[Suggestion] 1.5 Seconds to jump into tank/turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lyomenos, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Lyomenos

    Just want to prefix this by saying I play LA mostly.

    I feel like when engi's jump out to repair their tanks is zero risk because I cant one hit kill them and they just spam [E].

    I really feel like just slight non-interruptable timer would totally make this feel better. Thoughts?
  2. maxkeiser

    No. Bad suggestion.
  3. Lyomenos

    Nice argument, totally swayed me.
  4. SenEvason

    Only if they add an animation to getting inside of vehicles or turrets.
  5. Silver Pepper

    Kill the tank. Anyway, there's a slight delay getting back in vehicles anyway. Or maybe it's just me experiencing it due to being an EU player on a US server.
  6. Tapioca Express

    its not you, there is a short delay before you can re-enter vehicles. to me it feels about 2ish seconds.
  7. Zenox

    I think it's already delayed by that amount anyway.
  8. Silver Pepper

    Also, as an engineer, I obsessively shuffle around my tank to stop myself being a sitting target.