[Suggestion] MAX revives reworked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. JarredGalaxy

    With the on-going debate about MAX reviving coming back to the game after it was done away with in early 2023, there definitely needs to be some level of compromise by redesigning it to satisfy the pro-revive players and also a way to address the issues revives had that will (mostly) satisfy the anti-revive dege- "players" and keep things relatively balanced.

    There are frankly quite a few things that need to be done with MAXes in terms of stats but that's for another discussion. There are a few ways revives could be emplemented again based on the fact MAX units ARE an infantry class, sort of the tank class could say but one difference is they require engineers to heal them and combat medics were what revived them like they do other infantry creating a sort of cooperation and team cordination. This concept makes some try to claim MAXes are more like a vehicle which is of course false and anyone who says this I advise ignoring them cause that shows they do not have the basics of this game understood especially MAXes and the role they play in combat.

    Some don't even know what MAX lorewise is, MAX: Mechanized Assault Exosuit or Mechanized Armored Exoskeleton. The MAX is a standard soldier wearing a heavy exosuit that enhances their physical strength and allow them to carry heavy weaponry. So it makes logical sense why engineers repair them since they are completely covered in robotic armor. Using the lore part of the game is part of how to come up with a better system. Could say that realistically the soldier is dead inside the suit and the medic revives them to get them back up. But could also say the suit itself is destroyed and maybe the soldier inside is dead with it.

    Concept 1: One idea about medics reviving is they can once again only revive with the medical applicator (as revive grenades never worked on MAXes and never should) however the revive will take a bit longer like 4-5 seconds to revive and cannot be increased by cert upgrades. When the MAX is got up it will only have a quarter of its HP meaning they can still be easily gunned down upon revive in heavy firefights and will make engineer support necessary unless they have self repair equipped.

    Concept 2: To better encourage teamwork, the MAX will require both the combat medic and engineer to be revived, following a realistic situation where the suit is destroyed and operative is dead so the medic is reviving the operative why the engineer is repairing the suit. Gameplay it will be the medic revive or engineer repair meter will only fill halfway if only one of them is on the fallen MAX, the other will also be required to join in to fully revive the MAX so both have to keep a connection to the MAX in order to raise it, if one gets out of range or gets shot the revive meter will stop until they get back in range or another medic/engineer joins in, in addition engineer repair grenades will also work in this setup to revive the MAX but will also mean accurate tossing would be necessary if doing it from a distance. This will also lead to only half the MAXes HP being restored upon getting up and can also take time but will also help keep the MAX unit revives a bit time consuming which therefore helps to keep it balanced and not so frustrating.

    These are a couple ways revives could be implemented and not be as annoying as they were before and allow camping with MAXes constantly being raised around a control point or location. Comment which sounds better or your own ideas.
  2. Aris12

    How about this:

    If MAX dies, it plays its death animation and is lost until respawned like every single other thing in the game that costs nanites.
    When the MAX is done animating its death, the player beneath the max suit plays their death animation and they can be revived by a medic to continue the fight.

    The compromise would be that MAX nanite cost could be lowered (but so should their health IMO).

    Alternatively Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V the Fallout 4 power armor and call that a MAX. The power armor becomes a vehicle that can be exited from/entered to. Basically, make the MAX vehicle-ish.
  3. Effect

    Making a whole different thread is unnecessary. Maxes don't need revive, you need to learn how to play.
  4. Alaster The Mad

    you must be a TR to never has seen one full effect.seriously let us revive max at half life and no armore, and let's go on damnit.
  5. Alaster The Mad

    we had god damn ams swimming hours for for few xp, we hand sundaies already up to react cause here we came.
    Where the f. is the spirit of the 1 ? we used to use certs to use ams and walk. Damn gemenration.
  6. Effect

    What? No, maxes don't need revives.
  7. Amador

    Once again, here comes the nonsensical excuse why MAX's shouldn't have revives:

    "I'm the top 1% of the playerbase, therefore all gameplay revolves around me rather than the other 99% of average players. What do you mean you didn't get Berserker out of your 1st implant pack? Why are you so bad? Git gud."
  8. Effect

    Certainly better than the nonsensical excuses from players who don't know what they're doing asking for handicaps they don't deserve.

