
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevin, May 28, 2019.

  1. Kevin

    We are experiencing a high volume of players logging in at this time, please wait a few minutes and try again.

    Anyone else having this issue? Is it really happening? There are so many people playing at once? Or am I having this issue due to some other reason?
  2. JudgeNu

    My guess is Login Server is getting DDoS.
    Possibly some are in game but no one can log in that isnt.
  3. DonkeyX

    Didn't you hear? All of the CS:Go, Battlefield, Fortnite and PubG servers got compromised by Chinese hackers traced back to the Chinese government. The US made them shut the games down, so we have an influx of players from those games. Also, totally unrelated, Daybreak added loot boxes and the ability to make your character do some sick dance moves in game.
  4. JudgeNu

    Nice trolling there.
  5. JudgeNu

  6. DonkeyX

    Yea. Login servers are down. I just wanted to make it sound more exciting.
  7. JudgeNu

    Looks like a Maintenance?
  8. DonkeyX

    Who knows. This is what they tweeted:

    We are currently undergoing maintenance that may prevent game logins and purchases temporarily. The maintenance is expected to last about one more hour.
    11:38 AM - 28 May 2019

  9. JudgeNu

    I tried to c/p that and it went blank.
  10. Voodoo4500

    Game dead...