Hotfix patch is out!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iProtocol, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. iProtocol

    Hotfix is out, restart client to install!
  2. Mehuge

    Oh noes, what else will be broken :)
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  3. Talizzar

    Did anyone have to download a new file? If not all the issues were server side............
  4. iProtocol

    Yes small download, that's why I said restart client.

    Think it's only a fix for the tanks, but who knows.
  5. TheEvilBlight

    ~32MB, I think. But no notes.
  6. Crysis2Extreme

    I dont think they will tell any1 about it until they see if it fixes anything lol
  7. Talizzar

    I asked Higby about all the other issues and I got crickets.
  8. Kapernum

    Still no Lock-on fix.
  9. Linedan

    The announcement on Mattherson was that this is for the turrets and tank guns not working. And I can indeed verify that after this patch, the guns around the VS warpgate on Indar were indeed shooting us at Old Auraxium Mines.
  10. BlueSkies

  11. Rhinzual

    God forbid they announce this kind of stuff on the official forums instead of ******* twitter.
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  12. ZardozSpeaksToForums

    I agree; someone needs to be cross-posting here. Not everyone uses Twitter and these are the official forums.
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  13. Guidaux

    screw twitter! i gave up on stupid social networking after facebook. ("oh hey i went to high school with you, like to catch up?" "sure!!" and that's it, nothing ever happens)
  14. BlueSkies

    erm... go to the main forums directory, look on the right hand side, there is a twitter feed right there

    so... it is technically in the official forums :)
  15. Rhinzual

    You know damn well what I mean, and watch the sarcasm, it might fly over some heads.