Share your experience - with n00bs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chandon, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Chandon

    Hi all,

    this a request for experienced PS2 players to share what they've learned regarding worthwhile unlocks etc with the underlings such as my self.

    I'm aware of SKYeXile on Briggs and certainly there must be others who can help. I'ma new player with just 400 or so certs. Not 28,000 like some players.

    So if you have a load out which as and experienced player you find satisfactory then please share.

    I guess it's not different than the old talent spec's in WoW. There were cookie cutter builds and then some people could explain why they took this talent vs another etc.

    It's time to make yourself shine in the community.

    I thank you.
  2. Roobarb

    Depends which faction you play as.
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  3. FlameFromBeyond

    Depends on the faction, depends on the role. If you've got certs, I'd recommend buying some basic unlocks such as nanoweave armor for all classes, then specialising one role, be it a Reaver pilot or long-range sniper or light assault base ninja.

    For instance, with the LA spec, if you can save up the certs or dump some SC to buy a shotgun, get the certs for longer jump-jets, foregrip and C4, you can be an absolute menace when it comes to base attacks.
  4. Pr0ph3tx

    Help yourself to my videos:

    (Live Stream)

    I'm very infiltrator heavy. I like to sneak around people and in plain sight. So if infil's your bag you may stumble on some goodies.

    If you want to know what I was thinking at any of them, just tell me the video and time I'll explain the tactic. Everything I do is for a reason. (Even if sometimes it blows up in my face lol)
  5. MacGringo

    As an Engineer, I found the Anti Tank mines to be an excellent investment. I guess most vehicles simply do not pay attention/think about where they are driving, because I can put them in the most obvious spot in the middle of the road, and given enough time, someone will drive over them. Go to a base you anticipate will be under attack soon, look at the road that leads to an enemy base, plant mines, and go on to do other stuff- you'll get a kill from them eventually.

    The bouncing betty, not so much. I kind of regret that purchase, because unlike mines, you only start with one, and it doesn't seem to be as consistent of a killer as mines.

    I prefer flak armor to nanoweave, because there is so much rocket/grenade spam out there. It also helps when you are repairing a vehicle that is getting shot at.

    The first two levels of many upgrades are only 1 and 10 certs (11 total). Even as a newbie its not hard to scrape up that much. It doesn't hurt to at least dip your toe in some of these upgrades, since you get the most out of it initially (since most upgrades are linear, but the cert costs go up exponentially).
  6. wolfva

    Well, I'd say experiment with the various classes and use the one which fits your playstyle best. Also, ignore idiots. You know, the ones that yell at you about how stupid you are because you screwed up. Everyone screws up, sometimes people get angry about it, whatever. What's more important is you learn from your mistakes.

    Remember that friendly fire is ON. If you're not sure of your target, DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT. Sure, maybe it's an enemy. So? What do you lose? A few seconds and you get to respawn. It's better to die rather then kill a friendly; you don't get a weapons lock for dying.

    Tanks have the right of way. Do not run in front of one, nor behind one if it's firing. If you're repairing, do it from the side. Tanks have poor visibility, they can't see you. They have poor brakes; they will not stop on a dime. If you're an inf, don't bother cloaking. It's a cloaking device, not a phase inducer. You'll still get flattened.

    If you're in a galaxy or a sunderer, DO NOT WASTE AMMO. You may need it. Heck, that rule applies for any class/vehicle. But also, don't give away your position. It's possible that ESF in the far distance hasn't seen you yet. Your pilot may well get you to your destination safe and sound. burned through a clip causing everyone for a couple thousand clicks to look up and go, "WHOA! A big target!". Only shoot when someone is on an attack vector.

    You do not destroy shield generators by shooting at them. You stand close, and press E until the timer concludes. This is also how you save a generator from blowing up. Do not stand near a generator about to blow. It will kill you.

    Watch where you toss a grenade. Sure, that's a mighty nice room just screaming for a grenade, but your buddies who are SITTING in that room really don't need you tossing pineapples at 'em. Don't do it. Now, if a bunch of enemies are in there, that's a different story.

    Cloak is just that, a cloak. It is not invisibility. If you're standing on a hill cloaked, I will shoot you in the ear. I will glory in my head shot bonus, and move on to the next hill humper.

    Don't be a hill humper. A hill humper is a 'sniper' that stands on hills, walls, etc, with his eye glued to his scope. I like to call them 'bait'. Unless they are enemies, then I call them easy points.

    Use terrain for cover. This is good for ALL classes. As an infiltrator, I rarely use my cloak; I use the terrain far more.

    Don't pick a garish camo color. Unless you like standing out. Try to pick one that blends into the surroundings.

    Don't be afraid to sit back in an out of the way spot and just watch people. You can learn alot by watching people. Practice moving and shooting at the WG; FF is off there.

    Feel free to ask more questions; we don't mind helping. Well, some of us don't.
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  7. Roobarb

    Some top tips from Wolfva there.
  8. forkyar

    well no one is experienced in ps2,we are all noobs.
  9. reeight

    Great tips wolfva! Except this one; I think only the Engineers can fix generators with their fixer gun.

    More Tips:
    + Change your E key for vehicles to ` if you have a problem of jumping out of planes while re-loading.

    + PLEASE spend the 2/4/6 points on gun ammo & zoom for your vehicles before driving them; a few extra points can help you.

    + Use the gun trials before buying.

