The next patch! What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    A metagame, and another continent.
  2. Vepo

    I'll say it again ... Infiltrators that can hack unused units and take them ... like we do for turrets! TR Infiltrator riding around in a magrider .... HAVE A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE VS ..... EAT IT!!!
  3. Sharpe

    Next patch?

    1st priority - Optimization

    Then some minor tweaks to the gameplay such as

    Major increase in Skyguard accuracy / projectile speed.
    Minor nerf to AA burster max damage.
    A2A missiles now require target to be kept in the target reticule for a continuous lock.
    Magrider climbing ability nerf.
    Vanguard and Prowler traction slightly improved.
    Prowler can now fire both guns simultaneously or the recoil from the second shot drastically reduced.
    Magrider strafe speed slightly reduced, but magburner now works in all directions.
    Traverse angle movement of Zephyr and Dalton guns decreased / improved AP30 Shredder to be a sidegrade of other weapons.
    Buff Lasher and Jackhammer to be on equal footing with the MCG.
    NC Gauss Saw buffed to be as easy to use as the Carv and Orion so it doesn't scare off new NC players.
    Slightly improved tracking of the G2A HA missiles.

    I could go on and on :(
  4. Mishkel

    Like to see... Rendering distance for infantry would be the biggest thing to me. There should be no dynamic cut off here... let the user set it and if their system catches on fire they can manually set a reduced option. In large fights I'm not bogging down but repeatedly running around a corner to see "one guy" and then *poof* 50 more appear is irritating as hell and sniping would obviously be impossible for people trying to do that.

    The client crash would be nice to see fixed. At times I can go for hours with no problems and then suddenly the client crashes and crashes often. Game can be running smooth as silk and *poof* bye bye

    I'd like to see various fixes that include making it so players can no longer attack through geometry (ie: being shot through 30 feet of rock/armored base wall etc) and no longer see tanks going up vertical surfaces.

    I'd also like to be able to believe they are moving hard core about exploiting/cheating players. I see plenty of tweets about it and maybe a lot of low BR accounts are going away but... I see plenty of higher BR level players that are very blatant about exploiting etc on my server and obviously as long as they are running around every day doing their best to kill off the player base.. my perception is not going to match up with smed's tweets about all this stuff they are doing but I'm just not seeing.. You know there are circumstances where its just not up to debate.. like a foot soldier out running vehicles that move faster than any player can run. This shouldn't take since launch to have investigated because that's how long some of these players have been doing this.

    Overall I'd like to see ALL of these types of issues taken care of before they start doing too many balance passes. Its a bit difficult to tell how things really are in the grand scheme until the game is being played as intended.
  5. Germanius_GER

    Better performance!
  6. Ice

    • Base redesign to actually be defensible
    • Render Distance
    • More command tools. Bring back /c!
    • Decrease rear vulnerability for MBTs
    • MBT main gun stability to encourage tanking on the move
    • A2A missiles requiring tracking. G2A missiles more reliable fire and forget
    • Increased flak speed
    • Skyguard buggy
    • Slightly smaller deploy radius on Sunderers
    • New facilities
    • Infiltration tools - better cloak, more pistols
    • Vehicles with actual traction
    • Reduce Liberator HP ~10%
    • Sanctuaries with VR
  7. Helghast

    Apologies if it's already been mentioned but I'd like to be able to organise squads manually once they're formed, re-assigning squad numbers or drag members within a squad to a specific position. As part of an organised outfit we usually utilise fireteams within squads and it would be so much easier if we could just have fireteam 1 be squad members 1-6 and 2 be 7-12 without having to boot people, reinvite etc
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  8. SolitarioSoldat

    - Optimization
    - Longer vehicle cool down except for sunderers and flash, this way infantry can duke it out.You lose any sort of battle vehicle and you wont be able to get another one of any kind no matter air or ground for 15 min.

