Goodbye Lancer...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ObsidianSoul, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. ObsidianSoul

    So our only real advantage against the vastly more superior vehicles of the NC and TR finally gets buffed to be a full-time tank tickler. Because being an infantry-tickler was just not enough. The Vanu clearly needed a safer laser pointer.

    Thanks. o_O

    Yet another of our faction perks to die a sneaky horrible death without even the decency of a cert refund. Also check out our other amazing Vanu abilities that have been "improved" over the years!

    ZOE - Remember when you used to make the NC and TR cry by becoming the Crackling Purple Avatar of Death in Stilettos? Erase that memory! With the new revamped ZOE this amazing ability gives you additional damage worth 1 more bullet at the low low cost of a suicide button.

    Aphelion - Wow! This purple budget Vulcan will be sure to impress with its wide-ranging shots and its unique firing mechanic. Remember, if you don't get the timing right, you won't get the full damage dealt! But it sure is pretty, and that's all that matters.

    Betelgeuse - That glorious weapon you spent so many months auraxing. Once the pride of the magnificent Vanu heavy infantry, by popular demand, it is now... *drum roll* average! Want a cheaper, ****tier average? Choose the budget version - Orion.

    Saron - The word you associate with Vanu is lazorz, and nothing is more lazorey than the Saron. Once able to complement the magrider's blind spots by having the ability to engage at very long ranges, it has now been improved to completely avoid civilian casualties. Try as you might, you will never hit a barn with this weapon at mid-range! Vanu is merciful.

    Spiker - Want to confuse enemies? Now you can! It's special ability is to make cute glowy little will-o'-the-wisps that singes the boots of passing enemies. Not too hot though, we don't want them to die, after all.

    Phaseshift - Infinite bullets, no bullet drop, and 100% harmless! If you want to be completely useless in any fight, buy it now and you can maybe kill injure 1 person every few hours! Just remember to pray to Vanu for luck after every reload but before you start charging it up.

    Vanu Sovereignty
    Superior alien tech, too bad it's all aesthetic.

    Vulcan? What's a Vulcan? I've never heard of it. - Devs
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  2. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Wrel sucks, he is the one primarily responsible for screwing the VS

    I laughed when I saw his comments after *he* made the changes to ZOE and said he would have to monitor the changes because he thought it was going to be too OP, just goes to show he didn't have a clue when he was making the changes.
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  3. tommyrocket

    Well, the Gatekeeper is even worse now, if that makes you feel any better. There is, however, a bug that can make it fire more shots at once than intended, though I know not how it happens.
  4. ObsidianSoul

    Still not worse than their Saron overnerf. The Gatekeeper, at least, can still hit targets at range.
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  5. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Wrel is also the one for throwing in the uncalled for, unneeded nerf to the Aphelion that he called a buff o_O

    You know when he had the amazing idea of by increasing the CoF on the Aphelion to cause players to stop firing to release the large shot?? lol. Thanks once again Wrel, you rock
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  6. Lamat

    And yet VS does really well statistically speaking with all this horrible equipment
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  7. Scrub Team Six

    The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, mate. Besides, launchers are meant to be anti-vehicle, not anti-infantry. If you really have to depend on your launcher to reliably kill infantry, that's saying something negative about your experience in being a heavy.
    I personally don't like the rework of the Vanguard shield and all, but I can make it work. After all, it still defines the NC, being a damage soaker with a new weakness. I can see why they wanted to rework it, though.
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  8. ObsidianSoul

    So because we win most alerts, we obviously need a nerf? After all the things I listed, did YOU start winning? Nope. And you know why that is? Because we are not the problem. Don't punish us for your faction's inability to work together.

    I think you need to reread what I said. LOL. Lancers ARE already useless against infantry, which was its main drawback, aside from the long charge times and lack of splash damage.

    I'm talking about its AV capability. It is now useless against vehicles even at mid-range. So much for what "launchers are meant to be", eh?
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  9. Scrub Team Six

    It's just a normal balancing. The Phoenix is plagued with long times between shots, the Striker was nerfed and can no longer lock onto ground targets, and the Lancer was nerfed to change the damage, but retains pinpoint accuracy. It's not all that bad, mate, after all, the VS is known for accuracy.
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  10. ObsidianSoul

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not. A sniper also has pinpoint accuracy against tanks. Try using that instead of your phoenixes then, mate.

    As for the "pinpoint" part, yeah... about that, they made the projectiles much much slower. Basically, the only way you'll hit anyone is if it's not moving or if it's right in front of you.

    I love how you're all passing this off as normal. "Hey our weapons kill less people, stop crying about how yours doesn't kill anymore." It's an AV weapon that is now useless against vehicles. Do you understand that part? Just like the ZOE went from being a must-have, to something zero maxes use nowadays.

    You know the worst part about it? The old Lancer mechanics was transferred to the Archer. The devs basically gave away our faction weapon to all.
  11. Lamat

    So on all servers around the world with players from various cultures, and including the players who play all 3 factions: when VS have problems it is because of their gear, but for other factions it's just bad players?

