Why no "Nerf NC!" or "Nerf TR!" threads?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. orangejedi829

    At time of writing, there are 9 different threads complaining about Vanu being OP on just the fist page, zero threads about NC being OP, and zero threads about TR being OP.
    In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen a thread about NC or TR being OP, while the stream of VS OP threads seems to be constant and eternal.

    Do you really think there would be this severe of a dichotomy if there weren't even a grain of truth to the assertion that VS is OP?
    Or is it just 'cool' to hate on VS? So cool that absolutely everyone who complains about faction imbalance complains about VS and never ever about the other two?
    (To be clear, I'm talking about faction assertions, not about individual weapons or items)
    Just seems like quite the coincidence to me.:rolleyes:
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  2. Devilllike

    TR or NC are not op TR have high rate of fire and some long range the nc have damage the vanu has really good accuracy AND no bullet drop AND very fast reload in their weapons
  3. JohnGalt36

    Edit: I'm an idiot and it's late.
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  4. Devildjinn

    Because VS have inherited some of the TR faction traits on a select few weapons.
    Tr & Nc are fine, no need for nerfing.
  5. orangejedi829

    Lol, I guess neither of you guys noticed that that was the exact point of this thread.


    You too. ;)
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  6. CorporationUSA

    Perhaps the VS is the easier faction for the average player?
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    u missed threads about Ravens and Vulcan.. and AH
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  8. JohnGalt36

    Edited to reflect the fact that it is too late for me to read.
  9. BrbImAFK

    I play all three empires but, full disclosure, my main is VS.

    My experience with the various factions has lead me to the following conclusions. As such, they're obviously subjective, and should be considered as such.

    That said.... I've noticed much more immaturity amongst NC than amongst TR/VS. When immature people get kerbstomped, their first reaction is raeg!!! which usually translates to nerf threads on the forums. TR, on the other hand, presents a much higher per capita proportion of tryhard elitist mlurgspergers. And naturally, if you manage to kill one of those, it's 'cause you're cheesing with OP stuff (or outright haxxoring), and obviously not anything they did. Hence more nerf posts.

    Finally, VS tends (at least experientially and anecdotally) to be comprised of an older demographic on average. When VS make a nerf thread, it'll probably be for a specific item, and will probably be well thought out and supported by evidence, and will therefore get support (or at least grudging acceptance) from all three factions.

    Even the (honest) NC will admit that Ravens need work. The (honest) TR will admit that Vulcrasser needs work. EVERYbody knows that the Fracture needs lots of work, and even after the Striker buff, I still think TR have the short end of the stick. EVERYbody knows that the Betelgeuse needs work. There's plenty of stuff that needs tweaking, and I still think that TR/NC directives should get a unique mechanics, like the VS's heat one, but by-and-large, the balance is actually pretty darned good, given how much stuff is out there....... and anybody who's rational and honest will probably admit that!
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  10. Devilllike

    what did you expect to hear? this is obviously the reason they all talk about the vanu been op osnt it obvious?
  11. UberNoob1337101

    There were TR OP threads before, due to the Striker, Fractures and M14 Banshees being too good, but SOE/DBG as always honored us with a middle finger and over-nerfed almost every single thing in our arsenal that is a ES weapon, not talking about releasing Striker 1.0 as a NS cash-in and releasing G30 Vulcan for VS and NC and even files for a NS auto-pistol.

    The amount of trash in the TR arsenal is astounding, since most of the ES TR stuff is either useless or a joke.

    NC? IDK, but they seem to have some top notch stuff too (Ravens, Cyclone, SkillHammer, Mustang AH, LA1 Anchor...) that I can call out for being a little too good, but I think they're pretty balanced, if not too skill-less.

    But people seem to bash VS just because it's popular to bash VS. I think that if I don't at least see one new "ORION OP" thread in two days the world will end. They show no reasons and no stats why is VS OP, just ranting about it or "Alerts, KPH hurr durr" without thinking about the data being corrupted due to massive over-pop, non-stop farming, just not utilizing the right gear for the right situation...

    Orion is about on-par with other CQC LMGs, since it has 0.75 ADS and shorter reload speed while others get more accuracy (0.35 moving CoF vs 0.4 moving CoF), access to SPA and access to Adv. laser sight.

    But considering Forumside is Forumside, this BS will continue. I wouldn't wonder either if DBG broadcasted this :

    "These NS news just came in!