    PS: You don't need to be in the top 1% of the playerbase, and Berserker isn't even close to necessary to draw out the potential of the Max (though as a matter of principle berserker should not exist).
  9. JarredGalaxy

    You calling revives a "handicap" is literally one reason I deem your opinion invalid and among the players that are responsible for a lot of the problems with this game, if people don't deserve revives as a MAX unit than by that logic we may as well remove revivng as whole since players can just respawn through various ways right?

    Revives are part of what keeps the fight going, without it this game would just be another typical shooter where if you die you respawn and have to make your way back to the fight every time. MAXes need to be kept on the front line, without their support you're gonna get overwhelmed in heavy firefights especiall when the enemy has MAX support of their own. The only thing removing revives did overall is benefit players that DONT play as a MAX so benefitting the standard infantry who have multiple ways to kill a MAX depending on the class and loadout they use.

    A few have called it an "agenda" yeah the agenda I push for is making the game be enjoyable for the majority of players and make it Planetside again, not Wrelside where everything mostly benefits a small minority of veterans that stick to single classes mostly.
  10. AuricStarSand

    Max revives isn't the only way to buff a max.

    Any other suggestions would have players agree more often.

    I mean to be fair, that is what Max revive does. Connery had a max main named " Deadshot ", he was a Max all hour & all day for many months. That certainly is the statement of " benefits a small minority of vets that stick to a single class ".

    ( Max mains are about as frequent as Knife & Valk mains & tbh Knifers have had WAYY less features.

    I barely have diff types of knives with utility effects, I don't have a knife ability, not enough implants for melee still. Vampire & nightmare aren't enough. My knifing doesn't give me bonus armor or anything special. Nothing. Zero melee features.

    & Valks? Besides their new role of killing Bastions op style, Valks are still weak for everything else & forgotten.

    So the most ignored are 1) Melee ninja mains 2) Valk mains 3) Max mains & 4) Harasser mains )

    Wasn't the the solution just to buff c4 resist, buff os resist, buff amr resist, and buff launcher resist. While allowing the max to be healed by Medics too + engineers = 2 classes to heal max. Heals only. No revives. Double the healers, buffed stats, & no revives = for +50 nanites more = 350 = solved.

    So now the Max needs 2 c4 to die, even if they don't have c4 resist armour & now need 3 launchers to die, even without the armor slot. Still 3+ launchers to die. OS's don't kill max's with 1 hit. & AMR's don't make you loose 25%+ hp with 1 hit. Meanwhile you get 20 medics for every 2 engineers, healing you, so 22 healers. No resses. Everybody wins.
  11. VV4LL3

    Still takes only 1 C4 to kill a MAX. Or 1 RPG to the head/face.
    So that means, Light, Heavy, Medic, and Engineers can one-shot a MAX. Not including vehicles/ mines.

    Engineer 2-3 AMR headshots. Depending loadout. or 5 x from TR Sniper, or bolter.
  12. VV4LL3

    Your comment seems to dismiss differing opinions rather harshly, which might not encourage new or less skilled players to engage or stick with the game. It’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same skill level or perspective, and that’s okay.

    Also, it’s crucial to avoid generalizing about what everyone thinks or how they react—this includes myself. Let’s try to focus on constructive conversations that welcome all players and help them improve, rather than making them feel alienated.

    Actually, the mechanic of reviving fallen allies is quite common in the FPS genre. Many popular games, including the Battlefield series, incorporate features such as med kits or defibrillators, allowing players to revive teammates. This mechanic often enables any player—not just medics—to assist or help up a downed comrade, contributing to team dynamics and strategy.

    Here's top title FPS list and their resurrection mechanic:
    1. Rainbow Six - Yes. Anyone can aid fallen ally to help up.
    2. Modern Warfare- Yes. Anyone can aid fallen ally to help up.
    3. Doom COOP - Yes. Item use.
    4. Team Fortress - Yes. Class based.

