Patch Notes - 3/10

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Higby, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. WarmasterRaptor

    So, you get a line to your position when you kill somebody? Time to set up a trap for them ! It's such a total BAIT.
    And if they come to you charging head first, then give them back another line to look at.

    On the only picture we got in this thread, the killer was pretty close, but what about a sniper? does the line extends straight to him? or the line has a limited reach? if the line is outside the minimap borders, you still don't know exactly where the sniper is, only a general direction. I guess good snipers are also aware of the battle and don't tunnel vision too much, so they can see who's coming closer to them...

    Also, with the amount of people that can get in a battle, you think one player will remember 20 lines of killers??

    C'mon, there's a LOT of drama going on here, get some tissues.

    Or I don't fathom the dooming destruction into oblivion this feature will ensure.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    New belly gun is pretty close to carpet bombing
  3. AuxiMoron

    Possibly the most pointless patch ever devised. Apart from camos on healing tools.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    Hitting a lib with an AP vanguard shell is about 10 times easier then shooting it with a dumbfire rocket...

    Gals have plenty of HP, they are very tanky.
    Your gal cost the same as a lib, yet it can eat 4 decimators and 2 clips of basilisk, and not even be on fire...
    Tank shells are just about the only way to take down a gal.

    A 3/12 battle gal with dual thermal bulldogs is more dangerous than a 3/3 of liberator to infantry...
    Gals are pretty OP right now, they are spawning a dozen guys over and over while spamming thermal bulldogs from 300m.

    Gals should cost 600 air resources. They are better than a sunderer in every way...
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  5. BrokenMirror

    Actually, the fact your forgetting...

    Liberators with the Dalton will actually kill a target WELL before a gal with 3 drakes on it.

    A Liberator with a Dalton > Skyguard Galaxy with 3 drakes firing with 100% Acc < Skyguard.

    Galaxy is slower then the liberator...

    Liberators have nearly 2x the damage potential then galaxys thanks to the Dalton. The Galaxy Can not obliterate a tank from the Render distance. a Galaxy Cant beat a liberator in a fight, a Gal with 4 gunners loses to a lib with 2. The lib can nearly instadeath a galaxy at close range with a tankbuster, or can snipe a galaxy out of the sky with the Dalton.

    And saying that only Take shells can kill a galaxy is stupid. 2 skyguards will kill a galaxy right fast, a Liberator will kill a galaxy if he isn't stupid.

    Why is a galaxy better then a sunderer? My sunderer can spawn more then 11 people at it, My gal seems to require people to be on a squad with me... Galaxy seems to be a bigger target (just a bit) and has a weakness to flak...
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  6. Herby20

    No.... Just no.

    I can't begin to explain how horrific of an idea this is. There is absolutely no logical reason that this change should ever be put on the live servers. All it will do is create an even more frustrating play environment for anyone who already uses vehicles. Escaping from the lock-on range should not result in getting hit by these weapons.

    And while you are at it, please go back and reinstate the requirement to keep A2A Missiles selected for the missile to track. In addition to basically removing the play and counterplay of the weapons after the ESF update, it also basically made them perform 180 turns again.
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  7. M4L4CH1TE

    Really?! Giving away where you were killed from? WTF?
    Hey Sony, I've got a great idea. Why don't we just let people respawn directly behind the person who killed them? Fair, right?

    It is stupid enough that snipers have tracers that telegraph where they are shooting from but if someone kills me from an unknown position, good on 'em! Maybe I'll be a bit more cautious next time. It's not like respawning at the sundy or a spawn room is that much of a burden.

    ON the other hand:
    1. Yay! shared vehicle experience!
    2. Yay! Straight pull bolts. (well we'll see).
    3. Yay! Decreased headshot size.
    4. Yay! New Lib weapons.
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  8. Crayv

    Okay, so it wasn't okay for an armored ground transport vehicle to take more damage than a tank but it is okay for an aircraft? Not just any aircraft but one that has access to the strongest weapons in the game.

    People use things like dumbfires and tank rounds for AA not because they are good but because AA is that bad. If AV was as ineffective as AA tank guns would be like the Lancer in damage to infantry and air, have a CoF, and retain their current velocity. Tank fights would consist of driving up to each other and trying to C4 each other.

