Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eventz, Sep 8, 2013.

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  1. Minx New Player

    There are exceptions.
  2. AST0NISHING New Player

    Yo im not asking for nerfs but you got to be honest why cant they make all powers "easy" to use. As you incompetants say. Abd everyone cares more about raids than pvp well because no one pvps. And pvp is 1/7 of the games total content.most people dont reset 4v4 s because thats just stupid **** tgey reset raids because it has a higher fun factor. I mean i have used lots of powers gadgets the dps side was good solo burn the troll side was nuce and safe but tgey dont have group shield, i was hl the dps was op AF i was able to easily outdps 99% of the dcuo population spaming 3 combos.the troll side was difficult to use though your pot lunges u in. The debuffs u had to be close and that sucks but if u get used to it its ok. Then I moved to quantum its great for aoe but somehow hl still does more aoe damage with spamm the fff combo. And sure people will say there more skilled and I will say "your stupid" I was using quabtums best Sie loadout gwell, warped real,tblast,gbomb,sing repeat and he was doing hl best combo ram,whipthrash,snaptrap,fan now how does that do more damage than quantum? Because whipthrash hits five times hits everyone in your frontal Sie doesn't split and each hit does about 250-600 damage per hit. And in this instance we were both 99 cr it was nexus first boss out dpses by 50kby the end of the raid lost by 500 k because hl is op. Then I moved to celestial now that power us def op for dps the same dps I go against in nexus same gear everything I spam 4 moves benediction for crits and theb spam smite , retribution and plague and destroyed him by 1.2 mil and used have his power in. So don't give me that is not power its the player bs because your power choice is what will determine your skill
  3. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I resemble that remark.
  4. AST0NISHING New Player

    So with the its the player not the power logic what happens when they need hl? I geuss they lose "skill" elec dps got needed last week and my friend shivak does less damage now did he lose skill? or was it the power lol I'm pretty sure it was attract was op
  5. chmegma Well-Known Player

    if you can't explain what has you upset without insults,

    "and all u guys do is lie" and "AND DONT GIVE ME THAT CRAP THAT ITS THE PLAYER NOT THE POWER"

    your words are meaningless.
  6. AST0NISHING New Player

    But if someone could post of vid of paradox being done with 2 gadget trolls,2 electric heals,earth tank,earth dps,sorc. Dps ,ice dps than I would be in awe and my brain would explode but that won't happen till t 22 lol
  7. Darth Loyal Player

    That can currently be done without a problem. If you don't think it can be done than you're not as good as you think. Not everyone is as bad as you though. And what do you have against Gadget Controllers and Electric Healers? I know for a fact that Gadgets is just as good as the other 3 Controller powers and I've seen Electric Healers solo Nexus so Wave would be completely do-able with 2 of them. Get good and stop asking for buffs/nerfs.
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  8. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    If those 8 guys are good then it will be easy for them even with the powers you mentioned.
  9. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Spot on!!! Not only do there “balancing acts” tend to cripple powersets but they give us the “bring the power more in line…” but seem to never tell us what powers they’re comparing them to.

    That being said, not only are certain powers in need of balancing but the weapons could use some balancing as well. But that’s a discussion for another thread.
  10. AST0NISHING New Player

    im not good enough? Man **** I have enough wins if para and nex under my belt. And with the setup I put 2 electric because there range is **** . 2 gadgets trolls because no group shields because it woulsnt save the **** earth tank. And earth tank because its bad, and I put sorc dps because is bad but I have ran into 1 decent one key word decent and earth dps because its just the worst and ice dps because its the third worst though I gave ran into a good ice dps I'm just saying thus is prolly the hardest setup to be paradox and I don't think it can be done do it have your league do it and post it. This us a challenge
  11. AST0NISHING New Player

    I agree completely with cybernaut21 you and I have the same views but you have better word choice
  12. AST0NISHING New Player

    If fighting games can release patches every month to nerd and buff 30 plus characters to make them balanced why can't soe balance 8 powers in one update instead they move stuff in the wt and fix ninja looting 2 year old problem and make the pvp icons smaller like wtf that could just be a hotfix
  13. AST0NISHING New Player

    And how they nerf electrics attract? Like really you will need a balanced power but not hl and its whiptrash !!
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And where would it end? You buff the powers, the other sets fall behind, then you have to buff THAT set, then the first buff set falls behind again, and so on and so forth.

