"Server transfer token available in Depot"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItchySox, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Hunter_Killers

    If I could get my old characters unlocks refunded back to SC I would be happy, even if it had to be deleted. But everywhere on the support website says that nothing involving SC is refundable.

    Transfers won't even help with my newly started one on another server. Unlocks right now are character specific.
  2. Aghar30

    Whine enough to customer support you can probably get your SC refunded but have to delete your char, im not kidding SC = sony keeps their money, so you complain enough you can probably get it back.
  3. Hunter_Killers

    So far that apparently isn't a good enough reason. Feel like I should have just quit until account wide unlocks at this point.
  4. jak

    I personally don't care if they make it free or if you have to pay. I'll BET they make it a pay to do thing, since the game being FTP requires them to find ways to make money and this is one way to do it. Regarding the convenience aspect - paying for anything in PS2 is paying for convenience. I'm leaving out the fluff like camo and such because they don't really have a major functional purpose, but paying money for weapons and resource/cert bonuses is paying for the convenience of not having to spend tons of time in game to acquire those things. The same is true for a paid transfer - you're paying for the convenience to not have to redo the character on a different server.

    I'm actually just happy they're including the option in some form. A LOT of other games haven't done this.
  5. sneakbyte

    • 1 free transfer per character that has spent SC on their character (Includes Alpha Squad).
    • 1 free monthly transfer for recurring planetside members (To Each character).
    • 500 SC points for characters after that.
    • 1 free transfer for new accounts/existing accounts for a single character.
  6. Roklut

    Seeing how I have put in $0.00, a small price to xfer is no big deal. As long as it is small.
  7. Clutchstep

    If you look at other MMOs that charge for server transfers, they're not cheap. SOE's own EQ2 costs 2500 SC, which is in line with WoW's $25. One of SOE's more successful games, Free Realms, allows free server transfers any time you want. It's not clear whether SOE intends to charge for PS2 transfers, but it wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't surprise me if they were free, but had some kind of limitation or cool-down on the token to prevent abuse.
  8. RayDrazon

    I seem to recall you rocket podding the other day. Seemed like you had quite some fun farming. Why leave SolTech when there are so many soft Vanu's?

    Anyways, I'm likely to move out of SolTech too once the Server Transfers are added unless it gets more populated. Like x2 more populated. Just wish the Tokens would be free but I'm getting it whether or not it is.
  9. Neroh

    So , I wonder what happens when you already have a character on the server you transfer to?

    Will it combine the SC and Cert purchases you have made on both? I hope so.
  10. RayDrazon

    I agree that it's good that SOE is adding Server Transfers whether or not they are free. PlanetSide 2 relies on population; the higher it is, the more fun it will be. It's one of the reasons why free transfers will be a good idea IMO.
  11. Jadith

    All that has been said is server transfer tokens will be available in the Depot. Noone has stated how this will be handled.

    All of you are complaining about something that has not happened yet.
  12. FigM

    the bottom line is that if the game population is low, charging for server transfer is going to hurt SOE in the long term - because more people quit on low pop or highly imbalanced servers. You could say "why not just make new character" - but in this game it takes many weeks to farm certs to unlock items, that time investment has real value that people don't want to just give up and start over
  13. LightningDriver

    You paid $60 for every other FPS.
  14. mina5

    yes communism rules !!! no money for peoples who deserve it !!
  15. ItchySox

    That's enough. In this entire thread no one who has drawn attention to the matter has bothered to ask if I've spent any money on this game. You're very happy to conveniently assume that I haven't. Apart from buying SC I had a premium membership. I've spent about $40 so far and I'm waiting to see what happens next. So, will you give up on that now?

    [Edit] That is a very strange statement, I suggest you look up Marxian Class Analysis, it might open your eyes.
  16. yarpirate0920

    They just need to allow one transfer every three months for everyone so the players who are stuck on Sony's launch day servers that are now low pop and low action can come to the servers where there is more action. This would benefit the more active servers too because even on weekends they're medium capacity and don't have near the amount of fights that they should. The lack of metagame hurts right now too. SOE needs to close down at least half of the low pop servers and allow players to migrate to where the fights are. I'm still having a hard time finding a good fight on my two medium pop servers other than the 2-3 zergs that go around the map. Other than that it's pretty empty.
  17. St0mpy

    Im down with the cost as a one off but Im a bit disappointed with the overall system.

    I was hoping for true portability so I could go play on US servers at night time and experience their outfits, yet still be able to play with my miller homeboys in europe at our peak evening times.

    Not gonna happen at 500SC a pop tho, I certainly am not paying 1000SC to play somewhere else for an evening, If it was a day fee for any number of transfers, or some kind of season ticket for frequent fliers perhaps I might consider but not as it is.

    Otherwise going forward for SOE, I expect once transfers go live those that want to pay will choose their target, and then whoever is left refusing to pay or leave dead worlds will get rolled up for free some weeks later without a choice.
  18. Buntfunk

    If the first transfer costs more than 0 bucks I might just call it quits. Im fine with paying for this game but the pricing for this game has been horrendous so far. Im not optimistic.
  19. TheBloodEagle

    While I agree the first transfer should be free. I feel like the people complaining are people who quip about giving $1 to this game yet ask their moms for $60 Black Ops 2.
  20. mina5

    lol you put sand in your *** due comment ..... devs deserve money . if they don't get it they will cut support for this game . i do hope it you understand it .
    and communism is about all money in hands of coverment and company's what are important to coverment .