Average night in planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkerHalf, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. DarkerHalf

    Log into my server.

    Find a planet that I seem to have equal population on (usually only one of three).

    Spend a few minutes searching through open squads, looking for one that is actually operating as a squad. Fail Send a few yells looking for a group working together, receive no reply.

    Spawn a lightning, go looking through the grids for a fight.

    Arrive at a grid where we are heavily outnumbered, thanks to the lack of any friendly population indication. Proceed to die.

    Go back to warpgate. Spawn a vanguard. Go looking for a fight in a new grid.

    Drive for five minutes. Enemy ESF finds me as I'm approaching combat area. Die to ESF.

    Get annoyed. Log out.

    After about two weeks of this cycle, I've had enough. Game is off my hard drive, and good riddance. I'd hoped for a good sequel to PS1, but it seems like SOE had just taken all the failures of that game and decided to tack on a few more.

    Considering how quickly I've seen the server population on Connery start to drop, I don't think it's likely that this game will survive anyhow. I'm sad, as I loved PS1 in it's heyday, but this is not a successor. Hopefully they'll improve and change stuff, but I'm not holding my breath. Honestly I'm predicting that this time a couple years from noew, we'll see a little blurb on various gaming sites "Last PS2 server offline."
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  2. arkbound

    Well it's obvious you're playing NC.
  3. Xylogenesis

    Yeah, if he were playing TR he would have shown up, found 20-30 tanks already there and sat there twiddling his thumbs. It's a lot more "fun".
  4. Goomba

    Also used "prowler" instead of "vanguard".
  5. DeadlyShoe

    I'm sorry your experience has been bad. I think if you had a few friends playing the game or a decent outfit you would have enjoyed it a lot more. It's hard to do much solo.
  6. Adeodatus

    Well, if all you did was try to go into battle with a tank only then no wonder your frustrated. Should have tried infantry or air more. Or make yourself more useful than a lonewolf pug and join an outfit and work with the group. Theres a reason why you lonewolves get put down. Not saying that there arnt some good lonewolves out there.
  7. Kantsler

    not only that this is what most people do but the op forgot to mention that this game is so boring it drys my eyeballs. I cant play this game for more then 30 minutes without getting hella bored.

    There is nothing to do, nothing to fight for and the fights are all the same, it looks exactly the same every time we fight in the same location.. tanks on the same hills, snipers in the same spots. the guys who are attacking have 99% chance of taking the base eventually. and when we push the enemy in doors they shoot us from spawn rooms and throw granades out killing 2-3 people every time. We sit there for 20 minutes waiting for the cap to go through and fly away only to return to the same base after 30 minutes because the enemy recap it back :) FAIL. I uninstalled aswell and im the biggest ******* ps1 fan ever!!! I played PS1 for around 18 hours out of 24 on my school holiday brake. I played PS1 around half a year ago for a few months and I played it for around 8 hours a day (things changed since I was in school - GF and a job ;p) but still I would play 6-8 hours a day in ps1 and that was half a year ago !! after playing 8 years of ps1 back in the old days.

    As the op said, this is not a sequel to ps1, this is some ******** bf/cod copy cat with every single thing that was good about ps1 gone and replaced by bad mechanics and cheap game play.
  8. Plunkies

    If only this game had outfits, and maybe an outfit recruiting section in the forums, this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
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  9. Seryi

    'Join an outfit' isn't a magic cure-all to all of this game's design flaws, nor is it always superior to lone wolfing...unless you consider back capping bases 'fun'. Take your elitism elsewhere.
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  10. Plunkies

    It is, however, a solution to everything this guy complained about.
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  11. badname02

    I never have these issues as whichever faction I'm playing, even though I'm apparently terrible at TR (go figure...) but seriously: come join the fun on Miller EU. No such issues what-so-ever as long as you don't try playing in the morning or during lunch time...
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  12. Eunoe

    God if only there was some way to instantly drop into an area were the fighting is happening

    Or maybe,
    and this may just be crazy
    a way, some kind of "outfit" system like the guilds they have in other MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online games, where you could find people who want to work together to fight the enemy

    But only a crazy person would think to add those to things to the game!
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  13. Seryi

    Nah, his problem is not using instant action, not using redeploy to base jump, or not just legging it on foot.

    I lone wolf most of my time in-game, and maybe occasionally join pug squads and I do just fine...then again, he IS NC.

    Once again though, I laugh at how 'join an outfit' seems to be the mantra of people in response to this game's problems. It doesn't take an expert to see that some things weren't thought out at all.
  14. DarkerHalf

    Kind of captured a feeling that I failed to do so in my original post. In any of the three maps I can always predict where we're fighting.

    On Indar it's always going to be Zurvan, Tarwich, or The Crown.
    On Esamir it's always going to be Freyr, Eisa, or Mani.
    On Amerish, which is the rarest and least predictable on my server, we are still usually limited to Ikaman, Mekala, or Onatha.
    In each case the fights are always the same. The same faction coming from the same direction using the same locations and tactics.

    The randomness and unpredictability of PS1's lattice system is completely gone, and in it's place is a feeling of stagnation.
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  15. Adeodatus

    I don't know about outfits on your server, but if all you expect from an outfit is back capping bases then your server doesn't have good outfits. And sorry for my elitism, I forgot that using the basic concept of teamwork made me an ***. My bad guys.
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  16. Archey

    Oh look another rage quit post.

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  17. Seryi

    Ironically, most of the times I see more teamwork and support from random pugs and 'lone wolves' then many of these oh so great outfits on Miller, at least on the TR side of things.

    Funny how that works. Many times, it was the same in PS1 as well.
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  18. Adeodatus

    Again, this is a problem of the player base, not the game itself.
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  19. Xylogenesis

    Yeah, forums are usually swamped by complaints and people saying they're quitting in the first month after release.

    That's totally normal and you shouldn't be concerned at all.

  20. DarkerHalf

    Thing is, I'm in an outfit. It's not a huge outfit: we had around one full squad in beta. But it was still an outfit of people who worked together on voice chat and can run multiple vehicles and could potentially be useful. As the last couple weeks of gameplay went on, people have stopped logging into this outfit, to the point where now if we can get ~4 people online in a night we're lucky.

    I don't really want to join another outfit, as these are all folks I know in real life and I love to play with, but they've all decided to move on to different games because this one isn't worth their time.

    So it's not that I was lone wolfing it since launch; I've just seen everyone I know who thought this game could be great, decide otherwise and leave.