Is it me or did they just make new servers?...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duvenel, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Duvenel

    This is meant to be real-time data about server status. Now look below.


    Woodman's there but it got cut off during the printscreen. Are these test servers for the new update or something?

    I just tried to make a new account to see if they were public servers and this was the result:
  2. PsychoBat

    Nah, they've always been in the list but they don't actually exist. Only the ones shown in the game screen are actually used.
  3. Duvenel

    I've seen them before, but they're usually listed as missing whenever I've checked. Just made me a bit confused...
  4. Cougarbrit

    They're nanite servers.
    • Up x 1
  5. Miggs

    One of my outfit asked SOE about these other servers a while ago when Woodman (in fact all EU servers) was (were) experiencing massive gameplay problems and we were looking for another main server to try and play with some stability within.

    SOE said they were there ready for use should the playerbase grow large enough that the current server options were all full, not a problem that PS2 appears to have right now.

    They could swap one of them over to a test server and allow clients to make an extra character to populate it, but how many would choose to help out in such a test server? It would need a dedicated and large number of players making that their main PS2 activity if it were to be of any use as a testing platform for updates and hotfixes.

    It would need to be pretty much filled all the time to offer any real chance of rooting out gameplay bugs.
  6. Duvenel

    Well usually when people join a test server, it requires them to use a totally different client than the public one. So I'd imagine that SOE would release a test server, with test client and players could login when testing is needed.

    But it's interesting to know that SOE have a contingency plan for population increases.
  7. Rhinzual

    I'd say painfully optimistic over interesting, as I don't see this game growing to the point that many more servers will be needed.
  8. GruntOne

    They might be test servers for the upcoming server mergers. Or it could also be that no-one gets to keep "his" server, so in fact all players are moved to the new ones and the old ones will go away after the mergers.
  9. VodkaGR

    They are not actually in the game

    The question is,why so many servers with such low population?They should merge the closest ones
  10. Duvenel

    Server merges are on the way. But I'm guessing it might be because of the update/patch that was meant to happen sometime today. Also it's not exactly prime time for most of the servers, so low populations at this time don't really worry me too much.
  11. VodkaGR

    Well yes,it's not prime time,but i have seen at most the 2-3 first created ones being at high,another one at medium and all the other low.I think that if they merged some of them,they would not be so full that new players can't join