Changes to LMGs on test

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Ruar, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. DeltaGun

    Maybe its only the VS ones that are bugged.
  2. siddar

    No recoil on Saw even without a forgrip.

    Line up headshot pull trigger they die after three bullets. Any aiming low to compensate for recoil means you will miss headshots entirely.

    It seems they replaced recoil with a larger scoped CoF that only shows up after sixth bullet.

    If they put these changes live like they are now on test expect tears of rage to flow as God Saw finally earns it name.
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  3. siddar

    Oh look at test patch.

    Recoil is now back to what it was.

    GU8 got canceled I guess.
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  4. JPJones

    That's probably what I saw. There were two patches today. I didn't get to my LMG testing until after the second patch.
  5. Bill Hicks

    That is only half the problem. They are buffing ARs and Carbines. Old heavies know that a good player can easily kill a shielded heavy with a carbine or a AR. Why are they buffing them? ARs are the best weapons in the game only limited by the clip size. LMGs have the WORST TTK on average.

    Ok I test the Gaus saw unfortunately there was no one to shoot at. Seems OK I guess.

    The only reason we kill medics, lights, etc is that we catch them reloading. Its the perk of having a LMG. In head to head fights, they can kill us quickly.
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  6. MrIDoK

    They are buffing AR and Carbines reload time and equip times. This won't change a thing in head to head fights, their damage is the same and our damage is the same. It will give them more momentum during an assault and differentiate light weapons from heavier weapons.

    Also, a HA can kill other classes only while they're reloading? what? So in theory HAs always lose when facing a medic head on? Unless i'm the best HA in the world, that's just plainly wrong. They surely CAN kill us quickly, but we can kill them just as easily if not more so thanks to our shield. They may do more damage on average, but we can surely absorb a lot more if we're careful and don't charge in like Rambos.

    One last thing: the same AR and Carbine buffs will be applied to the 50-round LMGs designed for mobility like the MSW-R, the GD-22S and the Orion. So we get to choose between weapons good for sustained fire and weapons that give us better mobility.
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  7. PaperPlanes

    Oh no, they don't want HAs running around with LMGs that are the best weapons in the game with no downsides anymore!

    Currently, most LMGs are the best of all worlds and can be used at any range. They do CQC just like a carbine/SMG, they do medium range just like an assault rifle, they do longish range just like a semi auto sniper (seriously just try tap firing a LMG at range, most of them are crazy good). Best of all worlds. The LMGs are one of the reasons HAs are so overplayed and outshining other classes in stats like KDR and SPM.

    And you all picked on the LAs when our jetpacks got nerfed and said we deserved it. Welcome to your demise, heavies. You'll get no sympathy.
  8. Badname707

    I don't think you're convincing anybody here.
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  9. PaperPlanes

    Lol, the spoiled HA mindset, thinking they're supposed to be anti-everything. You're not supposed to be the best infantry killer, you're supposed to be the best at direct charge attacks, which you are thanks to your shield and LMGs. But you also have a plethora of launchers, from dumbfires that OHKO infantry (and 2 shot a MAX) to lock-ons to ESRLs. With a PA shotgun, you're the single best close range pushing infantry, shotgun + shield is ridiculous.

    HA has statistically out scored and out KDR'd all the other classes in the game ever since release. You're FINALLY getting a small tweak and you freak out. Meanwhile they massively nerfed light assaults, which were already underplayed and underscoring compared to other classes.

    Sorry, but HA nerfs have been a long time coming. You can't be the king class forever, the game is not based entirely around you. You're just spoiled. Right now there's no real reason to play anything but HA, SOE realizes this needs to change to benefit game diversity.
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  10. siddar

    The purpose of LMG changes was to make them better at long ranges.

    Nerfs were simply a small negative to offset the much larger gains at range.

    To also separate LMG from other weapons types by giving them better medium and long range performance versus other types of automatic weapons.

    The goal was never to nerf HA class in fact the goal was the opposite maybe not by stated intent but by the certain outcome of making LMG better at range.

    Now it appears the improvements to range have been removed on test and only the nerfs remain.

    Almost certainly this was not the intended outcome by SoE.
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  11. Village

    I'm confused, why WOULDN'T LMG's have less recoil than carbines and assault rifles? Naturally they should.
  12. ladiesop

    MSW-R has had it's reload shortened, which is good as I always found it just a little too long for how quickly it eats the magazine.
  13. HamOnRye

    Any way we can push to have both the Advanced Laser and Advanced Foregrip added as option to all weapons? Pistols excluded of course.
  14. DeltaGun

    Why all the hate on the HA? If HA was nearly as good as everyone swears it is, you would just be playing HA. The truth is that close-range variant carbines and assault rifles are much better than any weapon the HA has. Not to mention Shotguns exist, which make any weapon look like a pea shooter in close range anyway.
  15. Patrician

    But we do know what the changes are, they tell us here:-

    And for the NC it's a nerf to our HA, especially when taken with the 6x scope sway nerf.
  16. Epic High Five

    Guys, the grip/comp combo on test was literally removing all recoil, that's not part of a plan or a swing in the balance of a weapon, that is a bug. Who seriously thought zero recoil bullet hose LMGs were going live? Why are you upset or surprised that it was changed?

    There is no harm done by making AR's and Carbines more like light weapons without changing their combat characteristics at all. All the buffs will apply to the HA super-AR guns too, so this is a buff to another class that is also a buff to the HA.

    Carbines are meant to be fearsome close up, ARs are meant to be deadly close-mid range, and LMGs are meant to be pretty good at ALL ranges but with a higher skill ceiling, and huge reload times and big COFs to ensure they aren't muscling anything else out of their ranges.

    If anything we should be worried that SOE is changing up infantry weapons when the majority of people felt they were one of the best balanced things in the game already. It could be a net improvement though, depending on the final values of the comp/grip changes.
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  17. Bill Hicks


    You support class whiners are the spoiled children. You get to use your special abilities rack up certs and still be able to do everything a heavy does. Now they gave everyone shotguns which kill heavies very well.

    I can only assume that bad players are the one who are asking for buffs against heavies due to their complete ignorance of how well utility helps their team.

    "Meanwhile they massively nerfed light assaults, which were already underplayed and underscoring compared to other classes."
    LOL now I know what class you are. Massive nerf? you mean the jetpack sound ? it was another dumb dev decision like the headshot sounds.

    LOL game diversity? very little critical thinking in this thread.
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  18. ih8Darian

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  19. KnightCole

    ih8darian that monalisa picture meme thats good stuff, too true.
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  20. Epic High Five

    I can heal, what HA doesn't run with medkits? I can also fly and stealth in my stealth reaver, and I give people ammo all day! And at significantly higher speed than any engie!