PS2Alerts 2.0 has been launched!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Maelstrome26, May 22, 2014.

  1. Maelstrome26

    I've just pushed the new version of PS2 Alerts! It has been completely re-written, and should be running far faster and quicker.

    Check it out at:!

    Heres a list of all changes made in this update other than the "under the hood" stuff:
    • "In Progress" alerts are now shown throughout the website, where the statistics for each alert are updated every 5 minutes (it's not real-time as it's heavy on the site's data sources and doesn't really provide that much information). The feature is only half completed, I still need to figure out how to make the graphs auto refresh on every 5 minute update. For now, hammer your F5 key! ;-)
    • Cosmetic changes have been made to the website, making the whole layout of it much nicer and cleaner. Not a huge amount has changed, but the site now looks miles better than it did.
    • Introduction of the Alert Timeline graph, which can be found on the homepage. This now enables you to browse through the ENTIRE history (since January 26th) of the PS2 Alerts database, seeing how each empire did, and how alert results have changed over time. I will be expanding this feature so that when you select the date range, the data will automatically update based on your selection. However, this is currently harder than anticipated.
    • Sharable links. You're now able to share "views" of data with the world. For example, if you wish to show just Miller alerts, you can share the link: Currently, only server views are supported, but I intend so that you can share date ranges and times with these links eventually.
    • Selections now STICK. A hugely requested feature was that when you selected your server, that your selection sticks. This has been made so. You can choose your selection at the homepage and the data there and at the All Alerts section will now stick, if you're only interested in one server.
    Please let me know of any feedback you guys have!

    PS2 Alerts is being worked upon constantly. To see future projects, check out the Project Tracker.
    • Up x 7
  2. Maelstrome26

  3. kadney

    Ask Luperza if she can mention it in the next FNO episode. ;)
  4. Luperza Community Manager

    I'll try to add it to the docket. ;)
    • Up x 2
  5. DJPenguin

    • Up x 9
  6. Maelstrome26

    Bumpage. If the mods don't like this, please let me know and I'll cease and desist :)
  7. IamDH

    I want to see the all time statistics, not just 24hours. Just my input, gj with the site
  8. William Petersen

    Faster AND Quicker? Wow, I might just have to check it out now. I mean, if it was just faster or just quicker I probably wouldn't have bothered.
  9. Maelstrome26

    I still need to work out the timings, it's not as simple as a query, I need to figure out all the timezone differences and everything.

    +1 sarcasm points to you sir!
  10. IamDH

    Fun fact time!

    Faster usually refers to speed while quicker usually refers to responding quickly to input

    Source: Google
  11. Codex561

  12. Maelstrome26

    Yes that is true, I was rather lazy with that graph. I plan to re-do all the TFS score system anyway to a new, fairer (or if you're overpopped, more harsh) system, and I feel a timeline would be far superior to having a pie chart, which only shows current data, and is kinda irrelvent as it's always going to be around 33%, unless you go into a server view.

    I plan to have that section of the site in a tab form, where you can view both a history, and the "Summary" pie chart view.
  13. MuchachoBob

    Great job, man. Loved the website. Gonna use it all the time.

    SOE should consider hiring you, because I think they need stuff like this on the players website.
  14. Maelstrome26

  15. Kerrrrp

    I was wondering ... why are continental alerts not included in the total score?

    The argument that you cannot track per-continent population doesn't quite make sense to me. Doesn't every faction on a server have equal chances to participate in those alerts just like in global ones?

    Everyone can switch continents on the fly and if one continent is full for the time being, well some players were simply faster and cared more. I see no reason why global pop shouldn't matter in continental alerts.

    Why not include them the same way as global alerts? If there is an alert Amerish and the majority of a faction prefers to fight on Indar/Esamir instead, it is just like deciding not to go for global alert-objectives. Continent specific pop shouldn't matter.
  16. Maelstrome26

    There are two primary reasons why continental alerts have been removed from the TFS scorings:

    1: When the scenario where the total population is greater than the continent cap (so all pops are 33%) the TFS scores would be inaccurate, as it is based off global population. The situtaiton would arise where the continential pops are even, and therefore an even fight, but the world pops aren't, which would result in a terribly inaccurate score.

    2: If the global populations are below a continent cap, people still ignore alerts, and move to another continent. Therefore, the "participation" count of people in continental alerts is inaccurate, as not the true number of people are actually on the continent.

    I am working on a system however to detect the number of "active combatants" and where they are, which will be a very accurate representation of the population figures in an alert at any given time. In fact, it would be more accurate than using World Populations as a figure, as it would discard people who are AFK in the Amerish warpgate, not doing anything useful.
  17. Abductkaz

    ...So the Briggs server isn't displayed on the Chrome gadget thing... Any update on when that's going to happen?
  18. Maelstrome26

  19. Abductkaz

    I mean its just... Not even showing up on the alert tracker thing when i click on it. It lets me select Briggs as the server I wish to see the Alerts from, though its just not working, or showinh up in the list. *Shrug*

    (Picture was taken while there was a Waterson or whatever it was[IMG] alert as well as the current other two. No briggs alert showingh up even on the lil' numbers.)
  20. Paragon Exile