Nova's Magic Mastery Guide to Sorcery

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Whizzkid, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Lightpulsar New Player

    I want to ask about the DPS side of thing cause i have the Healing down.

    Is anyone using Soul Storm and if so is it effective. It just seems like a lot.

    What am conflicted is that if go down the trees and get shards of life and then get final ruin i am left with debating over trying out soul storm or going with ole faithful COD.

    Also previously i was using boon of souls on the dps side a clipping power, i want to know if it is necessary anymore or should i still include it.

    And just for clarity where am stuck at is i have these Powers i know am going to get (Tactical Genius, Weapon Expert, Condemn, Soul Siphon, Vengeance, Weapon of Destiny, Final Ruin, Summon Guardian, Soul Well, Boon of Souls, Transmutation, Shards of Life)

    What am debating is what to add to the collective, either attempting at adding COd or Trying Soul Storm or Adding Karmic Backlash and mixing in a couple Iconics?

    Any advice would be great.
  2. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    I'm testing a bit on Pc with my char cr 45 so I don't tried in raid but I'm gonna switch on my ps3 main monday and I'll see really what about it but from what I see soul storm is effective but not more than vengeance and I prefer take final ruin than it I'll see if I can do something with it with armories too but btw final ruin can be really effective even over 35% if you clip it just before the 2nd hit. Shard of life is really a must have imo but if you recast before full DoTs it become less effective than other power, what I'm doing atm is just keep clipping with WoD because the DoTs last pretty much like the cooldown of WoD ( the cooldown is a bit longer but well it's good ). For single target it's better to go for vengeance than transmutation because it's a way faster then CoD and Soul well are really must have as before. I really wait armories to do some op things with it.
  3. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Well, I personally would never drop CoD simply because of it's range and effectiveness. One simple Karmic Hex into a group followed by CoD and everything has two DoTs on them instantly + the damage from Karmic Hex. I wouldn't use Boon of Souls as a clipping power. It had a long cooldown and you were better off jump-canceling IoR instead. Now, however, Weapon of Destiny has been made clippable so between that and Karmic Hex, if you use them, clipping should be fine. However, if you don't have the resources to make them then Soul Siphon --> CoD works just as well in mid range.

    You could try Soul Storm if you like. It's decent and it can be jump-cancelled for full damage halfway. If you are debating on trying Iconics then I recommend Sonic Shout for AoE or Heat Vision for single target damage. In my opinion Karmic Backlash really doesn't have a purpose on a PvE loadout if you use Karmic Hex. Hex does the same thing, minus the knockback, and saves you a power point/loadout slot in the process.

    Out of the powers you've selected, I'd try: Shard of Life, Weapon of Destiny, Soul Siphon, Vengeance, Final Ruin and one of the aforementioned powers. I would definitely keep CoD though.
  4. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Anyone know a good 1v1 and Arena healer loadouts? I've respecced like 4 times in the past few days but can't decide if I should use soul siphon or SOL, is COP worth using for 1v1s? (I know it's good for Arena) Does COP have a PI with bad karma in healer role like it does in dps role?
  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    If you're going to 1v1 as a Sorc Healer I wouldn't necessarily use Soul Siphon. You could use various other ways to apply Bad Karma and unless you're being debuffed constantly, you could benefit more from CoP. You'll use less power vs multiple uses of Soul Siphon and you'll be able to put in more damage in the process. However, CoP has no PI in healer role other than the slowing the target and the HoT it gives.

    In 1v1's or random duels I occasionally use: WoD, BoS, Final Ruin, Watcher, Condemn and CoP.
    If I'm playing against a support role then I'd sub Condemn for the appropriate debuff if necessary.
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  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    SoL is great for ones. I like more than condemn cuz it's DoTs longer.
  7. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Yeah, I'm kinda loving my 1v1 loadout, it finally feels like sorcery is making sense now. My loadout is: SOL, boon, Watcher, Transcendence(sc), Rejuvenate, offering... How does that sound, any suggestions?

    Also, does Soul siphon heal more the more targets I hit with it? Does that mean I should use that in larger arena matches instead of SOL?
  8. Lightpulsar New Player

    Hey Whiz

    I've noticed that even in Healer role, if you place BK on an opponent in Circle of proctection, you will still get ticks on them, they would be DPS tick number but they will still tick.
  9. Anti Bezz New Player

    I believe you need to hit your a;;ies tp get the heals from siphon, but could be wrong honestly about that.
  10. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Yeah, I just tested it... Soul siphon beats SOL in heals if I think I hit 3 targets with it at the same time, just an estimate. Too bad Soul siphon's cone is so narrow
  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    That will always be the case. You can get damage ticks regardless of which role you throw the Circle in but you will only get the additional tick of damage if you are in DPS role or using the Arbiter's Circle of Destruction. I think that may have been his question about the Power Interaction.

    In most close combat matches (Pit 5v5, Watchtower 5v5, or any 8v8) Soul Siphon works wonders. It does have a target limit(4) but it's heals are substantial in PvE or PvP matches. It's much more viable of a healing power than people think. Not to mention it also inflicts Bad Karma which causes attacking players/enemies to heal the targets with each hit.
    It doesn't generate heals unless you hit targets and that increases its effectiveness.
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  12. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    Well I switched to sorcery on my Ps3, I didn't have lots of time to test it and considere that 3/4 of time I just hard lagged I couldn't test more than some rotation on sparring. And there's something I really don't understand, yeah on Pc clip is faster but there vengeance seemed to have a longer cast time, really it was a huge difference maybe it's just because I cliped a part of vengeance with my riffle as I play with 1h or hb on Ps3 so i will test that but I don't think it's really that.
  13. Clutch Committed Player

    Veng has a shorter animation with rifle than other weapons. Rifle has this effect on certain powers.
  14. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    Well ok then I need a riflle right now or I can't do the rotation that I tested -_- I know some1 that will joke at me if my damage are **** in dox xD
  15. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    This is true. There are some weapons that have shorter animations with powers than others. It's why I say the the Rifle is not the best weapon for ranged DPS in regards to particular power sets as everyone insists.
  16. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Watcher, WoD, Phase Dodge, Rejuv, BoS, SF/Condemn/Debuff
  17. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    What's sf?
  18. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Shared Fate. I guess it's Soul Syphon now, my mistake.
  19. winter13 New Player

    That doesn't really jive with what I've seen from siphon. The heals seem to be fairly small, and I have 4300+ resto. Maybe I'll check it again
  20. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    Then did you find better weapon than riffle ? Atm from what I see it's riffle>HB>1H I also have shield in my inventory for test.