Phoenix must not OHK an ESF

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Tar, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Ev3ntHorizon

    DUDE are you trolling or what, even a lib or a GALAXY..... A DAMN GALAXY not even at top speed can didge or flat our outrun a phoenix. if you fire a phoenix at any aircraft you are wasting a rocket
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  2. Hosp

    (Oops, on rechecking deleting) I'll just agree with the above.
  3. Gary

    Phoenix should 1 hit an ESF, You only get hit by a phoenix if they lead like a pro or you are stationary like a **** :p
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  4. Ruvan

    No, it is fine. If you get hit by Phoenix missile you'e either insanely bad (i.e. stationary hovering), your opponent got lucky or the opponent is very skilled. And yes there is a warning, the bright blue ball flying towards you is easy to see even without NV/thermal. Yes, it does take skill to hit something that can **** your aim up by twitching even a little. The Phoenix flat out deserves to 1 hit ESF due to the difficulty/rarity of actually hitting a decent pilot, the risk taken by launching the rocket (opponent is stationary), the limited range of the rocket, the low velocity of the rocket and the fact it can even be shot down.

    I've spent many hours flying my Scythe against the Phoenix and I don't think I've been hit once yet.

    If you spent less time whining on the forums and more actually flying, maybe you'd actually have the mediocre piloting skills necessary to avoid a Phoenix rocket.
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  5. YoXn

    Phoenix is fine, and I am really against NC and all because they have all the OP **** right now. But I do not mind the Phoenix. The striker... That is a terror.
  6. drNovikov

    ESFs must not hover and farm. Too easy for you. Also, Phoenix must oneshot ESFs to be on par with other ESRLs. Otherwise it will become completely ineffective.

    You whined for anti-infantry nerfs -- you got them. Enough. L2P.
  7. Zaik

    anyone who hits you with a phoenix could have hit you with a decimator.

    took one down today while he was pod spamming around me and missing horribly, flew it right into his cockpit and he never even tried to move.
  8. Veri

    So far I have been hit with a Phoenix once and it was pure luck.

    Being behind a sunderer out of line of fire in an ESF blowing it up.
    Saw an explosion on the other side of the sunderer and damage drop drastically.
    Didn't catch on but the owner of the sunderer was attempting to kill deny by blowng up his own sunderer.
    I blow up the sunderer only to see a Phoenix rocket fly through the debris.
  9. TeknoBug

    Yes the Phoenix SHOULD OHK an ESF, how often will you land a Phoenix rocket on a moving ESF? If the ESF is hovering then he deserves to get blown up regardless of what weapon is being used against it.
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  10. Paulus

    Agreed. Phoenix may be a sniper rifle with an unusualy large bore, but i've yet to see it used with any real threat against any ESF bar those who were hovering 200m off the ground hunting for things to lolpod.
  11. Mythicrose12

    I meant shrike. I'm sure you are are "a pro" that never makes a typo. Again, you're missing the point. If an ESF blows up from the Phoenix, it was moving far too slow or hovering. As you said, the missile doesn't have the best maneuverability. Same ESF would've been in danger of a default Shrike.
  12. KnightCole

    Tank shells and dumb fires ohk your ESF, there is no warning there either. If your getting OHK, maybe stop hovering so much. If your in a combat area and hovering.......your doing it wrong. No, a rocket SHOULD ohk a damn plane and infantry. A damn jet isnt going to survive a 100mm rocket up it's tail pipe. Players need to learn to play more and complain on the forums less. Tankers complain infantry **** they take them into urban and close in areas.

    ESF pilots complain about AA, OHK rockets and other they hover in place over combat zones.....ugh.

    SoE listens to the whiners, stuff gets nerfed......ffs.

    Slowly but surely World of Tanks players are finding their way into this game. I think they are the guys who are rushing through base shields into my tank gun...I bet those same people were the ones on here crying that HEAT rounds and tanks are OP....
  13. Zenith

    Hovering lolpod spammers deserve to get 'nixed, and it absolutely should OHK.
  14. JPJones

    I agree! As a reaver pilot, I'm sick and tired of phoenix heavies KSing all the stationary scythes and mossies hovering at low altitude. It's outrageous! I want my free kills back!
  15. Antivide

    Do go on about our overpowered Reaver and scattermax.

    I need to amuse myself. Please continue.
  16. VKhaun

    This. The phoenix does not one shot ESF's. It sets them on fire. Working as intended, pilots can counter it, and it's hard to connect with in the first place.
  17. Qel

    If you're going to hover so low and stationary that you get hit by a phoenix then frankly it's entirely your fault.
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  18. drNovikov

    Developers looked at server data and realized it must do that damage in order to be on par with other launchers.
  19. Bill Hicks

  20. KnightCole

    Im getting the feeling that ESF pilots are forever going to be the biggest whiners on this game. Always believing their stuff is the worst, everything vs them is OP. If they die to something, it should be nerfed.

    ESF have nothing wrong with them, they are so UP that they take sustained flak bursts and fly off mostly unscathed......was on AA duty lastnight with some dude's Range I think........all I can say is...AA is not OP and ESF are perfectly fine. hell, ESF even get anti-flak armor...