Gatekeeper again..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orakel, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. ridicOne

    The problem with stats in this game is they don't paint the whole picture. There needs to be assists, damage from X distance, etc... you can put the numbers any way you want to exemplify your view of the issue. Too many people do that around here with just half truths of the stats.

    The one Stat I've noticed lately is the population is back down to pre the construction update. So that update effectively didn't grow the game.

    As much as I dislike Vanu they are in a bad spot they have no faction trait and the majority of their good players don't play anymore.

    Might as well Nerf Vanu out of the game and just have NC and TR at least they have faction traits.
  2. SpeedFreakPS1

    Yep exactly, and how many of these stats. actually reflect the current state of the game? I suspect they are inclusive of a time long before the VS were over nerfed
  3. ColonelChingles

    I don't really have a "view" on the issue... I'm a Lightning operator who almost never drives a MBT (I will gun though). And Lightnings are the same across all factions.

    If I do have a view, it's just saying what the statistics say. Because personal anecdotes can be highly biased and inaccurate.

    In terms of what the stats say, the conclusions are thus:
    1) Magriders kill slightly less MBTs than other factions with their AP cannon, but it isn't all that different.
    2) Magriders kill more Sunderers and Lightnings than Vanguards with their AP cannon. Sunderers are pretty similar, though the difference in Lightning kills is more significant.
    3) Magriders go around more as 2/2 tanks, though not as much as people think. The difference compared to a Vanguard is only about 5%.

    Based on this, Magriders seem in a decent spot.

    All stats that I posted were collected within the last 30 days, that is to say they are a 30 day average. They're quite current. You could even just look at some of the stats for yesterday if you were so inclined.
  4. LaughingDead

    Vanu carries a variety of weapons scalling the damage model with extreme range AV weapons and utilities that keep them in combat longer, refreshes them quicker and least likely to be caught off guard. Personally I like the vanus easier recoil with different damage models (I love the lasher concept *^*) what exactly is wrong with them?
  5. Gutseen

    cuz dem Van00bz are just that bad.
  6. Slandebande

    Right, so then you know it takes more than 2 seconds to destroy a Sundy right? That means you are either grossly exaggerating the TTK in order to further your own cause, or you are lying.

    I'm of course not saying the GK couldn't use a tweak, but I wouldn't straight up nerf it and keep its mechanics the same (reliance on sustained fire etc). If that ends up being the case I won't be using it now, nor after a nerf. I would prefer if they made it harder to use, and synergize more with typical tanking strategies. I love fighting Prowlers with the GK, my typical tactics for going against Prowlers counter it perfectly.
  7. Draconas

    so why is it that I can go into VR, pull a non-upgraded GK and kill the same sunderer consistently in 2 seconds?
  8. FeralBoy

    That's what my VS buddy initially said too. He came over specifically to man the GK. In part because of all the overblown hype and misinformation, much of the type found in this thread already. Then unbeknownst to him I slipped in a new weapon on one of our next Harrasser runs, and he was like "Holy Sheeeeaatt Dude!! WTH was That???"
    "That my friend, is the Vulcan." ;)
    That's all he wanted to gun after that... :D
    Like another poster already said "To each their own" but I would agree with him, sitting behind the GK is not all that fun at all, at least not compared to the frenetic, pell-mell, up close and personal in your face action that comes with a Vulcan.

    I just recently started using the VS and NC Harrasser ES variants outside of the VR and they are all freaking awesome. The Saron is a flipping beast and the Enforcer is awesome too. The Mjolnir and Aphelion are beastly too.

    I get that the GK is easier to use out of the gate than both the Enforcer or the Saron but it seems people here are trying to portray the false idea that the Saron and Enforcer are inadequate or even useless compared to the GateKeeper. What a load of crap. They are welcome to their opinions but my opinion is that they never figured out to use the Saron or Enforcer effectively.

