Ban the person above you, planetside edition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Bindlestiff

    Banned because there were many, many more pictures like that
  2. Lection

    Banned because....... duh.
  3. Bindlestiff

    Banned because we are now on page 17 and I question whether there will ever be an end to this madness.
  4. Colonelveers12

    Banned for obviously never playing the original Banning Game.
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  5. Bindlestiff

    Banned because you have not clarified the origins of the Banning Game to which you refer
  6. Lection

    banned because you didn't either.
    (also, when was the first one?)
  7. RainbowDash9

    long lost ban because her face looks like "u wot m8"
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  8. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned m9
  9. Dennisz125

    Banned for off topic
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for trampy nc poem in sig
  11. Dennisz125

    Banned for hate poetry since your English class
  12. Bindlestiff

    Banned for not replying with a sonnet
  13. JobiWan

    Banned for not saying
    Person above you was banned
    In form of Haiku
  14. Bindlestiff

    Banned because you didn't appreciate nature and / or the seasons

    Edit: Actually I just read some more and considering you had like no time I'll retract my previous statement cos that is a decent enough Haiku and I'll ban myself
  15. Dennisz125

    Banned for attempting to watch the new Star Wars
  16. Bindlestiff

    Banned for watching episodes 1,2 and 3 in your underpants
  17. CapperDeluxe

    What a dumb game, ban me for breaking it :p
  18. Goldmonk

    Banned for telling me what to do!
  19. Dennisz125

    Banned for being spoiled
  20. Goldmonk

    Banned because I'm telling my mommy!!