After just 10 minutes of PS1, I instantly miss the following features not in PS2:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarthKoopa, May 20, 2013.

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  1. exLupo

    Pretty much. There are times where you won't be able to but you can limit it. Like any generic fantasy MMO, you'll get classes that have a "best" build but at least you won't be able to beat content with a raid full of one class. Highest power/least resistance, it's only natural. It's up to dev, if they even want to, to find these better-than-all peaks and hammer them down or force situations where you have to embrace variety. PS2's current situation? HA is the alpha unit but if you just bring HA, you're going to lose and fast. I like it.

    Still. Dev vs Player is a battle that will never end.
  2. exLupo

    The hex/adjacency system felt like they were trying to do something like the Lattice but more fluid. Early beta, for both games, random back-hacking was rampant. After lattice/adjacency, it wasn't even possible. Adjacency was just too fluid and prone to ghost-hacks. I'm really eager to see how the new lanes, in a production environment, both perform with the hardware as well as the playerbase.
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  3. Rickenbacker

    While I loved PS1, this is a better, more modern version of it, and I love playing PS2 as well.

    The one thing I do miss is the inventory system. It allowed you to make your own classes, by choosing freely from armors, weapons and other kit. And it allowed you to STEAL ENEMY WEAPONS and stash them in your locker for later use. I understand why they went with the simpler class-based system in PS2, but I really miss rolling my own.
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  4. Goretzu

    I'm not sure about 100 times.

    Even if you discount how much wider the internet is these days, PS1 did reasonably ok with a $15 a month subscription plan back then. It struggled to sustain it past Core Combat, but the numbers weren't terrible initially and I'm not convinced that PS2 has had 100 times more people playing or indeed that it's taken 100 times as much money in its first 6 months (even totally ignoring inflation).

    Percentage-wise PS2 has certainly lost a lot more players in its first 6 months though. :(
  5. Pella

    I would bet my house that. PS2 has made more money in its first year than that of PS1 Did in 10 years.

    Then you have PS2 on the PS4 which is looking likely.
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  6. Breidr

    This is one of the main things I miss from the original. The new class system seems kind of "canned." Give me the tools and I'll decide what I want. I also want to stuff my locker full of trophies again. I really miss the inventory system. I understand some elements might not work anymore, but picking up ammo from the dead so you can hold out longer was just plain cool.
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  7. ps2x518

    I'm not too sure about that. I think total wise PS1 probably has made more just because it's been out so damn long but if you compare both games 6 or 7 months after release I think it is obvious that PS2 has made more money in that time period. I also think PS2 is going to take off on PS4, possibly becoming significantly more popular than on PC. So yes, when that happens SOE will be rolling in dough.
  8. KarMaSk89

    So when we all go the Sub, Me and a large chunk of the guys downloaded it straight away. None of us had played the game before and the vets that we have in our outfit had always expressed how so much depth is missing from PS2.

    So logging into the game the experience was nearly as confusing as the planetside 2 intro and it took a while for us to get used to the UI and map systems. But overall they are so in depth that is clearly is worth working out what does what.

    After 5 hours of playin the game. (No idea where the time went) The general consensus with about 20-40 players was that PS2 is missing so much. Yes the gunplay is updated, and the graphics. But Simple features like having to hack doors. Having to hack the terminal. ANT's and Power levels within bases. The feeling of connection with your character cause you are molding it into what you want and have to pick carefully. Entering vehicle animations are simply amazing and also give a depth to the game. I know its a simple feature but it gives you the feeling that you are part of the vehicle.

    Looking back, i have no idea why i did not hear about Planetside 1. But it is truly a awesome game from first glance. Yes i was killed by lancers in hallways and random things onscreen i could not see. But it was challenging to overcome those.

