Where Higby "stands" on the Valk so far

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by iller, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. iller

    1hr & 02 mins in. He believes/says:

    • Gonna be "neat", different "Tactical Experience"
    • "It's like the Harasser"
    • Main Gun is really really really strong. (right..... b/c why WOULDN'T he p*mp the one part you can spend SC on??)
    • Acknowledges C4 dropping could be a gimmick
    • Acknowledges Lib will still "beat" it
    • Claims it will "get in quicker"
    (whole interview was hard to watch... No Pompadour)
  2. DatVanuMan

    The Valk is pretty amazing:) It's Planetside's version of a LA-AT, and I like that. Sure, it could use a bit more seats, the main guns suck, and it needs to stop using hover mode, but those improvements will be made, I'm sure. If they add ES weapons to the sides, THEN LASER BEAMS FOR VS. IT MAKES ABSOLUTE SENSE, AND DON'T YOU DARE DENY IT:cool:
    Can't wait for REAL LA-ATs to roam the skies, spreading the might of Vanu around with particle beams. It... it will be glorious.
  3. iller

    R U Naruto IRL??

    The point here was to show that not even his normally delusional glass is half full view of this thing was really all that positive or anything to hold out hope for.... It's almost entirely admitting that they're going to rush it out weaker than it could be and then do the usual 4-6 months before it gets anything useful thrown its way.

    ...just like Phaseshift/Spiker/Railjack...
  4. AdmiralArcher

    its going to get nerfed just like the harrasser
  5. DatVanuMan

    Oh yeah... Meh, that's why I never invest in anything but my infantry:p
    I just ride the vehicles, bro. Never buy them;D
  6. iller

    okay... so I'll put you down for trollburgers then. Thanks for clarifying.
    You and Higby probably agree on a LOT of things now that I think about it...
  7. BiggggBRIM

    Looking forward to the stream of certs 'n tears that I'll farm with my AA Lockdown MAX.
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  8. BurntDevil

    His job is to sell you the thing. Ofcourse its never going to be as good as he says it is.

    It still needs a good bit of work, but it isnt too bad off as is.
  9. iller

    ^ Yeah.... I mean I'm taking that into consideration too, and NOT trying to take everything he's said too literally. But when ya look at a lot of that, it also seems like he's outright saying most of his job is to almost IGNORE any naysayers and #YOLO it through. The only reason I linked it to begin with is the fact that Joe kept calling him on trying to down-play stuff, including this thing too. ...which reminded us several times that this is a definite pattern for them

    Okay I'm not *nearly* that angry/passionate about any of this stuff as they were so it doesn't really matter either way to me. thank goodness. I only like looking at these mechanics problems as a puzzle, trying to see how every piece fits together just like any other hobby. But for a lot of other people, this is like ... their full time jobs to put up with the fallout of this sloppy approach. Not saying I could do any better either. I just think they could do a LOT better than "Not quite as gimped as the Duster on Release". :confused:
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  10. GaBeRock

    You have no clue. Flak absolutely annhihilates passengers :( friggin explosion.
  11. TorigomaSET

    You mean the giant target thats squishier than a ESF, but some how slower than a Gal?
  12. AdmiralArcher




    i didnt even think of this......my fractures are going to be eating valks pretty soon...same with my bursters
  13. Thagyr

    If people wanted it to be durable they shouldn't have named it the Valkyrie. It's a cool name, no worries there, but I mean if you look at the mythology around Valkyries they spend half their time carrying dead people around.
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  14. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    ^True that.
    Can I least drop them over the enemy base to spread nasty infections?
  15. DatVanuMan

    It's a bug that the Valk is so slow. It's stuck in hover-mode:confused: But, SOE said it'll be fixed soon, so no need to worry. :)
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  16. TheChimera

    Do you have a source I can check out? Finding it hard to get more info on the Valk myself.
  17. iller

    You sir have a way with words :D
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  18. Pikachu

    It's always impressive how SOE can keep this happy facade that everything is going so good with the game and great things are planned when in truth they are thinking "oh cr*p oh cr*p we're bleeding players and there's tons of issues to fix".
  19. WarmasterRaptor

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie for those who don't bother to search :p

    Would that actually brings the perma death some soldiers might actually been waiting for? :eek::eek::eek:
  20. iller

    Yeah that's been totally true this year .... b/c look how much stuff came out that's action focused: Warframe got popular despite a ton of **** ups. BF4 finally got fixed and retained its huge following. Wildstar got its 15 minutes of fame. WOT's is still a big contender in Vehicle-combat. Dota2 just keeps snowballing as a Tryhard magnet. Smite came out too and we all know it got atleast a % of the fools who played Tribes b/c of HiRez's cross-promotion. TitanFall came out and sucked up some people for a while. ArcheAge is right around the corner as their biggest threat to the "Tactical Resource/Guild focused MMO" angle that PS2's trying to overhaul itself. There's probably even a little bite taken by FireFall simply b/c it lets you "Play a Light Assault" the way a light assault should be played. And if you just want Gun-P***, well there's been the Borderlands DLC's with a Prequel coming out and I hear the Burch siblings are writing for it still so there's lots of potential there too even if it's not really multiplayer.

    I think at this point.... Hig & Smed may actually be looking more at their Planetside1 model where it somehow stayed up and running despite having barely any users at all. I think they'll make the calculation that as long as they're designing the game for the SciFi supporter-Whales demographic .... they can basically keep it in their "stable" as a side attraction while EQN becomes their main cash cow. And from what I saw in their combat & classes reveal this weekend, it looks like they went all-in on Action. It didn't even look like everquest TBH, it looked more like GuildWars and Planetside with all your focus on manual-aiming and Quake-Arena type dodging. Especially how they revealed the Cleric to basically be following the same Non-UI playstyle that Planetside Medic and GuildWars Guardian adhere to. Which makes sense as it's literally the same Engine Planetside's using, just with actual destructible terrain added in. Anyone who doesn't get interested by huge fights in that kind of setup, they're probably hoping will go to H1Z1 instead. (hence why they moved Cleg there).

    Sony is a shrinking commodity in everything they used to be an industry leader in. And there's really not a lot they can do about it either. I think they know this and it went all the way to the top. It wasn't just some reality that only Smed had to deal with. ...If I really felt connected to the gunplay in this game like Joe does, I would probably go make a Twitter account and bomb Higby with a wake-up call on this. ...we all would. And there-in lies the reason they're a declining commodity, I think. It's pretty much everyone's fault and it's not gonna change. Right now this entire forum is full of misdirection on what this stupid Valkyrie should really be capable of. It's fun to talk about but given this pattern, it will be yet another let down in a long line of let-downs.