Adding Insult to Disrespect - The Horns. Thanks SOO Much SOE...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NevilClavain, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. ent|ty

    Now we will just have someone hitting their horn while they run over you. Nothing changes lol.
  2. NevilClavain

    NOT a cosmetic item, it's an item that alerts friendlies you're rolling through, it's a courtesy, and it's meant to prevent TKs. And more to the point, its $7 for a HORN when a real life car horn, again, a real life car horn for a REAL car costs less.
  3. Yosarian

    If they're infantry running in the middle of the road they have it coming...roads are for tanks and sundys :p as someone who's infantry a lot I can tell you if you're on a road you're doing it's like wearing a sign that says "liberator food"
  4. Arcanum

    OP, I'd tell you not to complain since ideally players should support the game by buying aesthetics items, but the fact is that the game IS P2S, so it becomes harder to justify buying the more expensive aesthetics items, since you kind of are giving up a gameplay advantage/improvement. Which is the point of the upgrades/sidegrades, right?

    For the record, I don't plan on spending anything on this game and don't really know how expensive that is in comparison to other items.
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  5. Deadeye[3.1]

    Paying $6.50, for being able to hit a button and play a sound effect, in a ***** game.... Cosmetics, sure, we all like to customize our stuff.
    But a ***** sound effect, that is easily done with proximity chat....

    GG SOE. You really know how to feed on the suckers with money.
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  6. NevilClavain

    Really, they're charging $7 for a horn that's supposed to be a standard feature and I lack logic? Ever heard of supply and demand? Guess not. And yeah you're definitely not a buddy lol. Politeness is one thing, being told I should be ok with being taken advantage of is not that...It's rude and disrespectful, insulting. See thread title for further details before getting back here ;)
  7. NevilClavain

    this^ +1
  8. Jestunhi

    TTK takes into account how many of the weapon stats?

    Looking solely at TTK and then claiming it's not cherry picking stats is a joke, right?
  9. dr_Fell

    But You don't have to pay for it.. You can earn it by playing, and it should not take You more than a few days, maybe less.
  10. Arcanum

    If spam does become a problem SOE could easily introduce some sort of "mute horns" option. I'd love it if they made this option something you have to pay for, it would be so hilarious! :D

    Actually it makes perfect sense to make it more expensive considering the spam angle, I don't see a issue here.
  11. ItchySox

    Hmm, I could probably buy an entire album by a Sony recording artist for the same price as one mono sound sample. I'm disappointed. I thought they were going to be a reasonable price. What happened to 'pile it high and sell it cheap'?
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  12. Freyar

    These horns are depot only.
  13. Minimum Force

    Oh and who else thought after reading the patch notes that the horn was a set of horns to go on the front of the Sunderer? I could see 650 SC for a luxury/vanity item like that.
  14. Ddostyle

    You aint gotta buy it bottom line.
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  15. NevilClavain

    Wow ok so I can't hit my Squad or platoon chat button and vocally say "hey man, come on?" lololol angry *** TR indeed
  16. Wesir

    wow, I knew they added it, but didn't know you had to pay for it. So we're expected to pay for a horn so that people know to get out of our way? Think I'm just going to keep running them over.
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  17. wolfva

    Free market rules apply. If to few people buy the horn, they'll probably reduce the price.

    I think horns will reduce accidental TKs. It'll be nice to give a little toot to warn people in the road to move. I also think it'll increase TKs. Because if I'm repairing a tank and he keeps laying on the freaking horn I'm liable to drop a couple of mines under him and shoot one. I'm strongly anti-TK, but a man has his limits.
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  18. NevilClavain

    only it doesn't lol
  19. MexelVanMexelen

    Lol yeah. Smed said/tweeted that, didn't he?
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  20. Weylin

    All these vehicles should come with a default normal sounding horn, just for the functionality.
    Yes, some people will be ******* with it, but most of the time it's useful as a "get in" "get out" "move your ***" communicator.

    $6.50 is a bit steep for a single horn for a single vehicle on a single character...
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