Launchpad was unable to connect (Downloaded through steam)

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by segundoblz, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. segundoblz New Player

    I just re-installed DCUO and now I am getting this problem: Launchpad was unable to connect. (1-0)
    Checking the startup logs I get this:
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    1    4    4295711171    InitializePostConfigLogging - local logger created, localLogLevel=4, defaultLogfile=#GameLauncher.log.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    2    4    4295711171    InitializePostConfigLogging - connecting to logging server,
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    7    4    4295711175    GameLauncherClient - Starting name=LaunchPad Shell, guid={805ACF13-47BC-4cc3-878F-771D53BD2C59}, version=, gameEnv=live, gameCode=dcuo, serverEnv=stage, appBuildTime=Mar  4 2013 18:31:57, processId=5840, processFilepath=C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/DC Universe Online/LaunchPad.exe, uf=48be449c-00005371-0000422b-860076a8-0cd0295a, clientSessionId=1366462306, sf=PFN5c3RlbUZpbmdlcnByaW50IFZpZGVvQ2FyZElkPSI5VjdQWkVGeDh1WmpUZWZpejZjZ3owRlJzMmxIdS9lTTFWaHdxRkNvSVZJPSIgTmV0d29ya0NhcmRJZD0iS0VqeTZCTHFZR3ZpTE5Hejd4cCs0a3E1TU43MDFrSWJmZisrUGwzOTdhRT0iIEhhcmRyaXZlSWQ9IkJtV1d0aTlJZFliMWptR21KSm9zeGZ3d3dwM1F5dnZKZFphK2xzd25FQzg9IiBDb21wdXRlck5hbWU9ImRnQnN0NlB0c1NJRG14VFRTSUxYSTRWYjV3cFdRRmx3UkNNSjJzVnRRSWc9Ij48TmV0d29ya0FkYXB0ZXJzIElzTGlzdD0iMSI-PE5ldHdvcmtBZGFwdGVyIElkPSJLRWp5NkJMcVlHdmlMTkd6N3hwKzRrcTVNTjcwMWtJYmZmKytQbDM5N2FFPSIvPjxOZXR3b3JrQWRhcHRlciBJZD0iS0VqeTZCTHFZR3ZpTE5Hejd4cCs0a3E1TU43MDFrSWJmZisrUGwzOTdhRT0iLz48TmV0d29ya0FkYXB0ZXIgSWQ9InlFTHRSQVQyRW9BUVBuQUdhbUNOdnRFUlhpU1Z0VmVGM0hMWlYzVjJvY2c9Ii8-PC9OZXR3b3JrQWRhcHRlcnM-PEhhcmREcml2ZXMgSXNMaXN0PSIxIj48SGFyZERyaXZlIFVuaXF1ZUlkPSJNeW5QaFlOdVlLalp3SWlMVXhYZmxEbDVhU1M1aHZmVkpNdHlNNW80REZvPSIgTW9kZWxJZD0iR3ZZL0hwaFFwajM2RjZBVWpFVkFjWERTN0x6RitleEcyc1lvQVlydHFtdz0iIFJldmlzaW9uSWQ9IlRxYk82THhyWUtuN3FhOEJEOEM5Q3JNUjdlaFMvekk0L2U2dGYzZkdiWEE9IiBWZW5kb3JJZD0iZkE0V1Z1SFIyQjA0QS9kNzBJUmdGVHRndERsYytacmFxRnZBYlRTWmpsND0iIFNpemVJZD0idTNVeDBYaDJ2NzA0M05Bam55T2JXVVdjOXM3M3BTQVhsSFZaQzBFVExWWT0iLz48L0hhcmREcml2ZXM-PC9TeXN0ZW1GaW5nZXJwcmludD4=, elapsedTimeSinceStartupMs=1111.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    9    2    4295711177    PatcherDllObjectFactory::Load - Failed to load dll, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/npsoeact.dll, message=Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    10    2    4295711177    .
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    11    2    4295711177    GetPatcherDllVersion - Failed to create patcher object, will fall back to legacy query, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/npsoeact.dll
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    12    4    4295711199    Video Adapter DeviceId: 3572
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    13    4    4295711199    Video Adapter VendorId:: 4318
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    14    4    4295711199    Video Adapter SubSetId:: 3232044109
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    15    4    4295711199    GetUserDataFolder - windows version major=6, minor=1.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    40    4    4295711201    Working directory is: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/DC Universe Online.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    41    4    4295711201    InitializeInfiniteLoopMonitor - Starting up infinite loop monitor, crashFilename=LaunchPad.crash.txt, timeout=3600 seconds.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    42    4    4295711201    Initialized the infinite loop monitor.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    43    4    4295711201    InitializeCrashReporter - Connecting to crash report server, crashReporterName=LaunchPad Shell,, filepath=./LaunchPad.libs/wws_crashreport_uploader.exe.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    44    4    4295711202    Initialized the crash reporter.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    45    4    4295711203    Initialized the http manager.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    48    4    4295711203    Initialized the application updater interface.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    49    4    4295711203    Locale set to en
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    50    4    4295711203    Initialized localized messages.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    51    4    4295711203    Attempting to obtain registry lock, name={5E47593E-53AB-4efc-A442-127BA365D555}.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    52    4    4295711203    GetUserDataFolder - windows version major=6, minor=1.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    53    4    4295711204    Not all application registry tags processed, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/ApplicationRegistry.xml.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    54    4    4295711204    Releasing registry lock, name={5E47593E-53AB-4efc-A442-127BA365D555}.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    55    4    4295711204    Registered the application.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    56    4    4295711204    Run - beginning to run.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    57    4    4295711204    [GameLauncherClient] Starting state machine.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    58    4    4295711204    [GameLauncherClient] State transition request to Starting.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    59    4    4295711204    TransitionState - oldState=, newState=Starting, totalTimeInStateMs=0.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    60    4    4295711220    Self patching is enabled.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    61    4    4295711220    [GameLauncherClient] State transition request to UpdatingPatcher.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    62    4    4295711236    TransitionState - oldState=Starting, newState=UpdatingPatcher, totalTimeInStateMs=32.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    63    4    4295711236    [GameLauncherClient, UpdatingPatcher] State - OnEnter(Begin)
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    64    2    4295711236    PatcherDllObjectFactory::Load - Failed to load dll, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/npsoeact.dll, message=Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado.
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    65    2    4295711236    .
    2013-04-20    09:51:40        1366462300    66    2    4295711236    GetPatcherDllVersion - Failed to create patcher object, will fall back to legacy query, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/npsoeact.dll
    Some important notes:

