Serious hitching a regular thing after the latest patch...

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by MaCritz, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. MaCritz

    Yep, it's back.. With a vengence... My screen would literally freeze for like a second or two before stuttering back to normal.. Nope, I have absolutely no issues with the game before the latest patch, smooth as butter (the GPU temp did rise a lil bit but I'm not too worried).. But now it's bad... Really bad...

    Help please.. :(
  2. FourTwoFour

  3. Stefan1978GER

    ESC-Settings-Graphic change from Ultra to High, smoothing ON! and Back to game. Now turn off (logout) and relaunch the Game.

    check Time till it happens again. Please. with ALT and F you see 56-59 FPS below Minimap.

    I have same but before pach, and allways after continent change.
  4. Grimunk

    I get the same thing. Are you guys running SLI/xfire?
  5. FourTwoFour

    I don't use SLI in this game because it gives me some weird screen tearing. This happens with both SLI enabled & disabled. I use one card in PS2. Never seen this before (this patch introduced it)
  6. Hatamoto

    Getting the ocasional freeze and generally lower fps as well
  7. Trebb

    This has become horrible for me too, and yes I use SLI.

    It's especially deadly flying. I just lost a brand new aircraft into the side of a bio-lab because my computer hitch---no it *froze* for well over 1 second. Fix please ;\
  8. Hatamoto

    I dont have SLI, but that didnt stop the game from chugging down to 0 fps the second i bought a scythe. 5 seconds later the game decided i had flown into a tree and crashed, bringing fps back up to normal.
  9. Trebb

    aaaand it happened again. It happens a lot when I zoom in on a scope too, but it's not like flying where your aircraft keeps moving while your PC is hiccuping. I'm going to go ahead and not fly until this is patched.
  10. DarkStone45

    I get this on my laptop sometimes. I've found alt-tabbing in and out of the game than unplugging and replugging my power cord fixes it without having to log off.
  11. sneakbyte

    I get this as well post patch.

    Vsync Off
    Smoothing On
    I have the game installed on an SSD.