    I never said VS needed a nerf, all the rocket launchers have been changed here not just VS.
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  12. ObsidianSoul

    After the devs have basically nerfed everything we have, how else would you explain why we are still winning most alerts? YOU are implying basically the same thing, that we're winning because of our gear. It's funny though, because when we ask what gear that is. You can't even answer us with anything already. Basically everything we have that were good has already been nerfed.

    In some cases. not just nerfed to being less effective. USELESSNESS. ZOE is a prime example of that.

    While yes, your ES launchers were also nerfed, they still remain quite capable of killing what they are intended to kill. The same is not true with the Lancer. What ******* use is an AV launcher that can not kill a tank? The Archer kills tanks quicker than the Lancer does now. Do you understand this problem? Are engineers supposed to be our AV people now?
  13. FateJH

    ... I wouldn't say that it couldn't work.
  14. Lamat

    I'm saying the gear is the ONLY thing in common across that large of a player base. So then we need to look at the stats, and the stats say that holisticly the VS are doing just fine. That doesn't mean VS is OP. Broad stats can't pinpoint specifc sources of imbalance, only show you if something significant is off.

    If you think the Lancer is so much worse, you'd need to look at vehicle kill/assist stats comparing the 3 empire specific rocket launchers. I'm sure someone has access to that somewhere.
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  15. LordKrelas

    ZOE, the Max that could outrun infantry, and Keep-up, while boosting damage heavily.
    It got overnerfed, but perhaps it shouldn't have been speed & damage booster in the first place.

    Aphelion isn't that bad.

    The Directive VS LMG, has been, and still is, preforming better than TR & NC counterparts - In fact, it preformed 3x as well prior to the weapon-class wide alterations, and still preforms better after these alterations.

    Saron is a highly effective long-range AV weapon, NC has nothing like it. TR had \ has the Gatekeeper.
    It used to be one of the most dangerous weapons from hell, on the Highly agile magrider; And still is.

    Spiker: NC Desperado with an odd barely used Charge-mode.

    Phaseshift: after the update to it, it is capable of bolt-action & semi-auto modes, with no drop, it can land head-shot kills with barely any adjustments. It is incredibly useful, and is one my favorite sniper rifles for long engagements.

    A lot of VS on this site, has the need to downplay anything & everything they have apparently.
    Every weapon of an entire class, for NC, NS, VS, and TR gets affected;
    Not one, but two posts pop up about how "DB wants to delete VS from the game" in response.

    Magrider with less tanks, constantly gets claimed to be the worst preforming tank - while equaling or surpassing TR & NC tanks.
    To the point of suggesting adding a Cloaking device to the most agile tank.

    Another Suggestion by VS here; Hitscan Weapons, including Sniper rifles only for VS.
    Without any concern about how that'd result in either OP at all ranges, useless without swarming them.

    Can we not have a "Poor VS, everything got changed, but pity us only!"
    To the "Our toy no longer is OP, WHY!" while crying for nerfs to everything else under the sun.
    It is insanity.

    Gatekeeper nerfs.
    Jackhammer nerfs.
    Phoenix nerfs.

    Every side has nerfs, buffs, as they are adjustments.
    It isn't just VS.
    As well, VS has had some of the most OP toys which is what usually has been nerfed.
    ZOE was maddness, but overnerfed; Imagine that. Speed & Damage boost is hard to balance.

    Not a single ES launcher is meant to kill infantry.
    We had an entire thread about the Phoenix which can't kill infantry easily at all, needing multiple hits, and can be shot down.
    The Striker is referred to a tickle gun, and also is barely capable if at all of hitting infantry.
    The Lancer isn't incapable of hitting vehicles, or infantry; And it can kill.

    If the old Archer could kill a MBT, your Lancer certainly can.

    Victim Complex gets thrown around a lot.
    But my gods, does it ever seen accurate here.
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  16. ObsidianSoul

    You do realize I'm talking about NOW, right? Post-update? The Lancer was beautiful just yesterday when it actually killed tanks.

    Notice how I fully acknowledged they were OP? Every single Vanu knew they were OP, which was why there wasn't much outcry when devs announced it was going to get nerfed (compare this with the TR reaction to the gatekeeper nerf).

    The point is exactly that they got overnerfed. Do YOU still use the ZOE? No, right? Is that what we're supposed to do with the Lancer now? Let it rot in the corner as well?

    I have no problems with balancing... within reason. This is not balancing. It's literally removing a weapon from the game on lame excuses like we are "performing too well."

    The Lancer was not OP. It was situational. And highly needed since we have little counter to both Vanguards and Vulcan Prowlers/Harassers (because rock-paper-scissors seem to be an alien concept to PS2 devs).