    + Give rides, esp if you have gunner seats to fill. I flash my lights [L] or shoot over the head of people (or today honk) to signal I'm slowing down to pick them up.
    ++ If you don't want to be picked up, jump to say "thanks but no thanks" so the driver knows not to stop for you.

    + If you are in a Plattoon/Squadron, look out for the long colored poles with a symbol on top to know where your objectives are. If you are a "leader" & don't use these, please don't lead.
    ++ If you can't follow orders, leave the squad, or expect to be kicked out.
    ++ Squad leaders, when you start to fill up, kick out players on the wrong planet. (Give them a quick warning; they may be on another planet to gather resources)

    + Newbie engineers can earn easy XP:
    ++ throw ammo dumps [4, LMB] in traffic lanes, busy fights, & next to MAX suits.
    ++ fix vehicles & MAX suits

    + Healing HUD for Engineers & Medics tend to be "washed out" in light colored areas (bright, or over snow), but the item shimmers when you attempt to heal something at max health.

    + Say thanks when someone helps, sorry when you run someone over by accident, & please.

    + Sunderers are good passive XP builders:
    ++ Spawn troops: you need to buy the cert + EQUIP the S-SMS to your vehicle before buying the Sunde. The 200m range is a pain in a large swarm; so don't build too many
    ++ Reload other vehicles' ammo (even aircraft). You can't reload yourself.
    ++ Drive through enemy shields:
    ++ Repair other vehicles passively (low priority since there are enough Engineers ; only grab if there are 2+ Ammo Dispensers at that location)

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  10. AlenL For the glory of Vanu!

    Great links!
  11. Linedan

    Once it blows, that's right. But if it's "compromised," you stand next to hit and hold down E to stabilize it. Unless it blows up in your face, which happens. And hurts. A lot.
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  12. JeanLannes

    If you are TR and on the Briggs (AU) server look out on Fridays for my "tutorial" squad/platoon, been running it since late Beta. We run through the basic game mechanics (like holding E to overload a generator instead of throwing grenades at it :p ), how influence affects capture times, and other simple things like that.

    Myself and a few friends - who are frankly a lot more experienced then me - are also there to answer any question newer players might have about the unlocks, tactics, and all the other sort of jazz. We are a chirpy bunch and always happy to answer any question no matter how silly it might sound.

    Also if you are a more experienced player and a member of an outfit keep an eye out for it as well, because I let anyone do some low-key recruiting while I have the squad/platoon up (basically when a player asks, "any outfits?" I let every representative of an outfit give a little talk on their outfit and what its all about :) ).

    When we have more than one squad up, one of the squads becomes a dedicated air tutorial squad. Where one of the more experienced pilots - e.g. anyone except me, seeing as my notion of flying is more akin to plummeting to the ground - runs through some of the basics of piloting the various aircraft.

    We also have some fun and capture places of course, one time the tutorial platoon managed to take the Crown (something I was proud of considering only myself and the four SLs had played the game before).

    The name of the squad will be: "Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/Delta X Tutorial Squad", where X is the continent we are currently on (e.g. Indar, Esamir, or Amerish).

    So for any newer TR players who happen to stumble across this thread keep an eye out for the squad on Fridays; also any outfit members who want to have a chance at recruiting or who want their newer members to run through a very basic tutorial feel free to add me, and shoot us a message.

    There you go, sorry for the long ramble :)

    P.S. Oh I got this idea when some player back in Beta showed me the ropes, I forgot their name, but to whomever you are if you see this: thank you ever so much for being patient with all my inane and stupid questions. :D
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  13. reeight

    Ahhh thanks. I wish I could edit my old post...
  14. wolfva

    Well, to be honest it only hurts for a brief time.....then they scrape your remains off the walls.
  15. Linedan

    Been there, done that, got sent back to the reanimation matrix in a Ziploc bag.

    Actually, I had no clue how to overload a generator for the first week (I never did it in beta). When I finally got to one on a base attack, I dumped three full TRAC-5 magazines and a grenade into it trying to take it out.

    The friendly I accidentally TK'd with the grenade--the guy who was overloading the generator correctly, but was behind it so I didn't see him--wasn't exactly pleased and let me know exactly what I did wrong. In detail.
  16. Chandon

    Awesome responses guys. Thanks so much for the tips and links.
  17. Sith

    Good tips in general, but wanted to make a note on this.
    On an engineer loadout, the utility slot is #4. Only have an ammo pack in your utility slot if you DO NOT have anything else you can put there. Restoration kits, tank mines, etc are all better alternatives, BECAUSE your alternate ability slot #5 is always an ammo pack. When you switch to #5, you'll bring up your deployment for the stationary turret. However if you use the 'alternate fire mode', (I think it's called) default key is B, you will swap to your ammo pack. It took me longer than it should have to figure this out, and it's something a lot of new players won't know about.
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  18. Linedan

    I didn't know this until I read it here...I tried it, and it does work. One other note: When you hit "B", you'll see the outline of the turret disappear and you'll just be holding what looks like a baseplate, so that's how you can tell whether you're in turret mode or ammo drop mode.

    Once you drop the ammo and switch back to your main weapon, when you hit "5" to bring up the ACE tool you don't have to hit "B" again, it's still in secondary fire mode (ammo drop). If you want to actually drop a turret, you have to hit "B" to snap it back to primary fire mode, then you'll see the outline of the turret again.
  19. reeight

    Well said! Yes I think you pointed out a better habit to get into (5, b), since it should be every engenders'' goal to level up their abilities; Resto, mines, C4 are much abilities!
  20. reeight