[Suggestion] Territory Needs to Change Monthly

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HavocXAce, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. HavocXAce

    I played in beta and remember the way each faction got to defend all three territories. Tr have had the north for the last few weeks before beta ended. It's time for a change. I feel like this change would bring more to the battles since some people have learned how to take and defend territories that others from another faction haven't really had a chance to experience.

    Now to talk about Allatum. The reason I wrote this post. As it seems Allatum has become the main focus on Indar. Tr and Nc want to farm Allatum. I think it is time for Vs to have that chance as well. One way to make it so Vs can has the same opportunity would be to change the territories. Does anyone else agree with me on this?

    One last thing about Allatum. The portal rooms are too small and 2 doors on each are too easy to camp . I suggest the rooms are made big enough that a tank mine and c4 or sticky grande do not have to damage most players inside. I feel like those rooms should have 2 floors giving them 4 doors each to camp and attacker have more doors to shoot out of giving them a chance to break out. I for one am tired of trying to get out of the room and getting shot in the back or trying to shoot our and someone walks in front of my gun fire.
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  2. Kracken

    Agree. The other Empires need to feel the wonder of the NC's current warp-gates on Indar and Esamir....
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  3. ProbeIke

    I'd prefer weekly, a month on the same warp gate is enough, but either way it needs to rotate nonetheless. I haven't been to Mekala tech plant for at least a month, since I switched from NC to Vanu. It would be quite nice.
  4. Tytos

    agree, weekly or monthly doesn't realy mather as long as there is a rotation
  5. Linedan

    Agreed. I'd like to see northern Indar occasionally. It's not like we can being NC, not with that warpgate placement.
  6. Wibin

    I was happy to play the crown for once on Connery.

    TR always own it, and very very very rarely do the NC own it.

    For some reason when the TR have it, the NC defend it for them from the VS.....
  7. TheEvilBlight

    On Soltech, I can count the number of Crown defenses on "normal" hours on one hand as a VS. It's usually TR and sometimes NC.

    That said, bring us to one map per server and rotate the map when its completely captured. Since merges don't seem to be coming any time soon, you can at least focus the game on a map, which is already pretty darned massive compared to standard FPS maps without throwing in extra conts to dilute everything out even more.
  8. GMajor

    Agreed ! Quite a simple change (I say simple, not knowing the effort required from SOE :) ) would bring a "new" feeling to the game just by spawning at a different location.
  9. HavocXAce

    That is what I was trying to say
  10. Phantom

    Agree 100%. Since they didn't fix the inherent advantages of some warpgates, the least they could do is let us switch occasionally. The indar nc warpgate is downright terrible...I wish they would just redesign it altogether as I don't think it's fair for any empire to be stuck there.