So now that the stats are up for all to see -

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Nocturnal7x

    Some of us have characters with different names than on here. Or is it linked somehow? anyway I havent found it. But yea, stats tied to forums is a bad idea in general.
  2. †Ashley†

    Shut up nab ur noob ur k/d is only 1.64 lololololololol what do u know?

    Kidding aside, i think its too much work for people to bother to look you up. And the types that take k/d seriously are usually the types not mentally able to look things up. Many people have it in signatures and its never really been any issues before.
  3. RobotNinja

    Proximity Mines are hilarious! If the game played the Benny Hill theme song while I played it would too appropriate. I don't wait for someone to walk over my mines, I bring em to them!
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  4. bluEyedillusions


  5. rayvon

    Stats are for sad acts
    No one with more than half abrain cares about them, oh and kids.
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  6. Nerpax

    I know the feeling. Bettys are my number One kill weapon (not counting tank cannons that are not being listed by PS 2 Players). Tank mines are the second, and the Sweeper the third.

    But i like it that way. It makes me feel more like an Engineer than a foot soldier.

    It is also an example of why K/D ratio doesn't mean much. My ratio is about 5.0, but it only comes from me driving Lightnings and killing hordes of Infantry with it. But hey, PS 2 isn't about honourable dueling and being "fair". It is about crushing your enemy and stealing liberating all their territory, so i don't feel bad, as i do try my best to support the taking of enemy territory or defending our own

  7. Grotpar

    Do you really get enough kills from them that it's worth wasting your resources on?

    I mean, because this game is basically explosionside, you'd have to be really stupid to run around without flak armor, unless you're playing a specialized loadout for very specific situations.

    I run around with flak armor all the time, and I think I die like 5 times a month to one of those.
  8. Xandax

    Actually - stats are interesting and fun for grown ups.
    The way some "sad acts and kids" use stats however is questionable. But don't blame stats for what some people misuse them for.
  9. †Ashley†

    I play as medic, and with 4 nanoweave upgrades for it, i can JUST survive one. Then i just heal up and continue moving again. Not the best way to deal with it but then at least i have the bonus in all situations then just explosives
  10. the pestimist

    Same here lol
  11. Marked4Death

    I don't need to look up anyone's stats. This is the internet, if they disagree with me they are obviously a hopeless noob, so I can assume a 0.1 K/D while gunning liberators and if they agree with me they must be a pro BR100 who's never been killed and only ever uses the knife.
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  12. rayvon

  13. VodkaGR

    According to my calculations,this game will last zero days without stat fights

    Now just divide the days of the month with the results aaaand..oh..oh wait.I forgot,i tried to divide by zero,oh god NOOOOoooooooooo
  14. VSMars

    Looks similarly for me. My main killing weapon is my default Engy carabine (Solistice), followed by AV and AP mines. :)
  15. Cyridius

    Sometimes stats are relevant. If somebody's trying to talk to you about the killing power of a HA but how 30 minutes play time in the class you can pretty much ignore 'em. Same principal etc
  16. Xericor

    While stats are nice in some games (I am proud of my positive kd in all Halo), they are really not important in a game like this.

    Firstly, we must look at the 'support' element - Engineers and Medics - vital to any advance in game, but likely to die more often than they are to get kills. If a star Medic heals 30 players, and its this act that helps carry the victory, but in doing so he gets shot himself twice in the fight. He emerges as a Hero in the role he played in helping the team, but with a poor kd.

    On the flip side, a Player who spawn camps a zone 95% captured by his team. The outcome is never in question - his side has won the facility regardless, yet he picks up 3 easy kills. In the big picture he has done nothing, on paper he has a good kd.

    Stats are only important when they are a symbol of victory. In a traditional FPS 'First to 50', if you have a positive kd, then there is no question that you are an asset to the team.

    In a game with unlimited respawns and no victory conditions, 'taking one for the team' becomes a greater viable strategy.
  17. Arquin

    You're not bad. You're a teamplayer. That's what counts. I'll take an engineer keeping me alive anyday over some moron last hitting something i've shot multiple times.
  18. Yoroi

    Stats are worth nothing. How would stats show a good platoon commander? An excellent galaxy pilot? An excellent squad leader who sneaks into enemy base and places a beacon and hacks terminals, thus ensuring victory? What about outfit's scouts, who fly near fly ceiling to spot enemy armor columns, allowing the outfit to ambush and annihilate them?

    Still, stats can do much good too. If a prowler pilot cries "neeeeeeerf maaagrideeer, its oooop" while he has 600+ score/minute while most magriders have around 100, he will receive a swift and just S.T.F.U. (it's censored? 0_o)
  19. Saool

    But see you're not bad. In fact you are excellent. You know your weaknesses and you bypass than be doing what you can do to contribute. IE you fix things, keeping turrets active, MAX units on there feet and tanks rolling. Whilst trapping points that need to defended with AP mines All of which leads to victory.

    Frankly any outfit with more people like you than K/D ****** who don't know what defend means will be better.
  20. Nyscha

    It shows galaxy stats in the vehicle tab.

    Damn I've rammed 151 aircraft in my galaxy. lol