    It's harder to take any of this seriously when you have people spouting such ridiculous nonsense as
    No, the problem is you throw any credibility you had out the window when your emotions trump common sense and reality.
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  9. Daigons

    So you and your bud were just soloing with a Gatekeeper? What distance were your engagements? Was your Harasser part of a well coordinated Gatekeeper operation or were you two just soloing short distance hit-n-runs?
  10. Draconas

    the **** ever.

    im done talking about it, it's still a ******** weapon
  11. Eternaloptimist

    Yes you can - VS call it the Aphelion
  12. Villanuk

    Who needs evidence eh?

    So make a video on how your GK killed a sunny in two seconds...
  13. Sh4n4yn4y

    I love it when you show up with your stats to shut 'em down. <3

    And then this happens.

    The faction trait of the VS is being the middle ground.

    The NC is supposed to be hard hitting, accurate, high recoil, slow firing weapons. That could do with some work, but it's generally there.

    The VS is supposed to be medium damage, accurate, low recoil, high velocity middleground weapons. Once again, could do with a bit of work. It's not perfect, but that is supposed to be their trait. To be the middle ground.

    The TR is supposed to by low damage, slightly less accurate, mid-range recoil, insane RoF weapons. Which we generally have. Could do with a bit of a polish, but it's there. In addition, the TR is supposed to be very reliant on it's vehicles. Which we are.

    Our vehicles can, if well crewed, outperform the other two, but in the hands of rookies? The Prowler is doomed. You throw a top tier Prowler crew against a top tier Vanguard crew? There's a chance of the Prowler winning, unless the Vanguard plays exceptionally well.
    You put a rookie Prowler against a rookie Vanguard? The Prowler is toast.

    Sure, the GK is a bit OP seeming at the moment, primarily because it gets spammed by every other tanker and harasser, but as has been pointed out (And promptly ignored), it is easily outperformed by other secondaries.
  14. ridicOne

    To hard to sit here and not worth the time and effort since most things have been beaten to hell and back.

    Scenario (not saying the GK is OP) the Saron has more kills because the Mag primary doesn't melt things like the Prowler primary. Give me assist totals and damage @ ranges.

    The faction traits aren't what you've stated originally they have been changed into that over time. Vanu was maneuverability and speed which they don't have. NS weapons have better cof and recoil. Vanu the middle ground with other two factions having access to their trait specifics in NS weapons.

    If you look hard and long enough you can find information and videos on everything. Stats are useful when you have more information then just straight kills, you can't compair things on kills alone. That's all that's ever gone on here. Basis on kills and alert wins...
  15. FriendlyPS4

    The problem with Halberd (which I love btw) is most Halberd gunners are terrible, because of that learning curve though. While GK is one of those wonderfully spammy weapons that any random gunner can get lucky with.

    So I get why the GK is annoying but not so much annoying for VS. VS tend to hold the line well, which has allowed me to get good playing time with my Harasser Halberd on my VS toon. Someone on forum said it right, Halberd is the sound no one listens for.
  16. FriendlyPS4

    Thing is there is nothing to fix with TR. The devs are getting it RIGHT with TR. We need more low-iq weapons in game for ALL factions. By low-iq I don't mean smart/stupid. I mean weapons with little to no learning curve. Weapons that a newbie can spam, get lucky, and in time get good. A ll the while not being a burden on the vehicle driver.
  17. SpeedFreakPS1

    lol was that supposed to be an insult !? Go auraxium crossbow and come back and talk to be about getting good.

    In any case, your argument is invalid because the good players can exploit the low skill spammy weapons with even more potency.
  18. SpeedFreakPS1

    To further elaborate on my point, the spamminess of the TR weapons also increase their probability of headshots, a good TR player will be able to exploit that advantage even further. For example a MSW-R has a better advantage at mid range than most other mid range weapons and the MSW is a CQ weapon. I love the MSW-R, it is my fav. lmg but my disdain for the TR sort of prevents me from using it.
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  19. Orakel

    Oh seriously i remember exactly the day when whole TR&NC QQ 24/7 about old PPA = it get nerfed = totaly useless ;)
    Just roll out 5 GK Prowlers let them camp somewhere and not even 1 enemy vehicle would reach the next base, their spam is insane
  20. Orakel

    WoW congrats for get 26 Mio. Xp ;) But not enought TR scum ;)