package delay hack -_-

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tjalfe, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. tjalfe

    i have noticed that i find more and more people using this, either that or the servers are seriously fcked but doubt it since their hit connect to me no issue.

    now what this is, is that when you shoot someone and its a 100% connected hit it just doesnt registrate the hit at all...
    i have noticed this ALOT lately(and it is on specific people, 2 people there 1 i can connect shots too fine the other i can stand on a max suit double minigun firing 100 shot streight into them while not a single hit connects and they slowly just kill the max :/ ) -_-

    could be cool if they could fix this, i know other companies have fixed it by simply doubling the latency of ingoing to the outgoing, meaning that if you do this on purpose you would be in a much worse situation then your opponent instead of in a much better where their shots cant connect to you but yours connect to them no problem.
  2. Archey

    1. It's called a packet

    2. Anyone can do this if they know anything.

    3. Don't advertise it >_> you're not helping.
    • Up x 1
  3. DevErik

    Thread was dying till you bumped it.
  4. tjalfe

    its rediculessly easy to stop people from doing -_- it doesnt even take efford from the devs side to do so, and this was a metode you used back in the early days of CS -_-

    sooo could we maybe get the minimum prevention towards this into the game ty :)
  5. Moxin

    The forum is filled with toppics about hit detection issues. Getting hit beghind cover, dying almost instant, not regestired hits or invulnerable players.

    Just look in what state this game is and draw your conclusions.....