    Actually, it's important to note that the first Battlefield game, Battlefield 1942, was released in late 2002, while Planetside launched in mid-2003. Given the timelines for game development, it is very likely that these games were developed independently of each other, without direct influence from one to the other. [1,2]

    [1.] List of Battlefield video games - Wikipedia
    [2.] What's New? | Eurogamer.net

    Indeed, the comparison between tanks and MAX suits in the game isn't entirely parallel. Players have the option to exit vehicles and use tactics such as evasion or outrunning threats, which offers a strategic flexibility that MAX suits don’t have. Additionally, vehicles are generally equipped with greater resistances and larger health pools, which allows them to withstand more damage in frontline roles compared to MAX suits that are vulnerable in close-quarters combat, especially to C4 and other anti-vehicle measures. This difference in game mechanics highlights a distinct disparity in how each unit type is utilized on the battlefield.

    Actually, the decision to remove MAX revives was specifically aimed at preventing unlimited holds during gameplay, not to eliminate MAX crashes. This detail was highlighted in the patch notes. It's also worth noting that the feedback around this change primarily came from discussions on unofficial forums, like Reddit's /r/Planetside, and doesn't necessarily reflect the consensus of the entire gaming community.

    Reddit ~3-4yrs ago
    Official Forums, not until after the 2023 patch notes.

    "MAX adjustments
    The updates to MAX units below are, as a whole, meant to reduce the lethality and longevity of this equipment on the battlefield.

    MAX units can no longer be revived
    Dev Note: For emphasis -- while this is commonly suggested adjustment that we are willing to try out, it is also a drastic change that will likely have unintended side-effects in the long-term. It will break habits you may have cultivated over the past ten years (reviving MAXes or relying on them to tank for you,) it will likely impact how a MAX unit is used altogether (players may become more timid while in a MAX, which creates more of the exact behavior that this suggested change is attempting to solve for,) and anti-MAX weaponry may need to be rebalanced to account for the added weakness. Any feedback here is appreciated.
    " -Wrel, 2023

    Mar. 16, 2023 - PTS Update (MAX, A2G, and New Abilities) | PlanetSide 2 Forums (daybreakgames.com)

    While it's often stated that nerfing MAX suits has been beneficial for the majority, this view seems primarily anecdotal. According to feedback from mentor squads, new players, who often die quickly in infantry-heavy combat, frequently switch to MAX suits to survive longer. However, their biggest complaint concerns how quickly MAX suits can be destroyed, despite their high nanite cost. This suggests that the balance changes may not uniformly benefit all players, particularly those newer to the game who are still adjusting to its mechanics.

    No doubt. However the game needs to curtail more to new players, it's the reason why subscription and new user numbers are dwindling.

    While we appreciate your passion for game balance and mechanics, your approach to this discussion seems less about providing constructive advice and more about asserting intellectual superiority. By stating that someone's inability to understand the game invalidates their opinion, you risk discouraging genuine dialogue and learning. Your comments, particularly about others needing to "learn how to play" and to "address their own failures," come across as dismissive rather than helpful.

    It’s important to remember that everyone was new to the game at some point, and part of what builds a strong community is the ability to share insights and strategies without belittling each other. True advice should uplift and assist, not alienate. If your aim is truly to help others improve, consider fostering a more inclusive environment where advice can be given in a way that encourages growth and learning, rather than sowing division. Everyone benefits from a community that is supportive and constructive.

    Research into the psychological profiles of elite gamers and their potential links to traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or sociopathy (antisocial personality disorder, ASPD) suggests that while gaming itself does not cause these personality disorders, certain competitive environments might attract individuals with these traits. Narcissistic sociopaths are characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a tendency to manipulate others for personal gain. These traits can be advantageous in highly competitive settings where power and control are prized​.
    Narcissistic Sociopath Personality Disorder | A Simplified Psychology Guide

    Moreover, individuals with narcissistic sociopathic traits often exhibit behaviors that align with seeking dominance and control, which can manifest in competitive gaming as well. They might be drawn to gaming communities where their skills allow them to achieve a level of status and influence. This can sometimes be mistaken for leadership or high-level competitive ability, but it can also lead to toxic behaviors if unchecked​.
    What Is a Narcissistic Sociopath? 10 Common Signs (choosingtherapy.com)

    It's important to recognize these traits and understand the dynamics they can create within gaming communities. Addressing such behaviors and fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment can help mitigate negative impacts and encourage healthier interpersonal interactions within the gaming world.
  13. JarredGalaxy

