[TR] The Enclave wants YOU!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. KhorneFlakes

    Enclave is the best outfit I've been in so far, hands down. Organized, and extremely team oriented.

    To all the people who talked about the great Mossie raid of 2012. I hope you liked it. I know I did. I like anything that has to do with stomping dirty VS/NC scum. You can't get the same "flight of the valkyries" feeling that you get when flying with us! :p So join The Enclave now. And if you're NC or VS.. then hurry up and join TR.
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  2. Juturna

    Look forward to pwning you guys. Especially you buzz. While on crack too
  3. Barton

    So far great experience. Military precision without military bull****. Last thing I want to do is bound while playing planetside. Now holding a base against a max crash. We are in business.
  4. BuzzCutPsycho

    Fun, organized off-hours shenanigans this weekend. Ops begin again on Monday and last until Friday. App up and give us a shot folks.
  5. Spin Doctor

    [TL;CR]? Go to the second post for my summary. [[ ADVISORY: This is my personal experience and opinion ]]

    During the start of the test I was unsure as to which faction I wanted to be aligned with, I scoured the forums, I read the threads, and I read the flame wars.

    I figured that it would be ideal if I were to just go in world and the test each faction myself. As you know, each faction plays slightly different.

    The Vanu have weapons that do not suffer from bullet drop, their vehicles can hover giving them increased dexterity and avoidance. They are able to climb steeper hills and even some cliffs, their fighter is able to hover mid air and act almost like a turret, and the history behind the Vanu is one of separation due to a need for enlightenment and technological advancement.

    The New Conglomerate have weapons that suffer from bullet drop the worst, their weapons and vehicles shoot the slowest of the three factions, but hit the hardest. This is pretty much in line with all of their weapons. Their tanks and vehicles look like modern day vehicles, their infantry is fairly ragtag -- the background there is that they are minors and farmers who are rebelling. The history behind the New Conglomerate is that they are tired of being controlled by the Terran Republic and that they are rebelling, however my issue with them is that it's corporations behind/funding this rebellion, and that leads me to believe that if this rebellion is a success, then it will be the corporations who take control and not the people who fought for it, thus making this entire "people's rebellion" a sham -- and sorry, game or not, I won't side with that.

    The Terran Republic is the ruling faction of the old world. Their weapons shoot fast and plentiful as well as suffering from bullet drop, though not as much as the New Conglomerate does. Their vehicles are faster than both factions, though not as tough as the NC vehicles or as maneuverable as the VS vehicles. Their infantry function the same way. They have weapons such as the cycler, repeater, etc. They favor a wall of bullets as opposed to accuracy, however if a TR soldier is more accurate than his fellow then he will win. The history here is that for the past several centuries the Terran Republic has brought peace and prosperity to their world and it is only since coming to this new world that the problems have started.

    I decided that the in game history wasn't enough for me to make a real determination. I knew that going in game and seeing the weapons and vehicles for myself, and my play style, would be the only true way to determine which faction I should play.

    I first played the Vanu. To be totally honest, their design wasn't really to my liking. I didn't care for the purple as well as some of the infantry outfits. The vehicles and the Max looked pretty cool and the promise of no bullet drop was interesting. Unfortunately what they don't tell you is that even though they don't have bullet drop their projectiles take a little bit longer to get to the target, or so I thought and felt. I also noticed the community in chat, they were crude and immature. While immaturity for me is not a big problem, nor is crudeness, I don't like to see it 24/7. Other than a couple notable Vanu outfits, none of which really looked interesting to me, the VS was pretty barren. I also noticed the VS kept getting their butts handed to them by the TR…

    Next I played New Conglomerate. I felt that my accuracy was fairly good and that I could probably land more shots that I missed - I was wrong. I'm not sure if this is because it is test beta, or what, but I missed most of my shots. The promise of hitting harder so long as you hit was soon becoming a more of a dream than a reality. The slower firing speed however was quite a reality. When I say slower I don't mean very slow but slow enough that you do notice the difference when fighting against TR or VS. I really liked the style of the NC vehicles, and still do. I didn't care so much for the look of their infantry which is sort of ragtag, and even the promo videos talk about how the NC trooper is wearing mining boots. I figured that wouldn't be much of an issue as I wanted to be more of a main battle tank driver. I played with their tank for quite a bit, but when I went against the Vanu and their tank I could barely keep the turn speed matched up with how fast their tank was sliding by my tank. The slow turret and speed of the vehicle, coupled with the slow rate of fire (accounting for misses), even though I landed several shots on or near their tank, my "damage bonus" wasn't enough and I was turned into scrap metal several times. I also lost several battles as infantry that I completely thought were mine. When asking for help, all I got out of NC chat was drama and grief - no help. Someone even told me to "Go to TR!" So I did.

    Finally I decided to play TR as the NC person suggested.

    Now, you have to realize that this game like most FPSs have latency issues, and while lag may not be a huge issue, even a several MS fluctuation can make you miss a shot, combined with your foe's running and jumping it becomes even harder to land a single hit. The cone of the weapon is of no help either. So realizing that lag is an issue, NC was out of the question (their community didn't help either!).

    So now the question was VS or TR.

    Well, the VS are purple. That for me is a mark against them. For others that may not be the case, hell, you might like purple and hate red. What really did VS in for me was their weapons, and how I felt that their weapons didn't hit the targets as fast as a TR weapon would hit. True, the TR weapon does less damage per hit, but I'm okay with that, I'll just shoot some more! The Vanu weaponry shoots slower than the TR weaponry and as such, with lag included and a running and jumping target, you may find that you miss more often, at least I did.

    After some soul searching and a night of prayer (ok, not really)...