    The Orion was responsible for causing :

    The Black Death
    The Great YouTube unsubbing of 2012
    The whining of countless biased NC and TR players
    The "Mad cuz bad" syndrome

    Even though no evidence is shown, because countless of people are whining about it we'll just assume it's OP and nerf it to ****"
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  12. orangejedi829

    wait wat?
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  13. FateJH

    What are you talking about? Of course we're OP.
  14. OldMaster80

    Because the only op thing we had was the Striker it has gone eons ago.
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  15. _itg

    It's mainly because the VS win by far the most alerts on every single server. That's not an easy fact to explain; I mean it's easy to imagine the VS randomly having the best players on one server, but all of them? One obvious possibility is that they win more due to overpowered gear. I don't think it's true, but you can't blame people who don't yet fully understand the vehicles weapons for coming to that conclusion.
  16. Villanuk

    This OP and their have been millions of them. :eek:
  17. Peebuddy

    I honestly can't come up with any real OP Tr weapons really.
    • Banshee was nerfed and now is the worst of the 3 factions
    • fractures was nerfed long ago, and so were strikers. Never regained our long rage AV infantry capabilities again
    • Each faction now will get a ES vulcan
    • Lockdown maxes is almost useless and is often more of a hindrance than a benefit
    • Our RoF faction trait is often "shared" by NC/Vs weaponry
    • Our directive guns are pure garbage compared to Nc/Vs
    I mean, if there's something purely OP that I don't know about please let me know so I can enjoy it before it too is nerfed or "shared" to the other factions.
    Nc has some stuff that's really good but not as infuriating as dealing with the many slight advantages Vs have, that when added up seems to be more than the sum of its parts.
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  18. pnkdth

    We've actually reached a point where Forumside has a meta game. :eek:
  19. _itg

    • Pounders. The only anti-MAX MAX weapon that's also really good against infantry. NC and VS more or less have to pick one or the other.
    • I'm not willing to call the Prowler and its main gun OP, but TR players seriously take it for granted. AP prowler is better against infantry than HE Vanguard, for example. Prowler is the best tank at killing non-MBTs, because you don't actually need good defense or evasion to bring down a sunderer or a lightning.
    • Claymores. No lights, unlike NC/VS mines (no, that laser doesn't render for the victims). No detonation delay, unlike NC/VS mines. Drastically more likely to kill you if it explodes on you. They've been exploding through walls as well, recently.
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  20. Cynicismic

    I have played all three Empires, (though I haven't revisited NC for a while - I played this Empire before the account migration to SOE, in which I sadly lost my old account), and while VS is my favourite, I found fighting as a TR Light Assault Trooper much easier than playing as this class as VS, just as an example. For this character alone, my K/D was higher, my overall kills was greater, and overall deaths was lower, than that of my VS character. I recently deleted my TR Light Assault Trooper to prioritise on playing the Vanu Sovereignty, because all my friends are members of this faction, though I found the TR weapons especially much friendlier and easier to use than those of the VS.

    While nothing can beat my Pulsar VS1 for my Combat Medic, the Terran Republic's guns are certainly, in my experience, easier to use, and my friends who play this game have said the same thing when going from VS to TR. I will have to revisit and seriously play NC, though as I see it, the Terran Republic's stock-and -standard weapons are much more proficient than those of the VS. Of course, a skilled VS player will very easily make mincemeat of a poorer TR player, and vice versa. I find each faction to be well balanced - in this game, usually failures are down to the player rather than being let down by game mechanics or someone's gun being more powerful than someone else's. Remember that progress in any aspect takes honesty. If you're honest with yourself, and stop blaming the game instead of your perhaps poor techniques, then you will see improvement both statistically and in the game also.

    On the topic of NC, however, I played mainly their Infiltrator class before the account migration, and I must bring the NC-14 Bolt Driver to the table. Having had experience with the sniper rifles of all three Empires, this one is definitely the most powerful standard sniper rifle in my opinion. It is balanced in the sense that it cannot be spammed like the standard VS sniper rifle, though the shots this thing can pull are incredible. I would rather fell an enemy with a single shot at range than spam continuously at him, after which first shot my target has realised he's being hit, and retreats. From my own experience, the NC-14 Bolt Driver is very easy to use.

    Also bear in mind that, if I am sufficiently informed, the VS is the only faction of which its unique aircraft the Scythe cannot mount Breaker Rocket Pods. These things are ridiculous. Yet this is balanced in ground superiority, as the Magrider is, as I see it, the best unique main battle tank of the three Empires. Fundamentally, it all balances out in the end. That said, and as I've seen in Alerts across Auraxis and the reports of us being OP here on the forums, Vanu-Bashing seems to be a popular pastime for the other two Empires.