    It's good to see someone actually tell this guy in a way he might actually understand, he's a typical "pro veterans are the superior race, all noobs are inferior" yet without newbies (which we all were at one point) there is no Planetside or online gaming. These slightly more ****** players are the majority playerbase so the needs of making the game easier for them is the key to success. Within the history of the gaming world it's been shown numerous times that games that are meant to only be enjoyable if you're a pro at it and gets dominated by that small 2% of pro players tend to die out pretty quick, most of the newer players quit out of frustration, so the pros run out of people to pick on and farm so eventually they get bored and leave.

    MAX revives in his eyes may be a "handicap" but it's a handicap needed so MAXes can be actually used and enjoyed by the majority of more average players and give Combat Medics a more significant role. MAX units are not a "tank" either, they are an infantry unit whether some of these fools want to accept it or not. Wrel even admitted that change would have a major impact in MAX gameplay and the feedback is pretty clear that the community is split 50-50 on wanting revives to stay gone while the others want it back, and given the amount of newer players, those wanting it implemented back into the game is probably higher.
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  14. JarredGalaxy

    Alright how about I'll make this easier in summary to understand, it was among the Wrel decisions that altered gameplay for the worse just like rumble seat repairs being removed, and CAI. I don't care what some others think, it was a long time feature everyone was used to and following its removal MAX use dwindled and some MAX players quit. I preferred fighting MAX camping where you could slowly push over losing MAX support entirely in a firefight and get pushed back by the opposing side and their MAX units. The agenda is to "De-Wrel" Planetside 2 and push to redo or undo changes made by him because they were overall bad for the game. At this point I couldn't care less what some Reddit players say as my opinion is soldified that the MAX and overall gameplay was better with revives, and vehicle combat especially with like the Harasser and Valkyrie was more enjoyable with rumble seat repairs. Should I include removing the Conduit CTF and trying to make Esamir better?
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  15. Somentine

    It's 1 C4/tank mine without Ordnance armour (not accounting for damage drop off).
    2 with it.

    It's not 1 RPG to the head; there are no HS multipliers for rockets (or splash), it's 2 rockets... 3 if using Ordnance. And those numbers are only for the decimator. Pretty sure its 3 no matter what for most other RLs, but idc to do the math, most people use deci.

    AMR is 2 headshots, 4 body shots, even with ordnance armour. At some point the damage drop off increases it to 3 headshots/5 body shots.

    Snipers do the same damage as small arms; they will do ~300 (at max damage range) per headshot = 7 headshots to kill... 8 if they are dumb and run Kinetic armour.

    And yes, everybody (except defectors because for some reason they don't get it) should be running ordnance armour, no questions asked.
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  16. Ps2pIayer

    if theres somthing in this game that needs to be changed its not max revives, its anti vehicle mines that look like fried mac and cheese bites that dont even render on the screen due to latencyside
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  17. VV4LL3

    Why not both? It doesn't have to be a false binary decision.
  18. MonnyMoony

    I'm happy for revives to stay gone - but I do think Maxes need a bit of rework to compensate. IMO the following changes should be implemented:

    1. Make Maxes resistant to road kills - at least to a similar level as Flashes.

    2. Give Maxes access to a composite armour option.

    3. Reinstate Max charge, but make it a defensive tool by disabling weapons whilst in use, with a short cooldown after.

    4. Give Maxes a secondary weapon option (e.g. a shoulder mounted secondary weapon). This would give Maxes a bit more flexibility/survivability when out in the field (i.e. allowing AI maxes to defend against infantry).

    5. Give maxes a bit more resistance to AV fire and C4. IMO a full health Max even without ordnance armour should be able to survive 1 brick of C4, albeit very heavily damaged.

    6. Remove the stupid Fallout Hardening armour slot and make Maxes similarly resistant to OS as infantry is. It's ludicrous that infantry can survive an OS strike whilst inside a building - but an armoured Max suit cannot!
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  19. OpolE

    In Planetside 1 you had to stand still to repair/heal/revive. Just make it so bringing up maxes you can't be dancing about through walls and barriers! Stand still and risk death for the heal