500SC is not a membership benefit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shamarama, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. MiZrY

    Well, even more incentive for them to want to squeeze as much out of you as possible and even less incentive for them to care what people think about their subscription plans.

    Sony stock the past few weeks is on a very nice rise though.

    Regardless, Sony is a major corporation.... the only loyalty they have is to their shareholders. Just like any corporation, they would flip you upside down and shake you to get the last pennies out of your pockets if they could.
  2. Chipskream

    Since its not in the OP: Do I get any disadvantages from canacelling my subscription right after I got my last load of SC? I assume not.
  3. Mehuge

    You don't. SC is paid at the beginning of each billing period.

    For a poorly written and confusing explanation of what you get and how it works:-

  4. 3X073K

    i been paying a monthly for almost 6 months now , never got any Station cash , unless i bought it separately. Needless to say i have now Unsubbed !
  5. Joexer

    Holy Necro! This thread is nearly 3 years old!
    • Up x 2
  6. Taemien

    That's because you need to go into the depot of PS2 (or market in EQ, EQ2, Landmark, DCUO) and claim it.

    Not only that, but the info is way way out of date.
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  7. Mehuge

    Did they fix it yet? Three years should be long enough. ;)
  8. FieldMarshall

    SOE is notorious for confusing/bad wording and not providing enough relevant information.
  9. Beerbeerbeer

    They really need to up the ante.

    I have no reason to subscribe anymore.

    Give me a reason.

    I don't play any of your other games so that is not a benefit to me. I don't need certs, I don't spam vehicles.

    Eh, what else you got? I would like to support, but at least make it appealing
  10. stalkish

    But yet you still continue to play (every day?) and see it as worth your time?

    Perhaps paying for a service that readily provides you with entertainment on a regular basis is moraly the right thing to do, even if legaly it isnt required?
  11. Beerbeerbeer

    Lol that went right over your brain.

    Yes, I will continue to play. However, whether I play as a member or play like you, as a free-to-play participant, is the jist of this entire thread.

    I have no problem supporting the devs, however, the existing "benefits," so-called, really aren't enticing enough for me to continuing subscribing, although that doesn't mean I won't stop playing.
  12. Moridin6

    holy corpse thread..
    headshot this sumabtch
  13. Liewec123

    i don't think that makes for a good business "give us money because...its the right thing to do!"
    while i don't necessarily disagree that it is the right thing to do (i'm subbed) i think they should give us an actual reason to do it.
    increase the resources, give us faster respawns, give us faster instant action cooldowns,
    let us spawn closer to the bases where the action is!

    also lol at the age of the thread. :rolleyes:
  14. stalkish

    When did i say good business?
    I was referring to the customer NOT the business.
    I was referring to the customers morals and feelings and sense of right and wrong. I never mentioned the business.
    TBH i consider it blatant freeloading if people are playing everyday and not subbing or at least buying some SC.
    Society has gone way downhill imo if people think this sort of behaviour is acceptable.
  15. Liewec123

    i get what you're saying, "people should give DBG money simply for the morals",
    what i'm saying is that they should actually make giving them money feel less like a charity thing.
    make no mistake they're still making money from it or it wouldn't exist.
    also without all of these F2P players, us subscribers would have nothing to shoot at and we'd quit, so in my opinion the more cannonfodder the better.