Friends list got wiped

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by RFMeridian, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. RFMeridian

    Since 07th April 2024 all the friends list entries of my character on the server Miller "CJMeridian" are gone. I don't know what may have caused this issue.
    On the day before that, on 06th April 2024 though, there were all my entries doubled in my friends list. (I didn't touch my friends list at all).
    Is there a possibility to restore my friends list?

    PS: I have to add that my character is still listed on the friends list of my in-game friends
  2. Mithril Community Manager

  3. ohnoooo

    If you do need your friends list in the meantime, your friends list on HONU is working:

    On FISU tho your friends list is showing as empty.

    Just incase it gets wiped from HONU too, i'll copy-paste it here:
    [NFU] AcruxVS                VS    Miller    2024-04-16 06:00AM AEST (4h 28m)
    [NFU] AlexDeSouzaVS            VS    Miller    2024-03-25 05:18AM AEST (22d 5h)
    [oFRo] Alior31                VS    Miller    2024-01-06 07:54AM AEST (3M 11d)
    [RKA7] Alpha206            VS    Miller    2024-04-16 07:15AM AEST (3h 13m)
    [DIGT] BadHeavyTroops            VS    Miller    2024-03-16 03:32AM AEST (1M 1d)
    [4xC] CleridwenNCM            NC    Miller    2024-03-21 12:10PM AEST (25d 22h)
    [WFW] CleridwenVSM            VS    Miller    2024-03-20 12:06AM AEST (27d 10h)
    [NFU] CourierOfTheMojave88        VS    Miller    2024-04-14 04:54AM AEST (2d 5h)
    [TRHB] EternalMonarch            VS    Miller    2024-04-09 05:54AM AEST (7d 4h)
    [CABO] EvilchenSagtDanke        VS    Miller    2024-04-15 03:18AM AEST (1d 7h)
    [CABO] IfYouCanReadThisOneOfUsIsDead    VS    Miller    2024-04-13 04:15AM AEST (3d 6h)
    [CABO] iWinR                VS    Miller    2024-02-17 11:46PM AEST (1M 28d)
    [DIG] janat087                NS    Miller    2024-04-02 04:47AM AEST (14d 5h)
    [MTPL] joseluis767VN            VS    Miller    2024-03-22 01:45PM AEST (24d 20h)
    [KGER] Kawasaki5            VS    Miller    2024-04-11 04:33AM AEST (5d 5h)
    [NFU] larne                VS    Miller    2024-04-14 08:24PM AEST (1d 14h)
    [SIN] LEONMASTER3000            VS    Miller    2024-02-17 08:57PM AEST (1M 28d)
    [CABO] lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIl VS    Miller    2024-04-13 04:32AM AEST (3d 5h)
    lyut0013                VS    Miller    2024-04-10 07:12PM AEST (5d 15h)
    [] MechanicalDespair            NS    Miller    2024-04-15 01:21AM AEST (1d 9h)
    [NFU] NephVS                VS    Miller    2024-04-16 06:13AM AEST (4h 15m)
    [GEDT] NesteaYT2020            TR    Miller    2024-04-15 06:05PM AEST (16h 23m)
    [HCHC] NSGDXfb                VS    Miller    2024-03-28 02:34AM AEST (19d 7h)
    [TRHB] OtakuWizard            VS    Miller    2024-04-14 06:33PM AEST (1d 15h)
    [GEDV] SharkBigYT            VS    Miller    2024-03-19 01:58AM AEST (28d 8h)
    [H4RM] SilvermadeMiller        VS    Miller    2024-04-16 04:48AM AEST (5h 40m)
    [] StrayMorak                VS    Miller    2024-04-14 09:16AM AEST (2d 1h)
    [H4RM] Tankmageddon            VS    Miller    2024-04-14 10:49PM AEST (1d 11h)
    [] Traki8                VS    Miller    2024-04-12 01:43AM AEST (4d 8h)
    [NFU] Uranium3                VS    Miller    2024-04-16 03:39AM AEST (6h 50m)
    [H4RM] VAExV1CT1S            VS    Miller    2024-04-15 01:53AM AEST (1d 8h)
    [VLFR] Vincenz0Gasoli0            VS    Miller    2024-04-11 03:53AM AEST (5d 6h)
    [NFU] WorstGunner            VS    Miller    2024-04-03 02:33AM AEST (13d 7h) 
    • Up x 1
  4. RFMeridian

    The issue has been resolved after the latest patch. When my friends on the list above have logged in then their names are listed again (and also stay there greyed out when they logged off... like before). Thank you.
  5. Mithril Community Manager

    Thanks for the update, good to hear.