    I will continue to play PS1 for a while to get the most out of it. A re-skin of the per core combat would of been alot more fun and indepth then the game we have today. But im sure if you keep releasing more guns each month. Some people will keep buying them.
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  9. Captain Kid

  10. DramaticExit

    - Yes infiltration needs some work and needs to become far more useful.
    - Yes more variety in base design would be good. But as I understand it, Planetside had very few unique base designs.
    - Yes there could be more uniqueness between the factions. yes this will come at the cost of having a lot of "X is OP" bull*ehem* on the forum.
    - Abstract and impossible to dictate what will cause "flow".
    - Asymmetric balance already exists. People only complain because the grass is always greener on the other side. The few issues which do exist are minor at worst.
    - Eh.
    - Continents would be nicer if they were more irregular, yes.
    - Roles are more limited however, and you can't have hybrids.
    - Transportation is used. I guess you tend to lonewolf.
    - One shot kills such as lib and tank rounds to the face are equally deserved as they are in any game. Most people complain about one hit kills because they died without paying attention to their surroundings.
    - Most people complain about a short TTK (which isn't actually all that short) because they died without paying attention to their surroundings.
    - It's a game. Nothing serves a purpose beyond entertainment.
    - The VS have always looked ridiculous.
    - Pump actions are only effective in close range. "God saws" are only about 1/3rd as good as people say. The majority of actually good NC players use the EM6, GD22S or other guns, because they are better and more adaptable to the situation. Hacksaws are only any good at close range. I'm getting the impression you believe the "NC are overpowered OMG ONOES". If so I suggest you look at the actual gameplay stats (average score per minute, kill per hour and so on, from the guns you are talking about) particularly in relation to that of other factions' equivalents.

    So... Yes and no.

    Most of what you're saying is just a list of cliche buzzwords from around the forum in a sensationalist and overly nostalgic post. Please think again.

    This game is not trying to be PS1. It is a different game, and is developing in a different direction. Live with it.

    That is all.
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  11. RageMasterUK

    Just made a topic just like this. Missing a few things from PS1 myself. SOE take notice, Battlefield will play Battlefield, COD will play COD. Eventually both franchises will come out with "massive scale".

    People who have stuck with Planetside 2 would probably respect a return to the roots of the franchise.
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    I logged in to PlanetSide for a short time last night (all my characters were still there, too). I was actually taken aback by how stiff the movement feels in the original game.
  13. kadney

    I wish they would have given that free membership to everybody that registered on PS2 before day X.
    Didn't buy station cash or stuff? Sorry, no sneak peak into PS1 for you. :( So sad..
  14. Macchus

    lol wut after they nerfed tri shot jackhammer to not insta gib ? and the whole spawn tube thing only happened when the base or tower was hopelessly lost ... the f'in spawns werent right out in open areas . ...
  15. Macchus

    so your saying that you absoloutley want everything for free?

    you never subbed to ps1
    you never subbed to ps2
    you havent even spent any station cash ?

    so tell me why you should be rewarded for jut registering for ps2 ?
  16. Macchus

    well looks like ill be getting a new house ... 40,000 plus people bought planetside 1 for full price when it came out . plus recurring subs for ten years . plus when aftershock came out it wasnt free .. plus station access members who never play planetside 1 but is included in station access . plus in game advertising ...

    ps2 has not made as much money as ps1 in this short 6 months ...
  17. IamDH

    Seems to me that you spent the ten minutes on making this list
    I agreee some things depress me but we are slowly improving
  18. Macchus

    i agree with the battlefield eventually having massive scale .

    but CoD wil die before it has anything close to amssive scale .

    CoD is CoD. its not about massive scale . its about fast paced unrealistic arcadey action .

    and the whole 1 CoD a year thing is really killing it as well . and its pretty much a console only franchise and i dont see to many massive scale warfare games on ps3 .

    Mag maybe but no one plays it anymore anyway . i thought dust was gonna be more like planetside . but its just call of duty with a sat uplink to eve online ....
  19. Macchus

    if he spent ten minute on that list , he needs to take a typing class or just stop typing and start dictating...
  20. Macchus

    the VS in ps1 dont look to bad lol ... but take a really close look at their stupid ugly disco boots ..

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