Empire Specific Implants?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, Jun 15, 2017.


    Would you like to see Empire Specific Implants?
    If so what would/should they do?
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  2. Campagne

    >InB4 "Reduced friendly fire damage for NC"
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  3. Nody

    TR - More Dakka sound and Dakka icons in the style of Batman in the 60s flowing around the weapon
    VS - Corset effect; higher tiers pulls in the waist more and for females helps to improve the padding on their tush
    NC - More bonus money for each kill with a flying eagle motif and the NC national song playing in the background every time they die
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  4. Liewec123

    "Stalwart Shield" (NC): your shield absorbs 20% more damage but takes 20% longer to recharge.

    "Republic Comms" (TR): allies will receive your target spots from a much greater distance.

    "Zealous Targeting" (VS): as your health lowers receive greater and greater recoil reduction.
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  5. N4rkoT1k

    Yes, sounds like a good idea but I can´t wrap my head around on what the should do

    These ideas are actually pretty good..
  6. JobiWan

    NC - automatically does yell chat about VS and TR double teaming them.
    VS - automatically does yell chat about NC and TR double teaming them.
    TR - automatically does yell chat about VS and NC double teaming them.
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    No, really, we should do this.
    Uncommon implants for all 3 factions with 5 levels each, each one only applicable to infantry and MAX:

    Bionic Accelerator (VS)
    • All levels: increase running and sprinting speed by 18-21-24-27-30% when not taking damage for 10 seconds
    • Level 5: the first hit taken will not cancel this bonus (60 seconds cooldown)
    Demolitionist (NC)
    • All levels: killing with C4 refunds 4-5-6-7-8 Nanites per kill
    • Level 5: reduce C4 damage against friendlies by 50%
    Lock and Load (TR)
    • All levels: standing near an ammo pack loads 4-6-8-10-12 rounds into the current mag directly, per tick (Minigun f*ck yeah)
    • Level 5: resupply an additional 4 rounds per tick while aiming
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  8. LaughingDead

    NC: Resolve
    Taking damage while reloading (at max) or 5 seconds before reloading reduces the reload time by 75% (Max value). Taking damage while swapping weapons or swapping 5 seconds after damage increases the swap speed by 100%. Completing a reload while under the effects of resolve and under fire will double the magazine size of the next clip taking ammo accordingly.

    Neat little gimmick of reducing downtime while under pressure, team damage does not trigger this, but does trigger a ***** slap if it happens to me. The effect does work on rocket and rocklet launchers allowing you to double stuff a rocket but the effect would only happen under fire, being that you need to take damage and it's generally a bad idea to rocket while taking damage, so its a risk of getting killed right there and then verses reward of bypassing your next reload to fire 2 rockets in rapid succession, but again, that rarely happens in the open field scenario or even the base fight scenario.

    TR: United
    Standing near another player of a different class within 10 meters (max) with united gives faster action speeds which include: Swapping weapons, ability recharge and item placement (Motion spotters and other non-lethal utility items) up to 100% faster, 20% per player.

    I always wanted a more teamy implant with major benefits if people are using it, I originally thought maybe heavies and lights could reload their tools faster but a 40% reload reduction is pretty significant if they're spamming at a vehicle wall, or 100% if they're all using locks. That's pretty dumb. So more times to use their abilities also works.

    VS: Ambition
    Killing a class gives you a effect based on the class you just killed.
    Infiltrator: Gives you 10m live radar for 4 seconds
    Light assault: Gives bonus reload speed to 20% for 4 seconds
    Medic: Heals you to full HP
    Engineer: Refills 2 clips of ammunition to all your items
    Heavy: Refills your shields to half the total shields on your character
    Max: 20% damage reduction for 7 seconds if killed by a non-C4 source

    I've always wanted a mixed bag that spices up gameplay. Trying not to overshadow other implants but at the same time they are tuned to specific situations, killing an engineer that's playing inside a vehicle gives you more rockets to kill more vehicles, infils are annoying in pairs so the radar mitigates the double gank combo, lights let you respond to ground forces faster by being prepared faster, killing a medic and heavies mitigates zerg pushing as long as you have damage output, and maxes being a stronghold of defense points, lets you resist more as you try to push in killling the utility classes. Very much a snowball implant.
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  9. AllRoundGoodGuy

    NC: Gauss Weaponry

    Bullets will pack a big enough punch that they will travel through a soldier to hit a target on the other side of them for ~50% damage.
    Double bonus for friendly fire. (full pass-through dmg)

    TR: Dakka Weaponry

    Can not ADS, but vastly increased ROF and COF. Also while equipped, receive 50% less grief points.

