoothly as people think it would.
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  13. Fivluih New Player

    That would kind of detract from the hero/villain feeling you get from names. What if you named yourself Dark Abyss but your psn was something like fluffy_panda_hugs lol that wouldn't be very cool to see in game. I never did like games that let you pick a name then just show your psn.
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  14. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    In games that already do this, it hides the account name by default on the nameplate, you only see it when you try to send them a direct message.

    In fact, right now you can't name yourself Dark Abyss at all... so having a name like XxXDark AbyssXxX, I would argue, ALSO has a detraction from the "feeling you get from names."
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  15. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Okay, I mean... not from what I have been reading. Pretty sure people are still mad about buying rename tokens they can't use and getting their name's merged across environments, both of which this change would solve, but okay.
  16. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Sure, it always causes short-term headaches... but in the long term, isn't it better than having to fight PS/PC players for names and seeing XxX's and I's instead of l's all over the place?
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    It would allow people to use their Rename Token they just bought or their extra character slots they purchased.... you are correct,

    But I think many would still be mad/unhappy thinking they were somewhat mislead by the Devs.
  18. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Sure, but it would solve the actual problem.
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  19. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I agree with King Felsa. It doesn't work "fine" in other games. I personally despised it enough in Champions that *I quit playing Champions*.

    What you are not recognizing is that there are a lot of reasons for not wanting peeps to know who you are all the time.
    Three reasons I *personally* have are:
    1) Closets. I have 14 toons, 3 of which are complete storage closets. I don't keep my closets in my League, I don't have any "friends" on those toons. When I am searching inventory or doing a quick farm-run for Seasonal (the only time these 3 leave the Hall of Doom), I do NOT want to be bothered with my League and Friends "Hey Vesper, come chat with us, come raid with us, come help this noob level". I log on my closets because I have things to do, not to be social.

    2) Anonymous runs. Sometimes when I play, I want to just do some mindless exo-hunting. Sometimes there's League drama that I want a break from. Sometimes I want to test some power/weapon combo out that might not work so great in a League run. Sometimes I just feel like experiencing pug-life without any of the pugs figuring who I am from my League-name under my toon-name. So I go on one of my 4 toons that are not in a League.

    3) Stalkers. This will probably sound paranoid, but it happened to me, and to a few other ladies I've known over the years in this game. Guy hears you talk in Group Chat, realizes you are *OMG A GIRL*. Now he's sending you chats, e-mails, tells ALL. THE. TIME. Some of them get weird. Some creepy. Some overtly sexual. Some VERY weird, WAY creepy AND overtly sexual. Had one guy creep me out so bad that I quit playing my villain and went back to hero. I had only told the League leader what was going on, not the whole League. So CreepyStalkerDude asked *someone else* in the League "Hey, where's Vesper" and since they didn't know any better, they said "Ah, she's prob on her hero toon "SuperName". So......he made a hero, friended me, and started doing EXACTLY the same thing. I had to delete that toon. It was the only way to be sure he wouldn't follow me around. Had another stalker make a toon EXACTLY LIKE ME as a "tribute" to me. His tells were so creepy that I had to report him to Sony. I've never seen him again, so maybe he got banned. I dunno.

    I like my anonymity. If I want peeps to know who I am, I'll tell them. They can probably even figure it out when they see "Vesper" has logged out, "Ty Roc" has logged in on the League chat-list. My closets though? My non-League toons? Nope. I don't want or need peeps to know those toons are linked.
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  20. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    Sorry you're so popular. I have been stalked in games too. No fun. I just block people on an account level, and if it gets too bad, I engage support to have that user removed from the game (have done this twice). The detriments you are talking about do not outweigh the benefits of the opposite, but I feel ya.

    Also, I quit Champions because the game wasn't very good, I imagine you probably did the same, but it sounds better in this thread to say the naming convention made you quit... I suppose.
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