New powers...Weak and lacking imagination.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GregDawe, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Owl Devoted Player

    Beast Boy Forms are basically represented in the Nature Fauna tree (formerly the Shapeshifting tree). Some of those powers may have been taken from the original Shape Change power.

    While the Serums screen was up, Spytle mentioned Bane, Hourman and Elongated Man. Elongated Man stretches. Bane Grows.
    There are also other Shape Change examples in game that do not fit into Nature Forms such as Clayface.
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Static turrets were the first thing that came to mind when they announced it :) Kind of like the Sorcery podium things.
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  3. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I dunno, atomic sounds pretty cool. Serums sounds pretty cool as well. Only one i'm on the fence about is munitions. Actually not even that, what i'm truly on the fence about is the potential reusing of the 'Mepps Softball Special ' and the 'Mepps Fastball' animations. They're so terribly ugly that if i see them reused in more powersets, i will be disappoint
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  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    New UI! WOOOOOOOT! anyone got screenshots yet?
    I found this tonight: [IMG] :p
    (yes. Its Warframe. Dev Stream tonight included and was not limited to mentioning Swimming and fighting in Space. Image is of the Archwing trailer showing Space combat. Funhouse Warframe thread.)
  5. Ice Clown New Player

    daze is sorta like stunning/confusing someone. HL and earth has it.

    maybe the serum druggy tank power will make you able to stretch your body parts super far and make you big
  6. GregDawe New Player

    Yeah but it won't.
    1 - PS3
    2 - They said it inspired Lt Longbottom or whatever he is, he is a Military man, so good luck with too much flexibility that doesn't resemble WM, and Gadgets.
    3 - PS3
    4 - I think munitions is a good excuse for them to rule out the possibilities of some weapons for the future.
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  7. Owl Devoted Player

    Note that Gadgets Turrets were originally stationary. And there were originally 3 different Turrets in the tree.
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  8. Naija born Well-Known Player

    After this post i think right now you just lack imagination, anyone with a tiny bit of imagination can see beyond munitions been a gadgets and wm re-skin
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  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I wasn't aware that miniguns, RPGs, nuclear weapons, middle barragess, arm cannons, and other high impact weapons were available via gadgets and weapon mastery. I mean the possibility of having a mini gun power that is like the current mass detonation is very different to anything gadgets has. Mcguyver and the Terminator both use tech in very different ways.
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  10. GregDawe New Player

    I wasn't aware that they were superpowers?
    Could have sworn people do that in the real world.
    Much like gadgets I know, but they work best on the person, earth weapons do jack to aliens and superpowers beings.
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  11. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    pretty much seems like you were looking for something to bash, the Devs could have came out with powers to turn into a dragon and you would complained. Some people you can't make happy we know nothing at all about these news powers yet they are bland... get out of here with that ish.
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  12. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    But in the keynote, it was clearly stated that these are military-like powers. No lantern rings, no venom boost (that's in serums), etc. This strictly deals with miltary-like features.
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  13. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I can picture it now a SC that makes you super Strong and Big or something for 30sec im Def down with a bane/cpt America type of powerset I can picture some of the buffs and powers.
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  14. GregDawe New Player

    Mate it seems like you're looking for something to bash.
    If they released a power to turn into a dragon, I would be more ok with that than what we have got.
    At least it is a POWER!!!
    Taking drugs and playing with weapons are not powers.
    So get out of here with your Dev brown nosing and read the thread before you throw chat.
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  15. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    He's not trying to bash anyone. He's simply asking "why these specific powers" which isn't a bad thing to ask. I agree, they are somewhat bland, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to bash anyone. We're just expressing our opinions, and not everyone will ever come to a agreed consensus.
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  16. SkullGang Devoted Player

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  17. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I agree with that, but lets at lest give them a chance Dc has been doing powers right lately. Rage was a major hit with players same with Celestial. I am honestly interested in the serum and other powerset cause i didn't see it coming.
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  18. GregDawe New Player

    And there you have it!! a better idea already than what they threw on the table.

    I am all for a hulking SC power haha.
    But not through drugs.
    I think serums is the biggest cop out there is.
    Superstrength - mix - shapeshifting would be awesome if it were the way you are talking
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  19. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    can a game do this moment? (seems like a finisher move. which this game does not have.): [IMG]
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  20. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Lol one power being pulling a chunk of the earth from the ground and tossing it for massive damage lol one can dream.