What the factions of PS2 should be(But can't).

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gundem, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Gundem

    I Please don't get me wrong, I under stand that the devs made the factions like this to make an actually playable game, and this is not and idea to make Vanu or MAX's or anything else OP or UP, just what the factions would be more realistically. They are so different, yet their weapons do generally the same amount of damage(Compared to a max's HP bar, per say).

    Vanu Sovereignty-PS2
    Right now, they have lower damage per bullet, little to no bullet drop and high damage drop over time. The infantry are statistically no different from the TR or the NC. In reality, they would be more like this:

    Vanu Sovereignty-Real Life(ish)
    Me, having a basic understanding of plasma physics, would conclude that Vanu weapons would actually suffer from severe bullet drop. To be able to fire over any distance without dispersing, it would require for an extremely dense ball of plasma, to which Araxis's gravitational field would have a greater affect on. Secondly, their weapons would be simply devastating. They would disintegrate infantry and enemy MAX's, shred through tank armor, and evaporate low flying targets. The reason being, is that the state of actual plasma is several thousand degrees. Combined with the realistic density I spoke of before, their weapons would obliterate anything they aimed at.
    Also, being technologically advanced, they would all probably be Cybernetically enhanced, much like the Mechanus Adeptus(a lot of you seem to know about Warhammer 40k), with super computers connected to their brains, giving them things such as build in targeting systems, and overall superior infantry.

    I want moar planetside, so I will write for the TR and the NC later(Don't worry little fanboys, the Vanu aren't as OP as you think!).
  2. the pestimist

    and gauss based weaponry still has bullet drop but no as much.
  3. VodkaGR

    I agree,not only for VS but for all factions,they are designed poorly and are too similar except the ESHWs

    VS should be either huge damage ,very hard to aim ,or they should have lots of utility gadgets other empires don't have.I mean,how are they technologically advanced if they have nothing better than any faction? Of course if this was anywhere near real-ish they would already have won because the others comparably would be fiirng slingshots,but even the current design is ********
  4. XenomorphZZ

    The reason why the factions are balanced like so is simple in my eyes.

    Developers in general refuse to balance around quality AND quantity in terms of factions.

    Vanu tech could be very well "OP" in 1v1 comparisons, but the TR would have like 6 Prowlers for every 1 Magrider.

    The NC I would imagine would fall somewhere inbetween (since they use high-human technology)

    Sadly, social media and society makes everybody think they are heros and generals... so expecting people to be okay with being "Grunty McGrunt" as opposed "Alien powered Demi-God" when its techically balanced since theres 20 grunts to every 1 demi-god is suicide...
  5. Colt556

    The TR would basically be your standard military faction seen in a myriad of media, since they use basic tech. The NC should be the ones with zero bullet drop, yeah railguns and the like do have drop but since they go so fast it takes a very long distance for the drop to take effect. At the distances dealt with in Planetside you would never notice any drop. NC weapons should also pierce through multiple targets depending on the weapon. For example, the bolt driver should go through several infantry due to the velocity at which it's fired.

    I think, beyond the obvious fact that the devs don't have the phrase 'asymmetrical balance' in their dictionary, the reason the Vanu are the ones with zero drop and less damage is because they use lasers, not plasma. Near-modern weaponized lasers would suffer pretty heavy degradation over distances, but they'd have no drop. Essentially, Vanu aren't using mystical alien tech, they're using hundreds of year old laser based weaponry.
  6. TheBloodEagle

    ignore what I previous wrote.

    Pretty sure TR would be using caseless rounds for their weapons by that point. But currently we can see them being ejected.
  7. FateJH

    It's not plasma plasma; it's scifi plasma; or, Vanu plasma, if you will.