    The Vulcan is OP. As is the NC Scatmaxes. The devs have promised for ages to nerf them. But nope. Even the gatekeeper "nerf" that the TR were up in arms about isn't that bad. It is still a long-range weapon that IS hitscan (harhar, they can have it, we can't).

    I've played for years and seen every single thing we have good in VS get nerfed. In the last 2 years I've seen Vanu faction traits go down from being the "accurate", "fast", and "long-range" faction to merely the faction with "sexy butts" and "glowy bullets".

    It isn't just "victim complex" when I spent money and certs on weapon that are now utterly useless for what they are supposedly for. Is it too much to ask that our weapons be "nerfed" with at least the consideration that they remain useful?

    Gatekeeper, Jackhammer, and Phoenixes are all still perfectly usable after their nerfs.

    The Lancer is not with the recent update. You seem to still be under the impression that I'm talking about the past Lancer. I'm talking about the Lancer NOW. Hitting a tank at mid-range takes like 5% of their health, on a full charge as well. How utterly ridiculous is that?

    Tell me. What incentive is there to use Lancers over Archers when Archers do more damage at greater distance with more ammo, faster reload, an actual scope, and can also take a decent amount of HP from infantry?

    Do you seriously believe it's okay that our ES AV launcher is now a pretty poor weapon for fighting tanks? An anti-VEHICLE weapon that sucks against vehicles? Hilarious balancing ideas you have there.

    Victim complex, my ***. Just give us the weapon that works for its goddamn role. Not make excuses that we're special or we're OP so we need toy guns instead of the real guns.

    P.S. No one is asking for lancers to damage infantry. Stop obsessing over that.
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  17. LodeTria

    Lancer was crazy OP. The only reason you never saw it was because it required a rare resource in planetside: Teamwork. Something the current playerbase is lacking quite a lot of.

    You're right they made the archer too strong against vehicles and just gave everyone a lancer instead cus the CAI was rushed and poorly thought out.
  18. ObsidianSoul

    EVERYTHING is OP with teamwork. Individually, Lancers were pretty balanced. Considering they did not do as much damage as other launchers, did not have splash damage, took a very long time to charge up and reload, required precise aiming and line of sight, and had very limited ammo.
  19. LordKrelas

    The lancer is still usable.
    Even ZOE is, abit with ZOE, it's mostly for extremely short-encounters & barely.
    The Lancer doesn't take more damage, it is a highly accurate AV weapon.
    The Phoenix is a Launcher that renders the shooter unable to act, and can be shot down in the air.

    Vanguards are comic.

    The Vulcan is hell.
    A Scatmax has the effective range of 10 meters, is inside C-4 range, archer range, and the Lancer is a charge-up weapon.
    For attacking any Max, let alone one that can't be used outside a building, a weapon with a charge-up is.. ineffective.
    So lmfao about a scat max - like ****, if RNG hates them you can knife the **** to death.

    The Gatekeeper Nerf is on the same field as the Saron nerf.

    Every AI NC max, has been screwed by shotgun weapon-types, range issues, and edits to shotguns.
    Removal of Charge also ****** NC specifically.
    Archers also made NC maxes even more screwed.
    Add in C-4 & Rockets, and NC having to be up close & personal in the slowed unit, makes them near useless outside a doorway.

    VS losing a bit of their Directive LMG's heavy advantage range-wise over every other LMG. "Devs hate VS"
    VS getting the same changes as everyone else: Threads about "VS trying to be deleted from game"
    Two of the devs ARE VS.

    You try a Phoenix outside of a spawn-room.
    You can't kill infantry.
    Anything can shoot the rocket down.
    And you need so many rockets to land on anything to even do anything.

    Striker? Murderous in a valk; maybe not even now though.
    Against most targets in normal situations? A bit comic.

    Every single rocket-launcher lost damage basically.
    Tank resistances also changed, in addition vehicles got increased health.
    If the longest ranged infantry AV that is also ES specifically, retained the killing power alone without adjustment.
    It would be broken as hell.

    Archers are Engineers.
    Archers have had some love finally.

    Phoenix is piss poor against tanks & infantry.
    Striker is an AA launcher.
    The Lancer was the ER range weapon.

    Can NC get a ******* AI gun that isn't a shotgun?

    Then why exactly do you mention infantry repeatedly?
    Or Maxes? When it's not anti-max.
    Or about how it does less damage, when everything does less damage?
    Or how about we mention the post I replied to, cried that VS is the sole one getting nerfed, and never mentioned how it was due to being OP.
  20. LodeTria

    The Lancer with teamwork was another breed of cancer though. You could insta-delete any vehicle you could see and you wouldn't even render to the vehicle. There's a god damn reason lancer squads were a thing (although rare) and Phoenix squads were not.

    You must be forgetting that the Lancer did as much damage to sunderers as decimators did, out to 400m. It also did lock-on damage to harassers at any range if you could aim half decently, could 1 clip MAXes with 2 full charges, was the easiest launcher to aim with & had the most ammo out of all the launchers.

    The new archer is doo-doo though.
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