The most controversial thread topic...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by melvinpox, May 2, 2013.

  1. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Lots of things that we CAN'T talk about on these forums. What are some controversial topics that are still fair game? I'm not looking to start arguments or anything...but much can you really find out about people when all we are discussing are comic books and how old we are. (Both great threads, BTW).

    So what can we debate?

    Pepsi vs. Coke?
    Cable vs. Dish?
    McDonald's vs. Burger King?
    Regular vs. Decaf?

    Surely there must be SOMETHING!
  2. Ace1 Dedicated Player





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  3. BlueVariable Committed Player

    I don't eat at either McDonalds or Burger King so I can't chime in on that one.

    Controversial eh?
    Here are some others

    Education vs. Defense spending
    Marvel vs. DC (A la a separate post)
    Sandals vs. Flip Flops
    David Tennant vs Matt Smith
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  4. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Blondes vs Brunettes
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  5. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Soda would be neither.
    TV would be neither.
    McDonalds if I have to.
    Regular any time of day.
    Defense Spending. The education system is an absolute joke. Not saying teachers are a joke. System in general. Nothing but respect for the teachers. My mom taught for over 20 years.
    DC (see that post)
    Sandals. Guys don't wear flip flops.
    David and Matt who? I don't know these people.
    Blondes...specifically my lovely wife.
  6. recespieces31 New Player

    1. Dr. Pepper
    2. Cable
    3. Long John Silver's
    4. Columbian Roast
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  7. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Yankees or Red Sox?
  8. recespieces31 New Player

    Tampa Bay Rays
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  9. CanadianGrimloc Active Player

    Regular (No point in decaf)
    Education (Sorry im canadian)
    Sandles (Agreed flip flops are wrong)
    Mat Smith (Way more epic)
    Toronto Blue Jays
    Marvel (Sorry I know its dc, but marvel)
    Hmm think thats it for now
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  10. HealerHollidae New Player

  11. HellxxFury Level 30

    Diet Coke
    Neither (Time in front of the TV is reserved for DC)
    Dairy Queen (better ice cream then the other two)
    Regular (If someone switched mine to decaf they might lose their head)
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  12. melvinpox Devoted Player

    (Sorry im canadian) Best response of entire thread.
  13. Delta795 New Player

    El Royale w/ cheese
    Education and Defense (cut the lawmakers pay first!)
    Flip flops
    No idea who either are
    KC Royals
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  14. TrueMarvel New Player

    Winner: Red heads
  15. Delta795 New Player

    PS3 vs PC
  16. melvinpox Devoted Player

    ps3...cuz that's what I play on.
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  17. Fourth New Player

    Right twix vs Left twix.

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  18. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Peanut Butter Cup.
    The End.
  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Blame Canada (blame Canada)
    With their beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies
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  20. Delta795 New Player

    Going to watch them get swept here in T-Minus 3 hrs!
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