    I finally decided that I liked the Terran Republic history, and their look and feel - a professional military culture - better than the purple look of the leotard wearing VS. Also, during my time as TR I found that the TR were more active, always engaged in some battle of epic proportions, and willing to help in chat - than the VS were, and much more than the NC (who were downright rude). I also liked the TR philosophy of "if you can't hit them with one bullet try another 50!" That seemed to link up nicely with the lag issues inherent in any FPS as well as an enemy who doesn't want to stand still.

    I already knew which outfit I was going to join in TR if that was the faction I selected to play.

    Little did I know, but the outfit that I was about to join was the largest TR outfit in the game (and the one that inspires much butt hurt), THE ENCLAVE. Since joining, I haven't looked back or regretted my choice a second.

    The Enclave boasts extremely impressive numbers (upwards of 40 just in tech test!), allowing us to accomplish most tasks we set out for. It usually takes the entire enemy faction to push us out of an objective, even if we're just 400m away from their warpgate! (Camp Waterson anyone?)

    We utilize platoon functionality via skilled squad leaders and squad based organized communications, have organized operations daily (except for weekends which are free time), and have leadership who's been doing this for a long time.

    I can already hear the cries: "Your leader, and/or outfit, is a(n) <insert random insult here>!!!!"


    The Enclave has been around for a long time and has stepped on a lot of toes, sometimes accidentally. Though, unlike most outfit leaders who play the political game and are two-faced and would apologize even if they don't truly mean it, that isn't our leader, BuzzCutPyscho. You will know what he thinks the minute he thinks it, and his honesty and bluntness has caused some butt hurt among the PS1 community.

    I suppose if you're the kind of person who cares what the Internet says, you may want to join some less effective outfit, as any effective outfit will garner their fair share of butt hurt from their opponents - God knows we have a bank vault's worth.

    That said:

    The Enclave is a very laid back, loose-tongued group of a lot of diverse people. They do not censor their members. The only time it becomes "serious time" is during important, mission-critical operations, and even then (like during transit) we're free to chatter.

    Otherwise, The Enclave values the 1st Amendment, and extends that benefit to all members. That's why I've enjoyed my time amongst them. There are a lot of laughs to be had, and sometimes you may disagree with them or with what another member says, but that's where your maturity, open mindedness, and thickskin as a member comes in to play.

    We don't roleplay, nor do we don't have ranks per se - we only have two official leaders: BuzzCutPyscho and Malorn.
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  6. Spin Doctor

    So, the two answers that took me over a month to figure out, here for you in two paragraphs:


    If you'd rather spam rounds at your enemy and not really worry about accuracy in a latency-based environment with targets that aren't standing still, you like vehicles that move fast and can out run their opponents, and can easily get into trouble and then quickly out of it without dying, you like a helpful community, and you like the idea of restoring peace and order via a professional, semi-futuristic military culture, join the Terran Republic!


    If multiple-platoon based operations, utilizing state-of-the-art communications, coupled with experienced squad leaders and a dedicated and skilled command staff, that are able to effectively deploy anywhere on the continent in less than 10 minutes and accomplish their objectives while being outnumbered four-to-one is of interest to you, join The Enclave!

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  7. Aquaman56

    Best outfit ever.
  8. noxiousg

    The only thing that can stop The Enclave is server downtime.

    Be relevant. Join us today.
  9. DaddyDom

    Well well well.

    I'd have to say this is the most unique, and awe inspiring recruitment thread I have read so far. The personal experiences and your very own personal preferences to faction, and the added plug for the outfit was well worded and strategically inserted into the discussion of which factions play style most suited your lag issues, or latency in general. Well Done. More posts like this should be made in favour of all factions and personal experiences and preferences. I cant wait to actually log in for the first time to test your theories. And I say theories only because I have no first hand experience of the subject matter, yet.

    Cheers mate, and well done.

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  10. Clawstrider

    I read through all of this, having just got the email inviting me to play (Installing now!), and you know what? I've already pretty much made my mind up to join TR, and with that, possibly the Enclave. This was a great read, as I could get behind his opinions, having seen some footage on YouTube, but not really experienced the game much, and understand where he was coming from. 10/10 sir.
  11. Spin Doctor

    Thanks Claw, I appreciate your feedback.

    We're hanging out on TS right now until the servers are up in about 1:15 minutes. Feel free to drop by!
  12. Spin Doctor

    You can put an application in here: http://enclaveoilrig.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=163

    Register and follow the MAKING AN APPLICATION? READ THIS FIRST! (UPDATED 8/25/12) post for application formatting.

    Once you file an application, feel free to drop by the TS! ts3.enclaveoilrig.com No Password
  13. BuzzCutPsycho

    The Enclave was defeated by the lag monster today.
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  14. Admiral

    Epic op today load testing ps2 forums and teamspeak
  15. Stefan0996

    New Mossie/Gal pilot/ Sniper/ Recruit reporting,
  16. BuzzCutPsycho

    Hop on TS3. I also fixed your forum account so app up real quick.
  17. Spin Doctor

    Non-operation happening now.

    Join the largest TR outfit, forget the others.
  18. Spin Doctor

    Great time had tonight. Really taught the VS and NC a lesson, though they put up a good fight!
  19. Kingera

    Please attack the VS, today was one of the most boring/worst days today. I felt like the Great Mossie raid was the last time I truly had a blast playing Planetside2. It was so slooooow and excruciating, just a bunch of newbies, No trash-talking no nothing. I always had a smile on my face when I saw the surrounding territories around Mao turning red because I knew exactly what was going to happen - I don't care how you guys do it, just get over here and give me a challenge before I die of boredom.
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  20. HeyItsZane

    Tonight was phenomenal ... Holding Indar Excavation for three hours against an endless wave of NC was some of the most fun I've had since I've joined ... Every week it just keeps getting better
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