NS-15 Gallows

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ALN_Isolator, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. ALN_Isolator

    This is the reward for the new "Bounty Hunter" directive. You may feast your eyes on it here, fourmside.

    Skip to 4:40 for general directive talk and 5:23 for talk about the 7th NS-15 to be added to the game.

    Now that you've seen..... that.... let's talk, fourmside.

    We now have 6 NS-15M weapons in the game

    NS-15M1 (colored black due to texturing error but was patched out soon after release)
    NS-15M2 (current standard version)
    NS-15MB (black DBC purchase only)
    NS-15MG (gold DBC purchase only)

    Now here's where things get fun...

    NS-15M AE
    This was the anniversary edition NS-15, nobody thought much about it at the time because most people bought the anniversary bundle for the 6 month boost included in it. It was also packaged with a NS Baron G5 AE.

    This variant of the NS-15M was part of the canceled "recruit a friend" rewards system. Only a dedicated few (with either 5 friends willing to drop $10 on the game for you to get it, or no friends but enough spending money laying around to make 5 fake accounts and spend $10 on each.....) had the pleasure of owning this before the system went down but was again sold, packaged with the NS-11CP and 357P, as a last cash grab on the unobtainable camo these weapons came default with.

    And now we are presented with this!

    NS-15 Gallows!
    It offers NO integrated attachments unlike any other directive weapon in the game, instead has a small decal on the side. (which was the original plan for the NS-15M AE but they couldn't figure it out) It does not shine, pulse, glow or do anything cool or worthwhile. Worst of all this directive REQUIRES that somebody else spend REAL MONEY to make your target even eligible for you to get a single kill towards the directive.

    Please no.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    We only need 8 more til we get 15 NS-15's ha ha ha

  3. ALN_Isolator

    Don't give the warp any ideas!!!
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  4. _itg

    I wish they had gone with an NS-7 PDW variant, or something else that works on all classes. Kind of silly to give an all-class directive a one-class reward.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    Says the guy who made the post.:eek:
  6. ALN_Isolator

    That's just how I roll :cool:

    *cough* battle/scout rifle directive *cough*
  7. FieldMarshall

    I have seen 2 people with bounties on them so far. 1 of them was a friendly.
    I dont think anyone is going to get this the legit way. Its hard enough without adding weapon specific kills.

    I have seen some really ****** "ideas" and obvious greedy cash grab attempts, but this is one of the worst.
  8. LodeTria

    Hope the last rank is 1160 bounties with each weapon.
    Would be a bloody good laff.
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  9. ALN_Isolator

    I like your post because it was funny, not because I want this to be harsh reality.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    The directive kills are not hard, the problem is how you see few Bounty targets.
  11. ALN_Isolator

    This conversation we're in on multiple fourms at once though. It's mind blowing.

    It's the scarcity that makes it a problem regarding the kills.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    When you know the warp, amazing things can happen.
  13. ALN_Isolator

    Fixed it for you.
  14. Scr1nRusher

  15. ALN_Isolator

    We're having a multi-site moment right now. Savor it.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    The Realm of Chaos & the Salt Fields are mixing.

    Which would be a major nerf to Nurgle since salt is anti-bacterial.
  17. AlterEgo

    Release a special battle rifle used by all non-MAX classes. It deals excellent damage, has a sizable magazine, but reload speed and velocity aren't real strongpoints of the weapon. It's basically your Kill-A-Target-inator, ready to be used wherever you go!
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  18. HadesR

    I would rather they worked it out so it gave players a choice of which weapon type to pick ...

    Make them copy paste stats but with a flashy skin .. But don't force a certain type on players ..

    Let them pick from a selection of either LMG, Carbine, BASR, SR, BR, SMG, Vehicle weapon etc etc etc ..

    Then as they add more Directives the player can get to pick a 2nd then 3rd from the list .. But being able to pick ones that suit how they play.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Forumside is going through one crazy warp storm.
  20. ALN_Isolator

    I like this.