new player instadeath

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by milllo, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Xasapis

    He has a point, as much as some "pros" on this thread don't want to admit.

    The first thing a new player usually does is adjust the game settings. Video resolution, mouse sensitivity, keybindings. Then and only then they look for action.

    This game does it all backwards and it hurts. The only reason for a new player not to spawn in a warpgate and then presented with possible actions is because the developers probably wanted the game to feel as a continuation of the launch trailer, where the captain gives the signal for the planetary drop pods.

    The best approach would be to log all new players in a room in the upper floors of one of the warpgates. Give them infantry terminals, one instant action terminal (name it hotzone action or something similar) and the continent terminal, in case their friends are guiding them and they are located elsewhere. Most will still choose to hit the instant action terminal, once they adjust the settings and feel comfortable with the game. Others will go to the main hall and the vehicle terminals.

    On a side note, please fix engineer turrets so they don't have clipping inside the warpzones. Too many idiots blocking the doors to the vehicle zone.
  2. wolfva

    Yep. The very first time you log into the game you're given a briefing where you're told you're being dropped into a hotzone. are. This is the only time that will happen unless you chose to drop. But, you don't care about that; you mad you died! You didn't get a chance to look around! Do you have any comprehension just what that makes you sound like? If you need hints, re-read the above posts.

    In this game you die a lot. Get used to it. Or, cry about it and go play tiddly winks.
  3. Kassidus

    Makes sense the game is about war, they drop you in and the first thing you do is die, sounds exactly like a tutorial ....that said they need to bring back VR
  4. LameFox

    My very first spawn was dropping into <random techlab> and being run over by a tank before I'd even stepped outside the graphic of the drop pod. I was sort of confused at the time but I'm pretty sure it was a friendly tank too, LOL. That intro voiceover guy may want to rethink his strategy just a little bit.
  5. Marked4Death

    It is a game where you have to get used to dying.. I agree it's harsh to be thrown into battle without even looking at your keybinds, but the sooner you realise the game is more about objective and territory control than sweet KD's the sooner you'll have fun.

    Did you see that video some guy posted on reddit where he was suicide bombing everything? Looked like the most fun ever, but not as good for the 'ol KD as sitting back in your MBT farming infantry kills.
  6. LameFox

    Incidentally, did anyone else have a moment on spawn where they thought '...I hope this thing knows how to land itself.'? :D
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  7. Eric Smith

    Welcome to Planetside 2. You're dead. Get used to it.

    More seriously, it's not the best idea to drop a new player into a big battle, but they wanted people to get involved in the action rather than starting off at the Warp Gate where it's safe but there's really nothing to do. It takes time to get used to any game, especially a FPS where the entire point is one big battle after another. If one death puts you off that much, sorry but bye. If you're into FPS then take some time to play the game, it gets better.
  8. xpsyclosarinx

    Ahahah, wimp.

    See this is what we read "waaaah I died before I got my nuke killstreak, wahhh".

    The most hilaious part about this is that you actually logged into the forums to make this thread just to say that ahahahahahahah! You made my day ahahah.
  9. Vortok

    It's amusing to claim that the playerbase is better off without anyone who doesn't have a thick enough skin to stick around past that initial hot drop into the hilariously poorly selected area. It's probably not the best way to retain new people that don't have any friends convincing them to stick around. First impression a lasting impression and all that.

    I dunno, that first hot drop is like a rite of initiation that we all go through.
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  10. DuaneDog

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  11. Naberius13

    I took sniper fire on my first hot drop. Took cover and yelled at him to aim higher after I noticed other people using yell. I think that a brief, "Hey we're dropping you up the creek without a paddle, good luck" after at least a light tutorial might not be a bad thing though. I personally enjoyed the hot drop though.

    One of these days I'll learn to stop taunting snipers I promise.
  12. Slouis

    I always send a tell to every drop pod br1 light assault i kill "Welcome to the game, sorry"
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  13. sneakbyte

    I think the game should force new players to watch the official planetside 2 tutorial vids before hot dropping them into anything. This guy obviously doesn't have time to watch 1 hours worth of video tutorials.

    The game should have an tutorial mode that grants 250 certs upon completion and BR5 as an incentive and it should drop you near your squad leader.
  14. ShriekXL

    I wonder how the hundreds of other players got past that.

    Seriously though, if that is all it takes to discourage you, you'd probably only end up constantly switching to the "winning" faction, so we're sort of better off without ya :p.
  15. wowie

    All they need to do is fix where the tutorial pod drops you. I was dropped right behind a friendly platoon on my first spawn, and, shortly after finishing staring in awe at the chaos around me, I then went to the WG and started tweaking settings. The drop pod experience is good, the drop pod location isn't. My other two alt characters insta-died, like so many others that have done so.
  16. Marinealver

    Don't worry yo uare supposed to die on your first drop (or not survive for long) that is why they drop you with little of a brief or time to choose your class or what not and just throw you out of the sky into a hotspot miles away fro mteh nearest friendly.

    Just consider the Devs not so freindly way of saying "Welcome to Planetside 2."
  17. badname02

    I LOVE the deploy option... But I fully agree it's a ****** way to introduce people to a game that barely has tutorials anyway =p They'll have to change something about that...

    PS: byebye!
  18. Jonny Chee

    The way you get dropped straight into this meat grinder in this game is amazing. A real breath of fresh air.

    If you want a tutorial, check out YouTube. There's plenty on there.
  19. Calaerin

    This is why we can't have nice things anymore these days. I just hope SOE ignores these kinds of insta-gratification kiddie complaints.

    Just add a basic tutorial where new players can get a feel for shooting stock weapons, capturing bases and recognizing allied line-of-fire and symbols. Then drop them into action via drop-pod.
  20. Rolfski

    I can always appreciate people showing real character and overcoming the challenges of a game.