    As for what they're comparing them to, I don't think it's just in comparison to other powers. There's the PvP part of the game to take into account as well as the PvE game balance they wish to maintain. Over buff the powers and the content goes into easy mode, and I do mean easy. Been there with other games and the novelty of that wears off really fast.
  15. Radium Devoted Player

    Are you kidding? Fighting Games will always be unbalanced because of the very reason you said. Balancing 30 plus characters is easier said then done.

    This is why all fighting game characters, even ones that are more recent and can be updated, are broken down into Tier classes. This is why in MvC2 everyone uses Magneto/Storm/Sentinal, why everyone uses Akuma in SF4, and everyone uses Heihachi in Tekken 5. Because Fighting games are one of the worst unbalances in gaming.
  16. Aridian New Player


    If the player has no skill at the game, then even the best power will suck.
  17. Zpred Dedicated Player

    I agree with you, there is no end, the problem with this thread and alot of the people that are shouting for Nerf/balance are only referring to PVE content all of the time and they don't consider the other side to the game.. PVP.

    Like I said in my 1st post in this thread, while 1 power may do good numbers in PVE content, it also suffers in PVP content against other powersets that doesn't do as good in PVE.

    I see way too many many people complain about x power being OP or it does x numbers in PVE rather then PVP where competitiveness is more key, especially when your comparing about balance/fairness against other powers/players.

    I maybe pretty much repeating myself from what I said earlier but I don't think people are seeing the big picture as a whole, I don't believe there will ever be 100% balance in this game for either PVE or PVP, the game just isn't designed that way, its why we have different roles different powersets, it's what seperates x power to z power or a to b, if every power did the same damage had the same power interactions ect the game would be completely boring. The devs have tried to semi balance things with Nerfs/buffs but that doesn't cure anything that just brings everyone back to square 1 because now z power is more powerful then x power, its a silly cycle.

    Again I wish people would consider thinking about the game as a whole instead of worrying about scorechasing in PVE and god knows what else in PVE.
  18. Darth Loyal Player

    1. 2 Electric Healers can heal Wave just fine. That's all there is to it. Just because they have less range doesn't mean they can't do it.
    2. Just because they wouldn't have a Group Shield SC doesn't mean anything. Most of the things that are going to kill players in Wave hit for at least 15k and usually closer to 100k. A group shield isn't worth anything against a 15k or a 100k hit.
    3. Earth Tanks are only bad when the player is bad. There are plenty of great Earth Tanks around.
    4. You can complete Wave just fine with an Ice, Sorcery and Earth DPS.

    Just because you've completed Nexus and Wave doesn't mean you're an authority on every power in the game. The fact is that you said that setup can't beat Wave until T22, which is a ridiculous over-exaggeration when they fact is that setup can beat it right now. Am I going to run it and post a video to prove it to you? No. I'm Quantum right now and I don't have a way to record it. I'm not going to spend money to switch back to Gadgets and get a recording device just to prove you wrong. Just because you aren't experienced enough to know it can be done, doesn't mean I need to prove it to you. Btw, work on your spelling and punctuation because that was a pain in the @ss to read.
  19. Eventz New Player

    Dude everyone knows it can be done like that buts what the point. I know plenty of sorc dpses earth dpses eletric healers. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ALL SAY, I WISH THEY WOULD BUFF MY POWER. Tbh here if that was the case of doing paradox like that they would just say why dont we just change power and enjoy the raid more bc it would easier. Logic lol
  20. AST0NISHING New Player

    Ok this is a challenge to all of you do that same setup beat paradoz and post it on here or youtube
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