    VS: Pew Pew Weaponry

    Holding down the trigger will cause your shots to deal slightly more damage per shot, scaling up to ~60% bonus dmg. Also changes all weapon sounds to Pew Pew Pew.
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  11. AllRoundGoodGuy

    NC do not wear armor on their backs because they NEVER run from a fight.
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  12. CutieG

    If there were faction implants, they should be trade-offs that increase specialization.

    Increases projectile speeds and projectile damage.
    Also increases recoil and reload speeds.

    Increases magazine sizes and rate of fire, with magazine sizes outpacing the RoF increase.
    Reduces damage per bullet, outpacing the effect of the RoF increase.

    Increases reload speeds and reduces recoil.
    Lowers projectile speeds and makes muzzle flash flashier.
  13. Pelojian

    how is that even helpful?

    more rof with less damage per bullet, sounds like similar dps with more recoil, for most weapons mag size isn't an issue and TR gets more rounds in their weapons by default anyway.

    i don't think we need ES implants for the hassle it'll cause: more balancing issues.
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  14. CutieG

    The idea is to allow TR to pull more suppressive fire. That's actually tactically useful.
    I use the SAW for that all the time. It funnels enemies into certain directions while my allies attack.
  15. Zagareth

    fixed :D
  16. Hegeteus

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  17. Pelojian

    TR already has high mag weapons that are good for suppression fire, try the chaingun sometime with ext mags or a few heavy LMGs like the carv.

    your NC and VS suggestions are useful in combat, TR one isn't, higher ROF chews up ammo faster with the same DPS and even more recoil, more ammo may let you keep firing but will the duration of suppression fire actually increase? i think not.

    at most i expect supressive fire with the implant to be roughly the same just as the dps will be roughly the same.

    let's not forget that most players are incompetent at strategy and tactics and won't use suppressive fire because it doesn't in any way benefit them personally.
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  18. CutieG

    Actually, I specifically wrote in the post that the magazine increase would outpace the RoF increase. This means that the point is that they would fire for longer, and also have a higher probability of hitting a target at medium to long range (higher rate of fire makes it less likely that a target is randomly able to avoid hits via horizontal strafing), while increasing their time to kill somewhat.
    It's the exact opposite of NC's higher downtimes and lowered likelihood of killing (higher likelihood of hitting, though) a target at long range, but with lower time to kill.
  19. Pelojian

    higher rate of fire means more recoil forces making it harder to accurately hit at range, saturation of fire at long range is a big dose of random luck whether you kill or not. at long range the only weapon i would fire like that would be the MCG or the lasher any other weapon i would use semi auto fire for accurate hits.

    increasing the time you can use suppression fire is not very useful when you have huge mag sizes already, besides if you are team conscious enough to use suppression fire, while you are reloading you can ask someone else to use suppression fire til lyou are ready to fire.

    NC one will only negatively effect the average aim player with a decent upside of more rewarding hits for skilled players, VS one gives them better accuracy at range at the cost of reload speed hurting them in CQC which anyone can benefit from.

    TR gives marginal gains for something that any weapon with 100 rounds or more can do well, i'd rather use the carv as a suppression weapon with it's base ROF because any hits will deal more damage meaning you hurt enemies more if you don't outright kill them if they get to cover fast enough.

    in the end NC/VS are useful, TR one is UP and covers something any faction can already do when they pick a good mag size weapon.
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  20. Demigan

    Magnetic ammo! Is attracted by friendly IFF tags!

    More seriously, yes I would like to see some ES implants. I would keep each implant to a specific category and make several unique implants for that. So we can avoid things like the NC getting resources back for kills with one specific weapon while the VS and TR get blanket-implants useable by just about every class and weapon. Or implants that boost your rocket reloadspeed when you are hit, making pop-up attacks immensely powerful as you get hit once or twice and can launch your next rocket quickly after.

    For example:
    Ammo category:
    NC RailgunShots penetrate a single target and can hit someone behind it for the full force (no sense in reducing the damage after penetration as that would make it too niche).
    VS Ricochet ammo: Shots bounce once after striking a surface. From the moment they strike they deal 50% of their minimum damage (since it's easier to deal damage with this type of ammo compared to the NC, otherwise it would be much better than the NC version in most cases). Great for shooting around corners, hitting enemies in the back if you missed or shooting yourself in the face.
    TR... Explosive ammo? Would fit more in the "increase chances to deal damage" that the above two have.

    You can then create dozens of categories:
    Salvaging corpses (ammo, health, energy, nanites, compatible utilities&grenades)
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