[NUC] elusive1: Beast (CQC Sniper Montage)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elusive1, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. elusive1

    • Up x 2
  2. Hegeteus

    Thank you for setting impossible standards for infiltrator players, which HA mains can now use ruthlessly to their advantage
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  3. oberchingus

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  4. elusive1

    lol they wish they could use it to their advantage :D
  5. elusive1

    Thanks. Did you notice the quality is even better than before? Still just on chrome for me, but it looks so good. Really close to the 12gb original file.
  6. Savadrin

    What setup are you using for recording? I'm toying around with it, but PS2 presents a different set of problems from games I've recorded before.
  7. The Shermanator

    I remember when Planetside was about team effort. This is depressing to watch.
  8. SpartanPsycho

    Very nice elusive.

    Shermanator please just leave. SOE killed teamwork when they killed combined arms, elusive is playing how the devs indicated they wanted the game to be played.
  9. The Shermanator

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  10. SpartanPsycho

    Why not?

    You don't seem to be able to say anything nice to elusive.
  11. oberchingus

    See for me, it's always pixelated unless I drop the frame size to 854x480 (480p ish). My stuff is always pixelated to a degree. But it's worse when I'm streaming. In your videos, I find it strange how the HUD stuff meshes with the screen, as if you're running it on potato. Not all clips are treated the same either. For instance, the clips which included my POV footage seemed to be cleaner. Not sure why.

    What issues are you facing?
  12. elusive1

    I am using shadowplay, 1080p 60 fps/ The quality preupload is so clear.
  13. elusive1

    I did hundreds of ops with nuc when full or more platoons was a thing, and that was very fun. That stopped because the games population dropped drastically. This game was never just about that though, I don't agree with that. Most people playing this game are outfitless brainless bots too, and I find them more detrimental than anything.
  14. elusive1

    I'm talking about this particular video. You don't see the increased quality on chrome? For firefox it's less pixelated for me too.
  15. Savadrin

    Google has ninja'd chrome to be marginally better than firefox when replaying youtube. I've seen it plenty in my timelapses, it's a thing. Guess that's what happens when you own both ;)
  16. elusive1

    Yeah somebody said that in one of my threads on reddit awhile ago. It seems to be better than marginally, I wish it was like that on every browser.