    As for the deathscreen. Shooting already reveals you on the minimap, so it's really just highlighting the one that killed you saying "it was this guy, now please stop sending us hack reports everytime you die.". If a outfit called out everytime they got killed the chatter would clog up comms. If you stay in one place long enough for someone to respawn and run all the way out to where you are and kill you, you deserved it. An ambush point is like match, you can light more than one fire with it but it is still only good for one use.
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  9. Jaronallus

    im not a fan of the dalton nerf vs. other libs...i think it'll really limit the weaponry to the shredder, which is already extremely effective and not nearly as satisfying to use. until we know more information about the new weapons (splash broken on PTS), ill hold off on specifics. The composite armor buff against daltons is really just an annoyance at most...5 dalton shots to kill an enemy lib at max armor/hp? come on. most people can only hit an enemy liberator once, maybe 2x. this isn't a nerf against experienced gunners/pilots, it's more of an annoyance. it's killer for beginners though, who we will just farm all day anyway. with the new composite armor, the only real threat is an enemy ESF, but that's always been the case anyhow. these are just initial thoughts- need more info/data to really formulate an educated analysis though.
  10. wave

  11. Cswic

    Quoted for being the first person I've seen on these forusm to say "Gals are pretty OP right now".
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  12. Amundsenkalmah

    How about the optics unlocked with station cash?
    If i buy the 2x reflex for my NS-15M (also bought with SC) i expect it to unlock for all my characters right? RIGHT?
    And if i unlock the vanu 2x will it be available to all weapons that can equip it?
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  13. lords8n

    I don't want to know where I was killed from, and I certainly don't want others to know where I killed them from.

    Cloak, move out of cover, acquire target, uncloak, fire (hopefully a head shot), cloak, move into cover, repeat. I do this so no one will know where I am. How can SOE think this feature is even close to a good idea?
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  14. EmperorPenguin5

    This can burn in hell and we will riot against these changes you monsters who dare call themselves developers
    "C150 Dalton
    • Inner radius blast damage decreased from 1000 damage to 700 damage.
    • In cases where this causes an increase in direct hits required to kill a target, the resistance to this damage was adjusted. Except for Liberators, Liberators will now be set on fire after two direct Dalton hits instead of destroyed."

    UNDO all these changes to the Dalton IMMEDIATELY.
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  15. EmmettLBrown

    Whoa whoa whoa... My most used gun (rep gun) can now have camo????
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  16. oberchingus

    Oh fantastic! Yet another reason I'm glad I canceled my subscription.
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  17. oberchingus

    Can you leave the Dalton out of this change please? All this new great, but leave the Dalton? Pretty please?
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  18. EmperorPenguin5

    Except as effective as TPing a person's house.
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  19. Huunterinvitus

    Composite armore must increase damage versus maxes it is main for it is can be used.
  20. BatFastardd

    Oh heck. Ok, wait, dangit, hold on just a second.
    Just in case you couldn't figure out in zerg fests where what's shooting at you, we're making this slightly more idiot proof. Next month, kill cams.

    Just in case you not only suck with a shredder/dalton/walker, we're going to make this idiot proof too.

    Tail gun improvements aren't terrible though. It encourages render range shooting big time though. SO, that'll be fun...

    Let's give idiots on the ground more reason to whine about air, pay to win.

    Vektor changes still look... useless. Gimme an OP DPS cannon any day. I fly a Reaver breh.

    Ranger was supposed to be deterrent, not outright kill right? Wasn't that the idea of flak in the first place? Deterrent? Correct me if I'm wrong... I'm not sure about you but flak still makes my $1000 desktop take a **** in frames and sure as heck deters me.

    Straight pull bolt, dead zones, frames, composite, AB fuel, shared XP, resistances... all cool. Way overdue but better late than never, we expect this slowness by now anyways.

    Great, now you're just straight up going back on your word here. I recall a PS2 vid when I first started playing claiming that it wasn't pay to win and, although you can buy weapons, you cannot and will not be able to buy "side-grades" with station cash. Jeez, just go ahead and tell the people who don't spend inordinate amounts on money on PS2 to "GFYS" already.

    AND THIS...

    So I guess we're back to area denial with 2-3 lock on infantry? God forbid you try to help out your platoon and get chased not by enemy ESFs, but by a swarm of cert hungry peasants who don't want to spend money on PS2. They don't have lolpods but they sure as heck have grounders/hawks/nemesis/ because they're cheap and allow you to farm air all day if you're even remotely intelligent.

    This is, as usual, a double edged update.