Server Downtime - January 8, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. Sasami Well-Known Player the guy in your signature 'exploiting' Tumbling Master? :p
    • Like x 1
  2. Kai El Well-Known Player

    Poor Mepps. Here you go, buddy. Just for you.
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  3. Astro® New Player

    Yeah Look that ! :mad:
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  4. HardlineHero Committed Player

    In the future, to mitigate player frustration regarding server downtime because of updates, SOE should advise the game will be down for the entire day. If the servers come up before the day is done then players will be happy. Promise only what you can deliver then deliver more than promised.
  5. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Oh well I am kind of new to the forums , might have missed it. Anyways lesson learned :)
  6. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Does this meant l ATLEAST another 4 hours of downtime or that in 4 hours the servers will be up
  7. Jamie New Player

    Really, you're going to be that guy? If SOE is going to do anything then they may want to think about extending the Seasonal by a day incase someone hasn't finished it yet. As long as the game is back up and running today I say nothing is due to us.
  8. Vulpis New Player

    Indeed...I mean, with all the replay tokens, wasn't that a bad enough problem to begin with?
    Not to mention, this is kind of a stupid way of going about it--instead of chopping T3 prices, they should have added in a set of Challenge missions that bridge the gap between the T3 Challenges that drop 25 MoT per, and the Home Turf solos that drop 125 MoT per (not counting the extra from the weeklies on the Challenges and the 5-day instances on the HTs).
    More content and new missions please, not making the Powerlevelers even more of a problem!
    • Like x 1
  9. Enickma Dedicated Player

    I wanted so badly not to laugh at that, but I couldn't help it... Good one lol
  10. graydogg51 Well-Known Player

    I only play one MMO.
  11. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    @ Mepps - Any chance you can say whether or not the bug I reported and messaged you about will be fixed in this downtime?
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  12. Jonn's oreo stash New Player

    Good for you sir.

    I wasn't expecting it to happen, I said nothing disrespectful and it would not be an unreasonable gesture of goodwill. So yes I'm going to be that guy.
  13. Crotch1911 New Player

    how many servers do you run??
    you have no idea what it takes for tester and dev team to get from test server to RT server its not as easy as copy paste cause even if you run a test server for a year when you release it there will be ppl that try to glitch it and cheat it and cause more problems for the legit players than for them and being as fast as they took it all down i dont think the marks where the ONLY problem found so give the guys a break and let them get thier job done
    • Like x 1
  14. Viktoryos New Player

    @ Mepps perfect job my friend well done with this update 33. I stell cant belive how this is posible and i dont want imagine what will be when DLC9 must be ready, then my be you will nead 1 weak to fix problems or i dont now. This is not even full update MAN where is armorys...? If i wass your BOSS my be all team will be pay of all comunity from your poket just to lern what is mistake and Sorry not fix thing in real live
  15. Vulpis New Player

    I might point out that the reason people are sitting complaining here is because they have nothing better to do with no game to play? ;-)
  16. TROLLERZOMBIE New Player

    10 open dcuo.exe
    20 if server status="of" go to 10
    30 if server status="on" server status="false" go to 40
    40 open lol.exe
    50 end
  17. Myrocha New Player

    More like 17 cents.
  18. pikaswaglord New Player

    Not right now, you don't.
    • Like x 3
  19. The Klepto New Player

  20. CosmicIV Well-Known Player

    8hour update all together then
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