Either allow us to choose what binds for our guns or make sidearm always 3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by haniblecter, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. haniblecter

    Cause this is ridiculous. Its 2 for everyone (horrible button position) and 3 for my LA. Half the time Im bringing out a repair tool or sensor dart, and not my damn sidearm.
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  2. Trinith


    Did this change recently? On my LA, 3 is my c4... I'm pretty sure I've played a few times since the patch and my pistol button has always been 2.
  3. FateJH

    Since he's complaining about his LA, he probably has an underbarrel attachment on his Trac 5S. That wedges itself in as your new [2] bind, bumping everything else up.
  4. Trinith

    Ahhh gotcha, I've never used that before so I wouldn't know. If that's the case, I can see how that would be frustrating :)
  5. haniblecter

    Its incredibly soo, because I use an underbarrel shotty on my Guass, and its essential that I know where its at, because I suck at CQC.
  6. Quovatis

    Been complained about since beta, but never addressed. Totally agree though.
  7. Degenatron

    I've got a better idea, take away all under-barrel attachments. The UBGL is way too OP and the shotty makes the weapon to versatile.

    Better to just not have them.
  8. Apples

    I haven't seen a problem with the binds, then again I use keys instead of the mouse scroll so I always jump right to the one I want.
  9. TheEvilBlight

    Waiting for an underbarrel keybind, or perhaps a change fire modes that gets to underbarrel eventually. Of course, there will be complaints when it cannot be easily accessed (S->B->A->underbarrel is going to be unpleasant)
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  10. FateJH

    I was going to write-up a verbose sarcastic response that involved removing all attachment slots from weapons as "elements of the scourge called 'versatility'." Instead, I'm just going to ask "what's wrong with weapons having versatility?"
  11. Degenatron

    It degrades team interdependence.
  12. CommodoreFrank

    Yeah, it's quite annoying that the binds aren't consistent. Underbarrel attachments should just be another press of the primary button, sidearms on 2, class specific tools/weapons on 3, utility slot on 4, and engi turret on 5. Thanks to my constant class changing, I've wasted a lot of mines and medkits due to pressing the wrong key, especially since I got my Gauss Compact S. Throwing ammo down? Nah, have a mine! And then a tank shoots a few moments later and kills everyone thanks to my mine.
  13. FateJH

    How does a UBShotty degrade team interdependence? How does a UBSG degrade team interdependence? The former allows me to deal tremendous CQC damage if I need to, regardless of the situation; the latter is diversion/control effect, useful for everyone on my team, and it can be useful for their team if I use it poorly.
    The UBGL is just plain fun. I don't even know whose job I'm taking away from.
  14. GMajor

    Totally agree, very frustrating when playing with GL. Especially when changing between weapons - repairing an ESF can turn horrid if you're not careful.
  15. Degenatron

    Please do not ask a generalized question and then apply the generalized answer to specific instances. The versatility comments was specifically leveled a the UBS, not the UBGL. The UBGL is simply OP - it's a 1 shot kill weapon, without much skill needed, and even a missed shot does considerable damage. At least with snipers, they have to maintain a respectable distance because of their lack of a close range capability and if they miss it gives the intended target a warning without doing damage. Combine these traits with the fact that it can be endlessly reloaded and you have something that really shouldn't exist in this game at all.

    The UBS means that a player can spec a gun to be effective in both close combat and medium range, essentially making a two player job into a one player job. Planetside 1 suffered from the "cookie-cutter-swiss-army-knife" load out, and the PS2 class system is a direct result of that. Turning around and then giving one or more classes the ability to fill many roles undermines that mechanic.
  16. SenEvason

  17. FateJH

    You said "take away all underbarrel attachments," and there are three of them.
    My carbine already does effective damage at close range and medium range. The shotgun is just extra umph at CQC, and it won't help me against something that would kill me at CQC unless I had already outsmarted it somehow (such as forcing him to have to reload).

    As to with the UBGL, I would have to shoot at you from over 10m away now and I need to arc the weapon enough for it to fly that far. Direct hits kill; everything else wounds. If you attacked me while I had a UBGL and I was able to line up a slow shot that OHKO'd you, you walked into a bad situation. I was given ample time to attain good arming distance, switch weapons (no way in heck I walking around with an explosive weapon ready), aim at a stationary target, compensate for drop, and lob a kill. Stuff like that is always going to happen. If explosive weapons are too over-powered for you, then that's fine; strategic outflanking, even if you have to do that in the next life, must be beyond the you that has skill.
  18. Grotpar

    It's the UB attachment that should go down to the last slot.
  19. Degenatron

    I did. And I meant it. But that was not the entirety of that post. Each should be removed for it's own reason.

    It shouldn't have extra umph at close range. That's the point. That's what an HA with a ESHW is for.

    Watching the videos on youtube, that's not how this device is being used. People are finding a hiding spot, setting down an ammo box, and spamming. Nothing they've done will change that. If they don't get rid of it completely, then they should require the grenades themselves to be resupplied just like regular grenades - at a terminal - and they should cost 50~100% more than a standard grenade.
  20. FateJH

    I'm sorry for playing a class that can accessorize. I'd like to point out I've also sniped someone with the standard Trac 5 before; it took the expected amount of bullets, but I still killed him.
    What's an ESHW? I don't think I've seen that acronym yet.
    Nothing of what you've said changes or contradicts what I had said about the weapon. If you want ammunition costs, thats's a separate thread elsewhere. The weapon exists; the weapon is useful; and, the people blindly charging into a situation where they are taking tremendous damage need to rethink what they're doing.

    Personally, I'd like it to be more like a mortar.