    2013-04-2009:51:5213664623007524295723204DNS: Failed (11002)
    2013-04-2009:53:4013664623009144295831286Max time limit reached for downloading the patcher update, will skip application updater updates, timeElapsedMs=120013
    2013-04-2009:53:4013664623009244295831288OnPatcherDllUpdateComplete - result=Timed out, versionUrl=, downloadUrl=, filepath=C:/Users/Humberto Segundo/AppData/LocalLow/Sony Online Entertainment/npsoeact.dll, newVersion=, oldVersion=, totalTimeMs=120036
  2. segundoblz New Player

    Disregard everything. Messing up with some app on DCUO folder I just clicked twice on "RegionalSettings" and it worked what It's kinda funny and it's also a solution.
  3. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Cool, glad you were able to get in successfully. Please let us know if you have any more issues.
  4. Matthew Salter New Player

    Please bump this!!!

    In simpleton instructions:

    Start > Computer > C: > Program Files > Steam > Steamapps > Common > dc universe online > Double click on "RegionalSettings.bat"

    A window should appear for a brief second and disappear, after that try launching, I tried uncountable things such as
    reinstalling the game 2 different ways
    installing dx9 or .net framework 4
    restarting the program infinite times
    restarting my computer

    and out of all that this worked.
  5. Barabous New Player

    This worked! After a painfully long amount of searching for help this was the problem.... Thank you very much!
  6. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Glad Matt's info helped! Please let us know if you have any more issues :)

    Matthew, thank you for your assistance, my friend.
  7. Unknownmarks New Player

    I've tried doing what Matt said, but i keep getting the same error. I need help.
  8. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Unknown, at this point I'd recommend submitting in a support ticket so we can further assist you. Please be sure to include your Dxdiag/Msinfo.
  9. tisktisk New Player

    im having a problem with the directions i whent into computer then i whent into program files then i couldnt find steam so i downloaded steam and then i got up to Start > Computer > C: > Program Files > Steam but after that i couldnt find steam apps anywere help please
  10. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    If you already installed the game (without steam) look in the folder you installed it to. If you don't know where that is, right click on your DCUO icon and click "open file location" and that should open a window showing you all your files.
  11. Igotsk1lllad New Player

    it has not even let me install the game yet only the program to run it does anybody know what i can do?
  12. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    That depends. Can you describe what happens when you run the launcher?
  13. Igotsk1lllad New Player

    it will not even let me install the game i click on the game it says do u want this to make changes to your computer i click yes then it says launchpad was unable to connect.
  14. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    The "Do you want this to make changes to your computer" is not a launchpad box - what software is that coming from?
    Have you set exceptions in your antivirus?
    Have you set exceptions in your firewall?
    Are you running the game as admin?
  15. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Many different things can cause this to happen. I would suggest submitting in a support ticket with both your Dxdiag/Msinfo so we can check for potential causes.
  16. Nichromo New Player

    Hey I do not see RegionalSettinga.bat when I went in the folder (I don't have Steam and I did what you said about the right clicking and clicking open in file location)
  17. Djozar New Player

    Really wish SOE would just get rid of its association with Steam...either that or MAKE THEM FIX what they broke with the launcher. I can play, thankfully, by using the launcher from SOE, however, I would like to continue my achievements on Steam and not have 2 copies on my computer. I am determined to get this fixed...sad SOE doesn't demand more from a company given the power to distribute their games...time to grow a set SOE and demand they fix your product! WE shouldn't be having to fix ANYTHING...This is an SOE/Steam issue and THEY should be the ones to come up with a fix that doesn't require a bunch of steps that some people just don't have the pc experience to even mess with. FIX IT NOW! I don't pay for a broken service and neither will my friends. Time to step up Sony and do what you gotta do to fix it NOW! No exceptions or excuses. Just get it done. Your responsibility..NOT ours!!!