    Few other things too just cant think of them at the moment.
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  9. Rivenshield

    TTK raised +10% for infantry across the board, and +50% versus anything that explodes. Plus everything in my sig.
  10. Stigler

    Render Distance
    Falling through the Earth bug fixed
    Suicide Glitches for no reason fixed
    Headlights DEFAULT to OFF
    Joystick Sensitivities and Deadzones for separate axis's
    Metagame meaning
    Continent Lockout Timer
    Base Lockdown Timer
    Memory Leak/Optimization Fixes
    Prowler Buffed
    Libs slightly nerfed (maingun range)
    Hacking more Depth
    Tunnels or some other way to leave spawn's in order to keep the 2 doors from being camped.
    Defense Points or Incentive
    Forward and Reverse not flipping steering on Tracked vehicles
  11. Rainfey

    This... this right here, would have me cackling in glee, right before i start driving away in the VS strike force's sunderer.

    What would i like to see?
    #Infantry render distance
    #Fixed Reaver
    #More specializations for the Infiltrator
    #Bonus resources/xp based on continent population
    #Better vehicle and weapon models for the NC (google image 'tank' -> Hey look its a vanguard! thought this was several centuries in the future)
  12. NakedFury

    -Render issues.
    -Fix the flickering of death problem
    -Massive amount of bug fixing all over the game
    -Remove the ability to enter structures with vehicles, AT ALL
    -NO vehicle riding on the back of aircrafts too
    -warpgates to transport vehicles and aricrafts
    -better outfit window
    -some message for all factions when a continent is conquered
    -some timebased protection when conquering a continent and any point in it
    -where the hell are the infantry stickers located at?? I just cant see mine at all
    -some free useful gift for end of the year

    -more patches and information and less time without any info
  13. TRick Shot

    I would like the client fixed so I don't have to remember to unplug all usb devices before launching,
    and the microphone and voip issues solved.
  14. deaded

    #1. More generous sharing of XP between squadmembers.

    #2. More lucrative G2A. "Worst case" you get XP per dmg done.

    #3. Meta-game. Spec-Ops targets. More diversified benefits and continent- and baselinks.

    #4. Nurf Magrider. I could word this differently, but thats essentially what I mean ...

    #5. Buff Reaver. The hitbox is huge, and the handling is nowhere near their enemy counterparts.

    #6. More options for infantry-combat in general, more enclosed areas.

    #7. Fix rendering distances. This should be #1. I guess.

    #8. Losing aim / screenshake when getting shot is abit over the top + the low TTK too often makes combat feel like like "(screenshake) WT ... (dead) F ...". Especially harsh on new players without upgrades and very little situational awareness in general. They are too easily farmed, making it just abit less tempting to log back in the next day. And SOE, you dont want that.

    This was on top of my head. I'd love a patch with all this :D
  15. wwwyzzerrdd

    1. infantry render distance

    2. infantry render distance

    3. infantry render distance

    4. infantry render distance

    5. infantry render distance

    6. infantry render distance

    7. infantry render distance

    8. infantry render distance

    9. infantry render distance

    10. and infantry render distance

    those are my top 10
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  16. Ice

    • New player experience - who the hell came up with dropping a brand-spanking new character into a hot zone? I killed a BR1 out of a drop pod the other day and felt AWFUL. He probably didn't even get a chance to get his bearings.
  17. hellaskan

    1. A lot less vehicles
    2. Better and much more effective AA options for vehicles/infantry/bases
    3. A lot more bases that are enclosed and not open to attack from the vehicle spam
    4. More useful purposes to capturing and then holding a base
    5. Forced points of conflict throughout the map
  18. Immortal-D

    Just another vote for the most common ones (in no particular order); Infantry render distance, meta-game, more effective Infantry anti-air. And on a personal note, some adjustment to the NC rifles; a smaller Cone of Fire that is consistent over longer bursts.
  19. Llaf

    Yes, it would make lock-on weapons more fair, especially A2AM, right now anything that is lock-on is just cheese.
  20. Bagslap

    I'd like to see AA rockets do damage when they lock on, and hit the skin of an aircraft.